How to become a radio host

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 5 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
20 Ways to Become a Great Radio Presenter
Video: 20 Ways to Become a Great Radio Presenter


Many argue that radio is inferior to more modern forms of video communication, such as television, but there are still many radio listeners around the world. People listen to the radio at home, in transport, or at work. If you are looking to become a radio host and are not afraid of strong competition in the broadcasting industry, this article provides some simple tips. Use the available recommendations from experienced radio journalists to improve your chances of becoming a radio host.


Method 1 of 2: Local Radio Host

  1. 1 Get the skills to work as a DJ or radio browser. First you need to gain real experience that will help you advance your radio career.
    • Take advantage of the facilities of your local radio or radio organization. Many radio presenters who work on radio stations and other larger broadcasts started out with small local broadcasts. For example, in hospitals, the local network may have its own radio broadcast through sound amplifiers. One way to get on the radio is to volunteer or work at a local institution.
    • Work as a host of concerts or corporate events. Another way to complement your career as a radio journalist is to work as a presenter at community events. This will help you develop your professional skills and also complement your resume.
  2. 2 Work on your voiceover skills. In the process of gaining practical experience, it would be a good idea to pay attention to the different types of speech skills that can play a good role in your further attempts to become a radio presenter.
    • Take care to eliminate any voice tics and disturbances. Try to develop a voice that appeals to the widest possible audience.
    • Develop your microphone technique. Experienced presenters advise working a lot with a variety of microphones and listening to the recordings to understand how to use the subject effectively. Do not hold the microphone close, otherwise the voice may be muffled, try to find the best distance with the microphone for optimal sound.
  3. 3 Take educational programs in communications. Certain types of such programs can help radio announcers and other broadcasters gain access to a wider range of professions and positions in the industry.
  4. 4 Create demos for radio stations and other potential employers. With a little experience and the idea of ​​becoming a professional radio host, you can create a demo that you can show to representatives of the larger broadcast networks.
  5. 5 Build connections and business reputation. Some of the most successful presenters, such as talk show hosts, have come a long way, including large-scale networking and brand awareness. All this provides an opportunity to improve the skills and reputation of an effective announcer and a person known to the public.
  6. 6 Consider the sale of the right to broadcast programs to TV channels. Some of the most famous radio presenters have received the right to broadcast the same programs on various radio stations. This will greatly contribute to career development and additional opportunities.

Method 2 of 2: Global Radio Presenter

  1. 1 Develop a good voice. If you want to pursue a long-term career in speaking, you must monitor your voice and speak with utmost clarity. Train your voice if possible. It's also important to pick up some daily warm-up exercises to keep your voice going for a long time.
    • If you are unable to attend special voice training lessons, check out your local library to find out if there are books with voice exercises and if they can give you them.
    • Listen to different types of radio broadcasts: national, local, commercial and Internet, see how they are structured to make your broadcast more professional.
  2. 2 Practice all the necessary skills. You need to speak beautifully, think creatively, and sometimes be witty or enthusiastic. Here are some ways to build your skills and confidence:
    • Take part in a local theater company; broadcasting is a production with the involvement of the listener, which is similar to a theatrical performance.
    • If you are in a school that has events like "talent nights" or others that require hosts, entertainers, or commentators, always put your name at the forefront, as there you can gain valuable experience.
    • Buy or borrow a microphone and recording device, such as a mini player. It is important to record and listen to your voice so you can understand how others hear your voice.
    • DJing at discos and parties can be a great teaching experience on how to please a specific audience, which is always necessary on the radio.
    • Find out about the programs where you can call the studio and call. Being on the air as a caller listener can be a wonderful experience. You will hear your voice live and be able to interact with a professional presenter, and if you are an interesting conversationalist, then this is a good sign that you can become a successful presenter in the future.Once you call the program, do it every day, make a regular contribution to the program and, perhaps, you will be noticed by the management of the radio station.
  3. 3 Stay tuned for the latest in radio. Read as many publications as possible, sign up on media work sites and radio station websites as they send out announcements from time to time to the presenters.
  4. 4 Find a place to volunteer. Volunteering opportunities will provide you with a lot of experience and you will receive good advice from those already in the field. Here are some examples of volunteer opportunities:
    • If you are from the United Kingdom, find the nearest hospital radio station and sign up to be the presenter. All hospital radio stations are funded by volunteers. Many famous presenters started their careers here. To find the nearest station, register on the Hospital Broadcasting Association website -
    • If you are in college or university, find out if student radio is available and sign up. If it doesn't exist yet, gather a group and create it.
    • Many professional presenters have done in-store radio programs, so whenever you are in a store with a loud radio broadcast, ask a member of staff for information about it.
    • Volunteering at local radio stations is a great experience and an opportunity to make important contacts.
  5. 5 Start your “global” search. To do this, rely on the Internet, which can be used for large-scale broadcasting. Start your own internet streaming as it is now easy to create and, even better, fairly inexpensive.
    • Get a computer with software that includes audio editors, and as you improve your vocal skills, you can start preparing your own radio broadcasts simply from your home.
    • If you don't want to start your own broadcast, you may prefer to join an existing Internet broadcast or visit some other.
    • Always record every show you play. After that, listen to it and give in to criticism so you know what needs to be improved. Let other people listen to the recording and listen to their opinions.


  • Send your programs to the representatives of the industry. Once you feel that you have created a great broadcast, start making demos, as this increases the chances that someone will hear them. If you become aware of the opening of a new radio station, always send demos there as early as possible in order to be on top.