How to become an open person

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 3 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Having a hard time opening up to people? This is why... || How to open up to people/being vulnerable
Video: Having a hard time opening up to people? This is why... || How to open up to people/being vulnerable


It can be difficult to look casual and comfortable at parties, meetings, or events. With some effort and a little time, you can create a comfortable, open and welcoming atmosphere around you that will attract people to you and help you establish acquaintances and communication. Using open body language, learning to be interested in others, and keeping an eye on your appearance can help you look and feel great and open and friendly.


Method 1 of 3: Friendly and Open Body Language

  1. 1 Smile often. A warm, sincere smile can endear anyone to you, and it also suggests that you are having a great time. People notice your smile and perceive you as open, friendly, and pleasant. Research has shown that smiling can also help relieve anxiety, blood pressure, and heart rate, making it much more comfortable for you to communicate!
  2. 2 Your posture should be open. When people feel uncomfortable in a situation, they try to physically distance themselves from others. Pay attention to your posture. If you are feeling angry or in a bad mood, remind yourself to sit up straight, keep your arms at your sides, and bend over to the people you are talking to. Remember that maintaining the right posture will help improve your mood and make the right impression on people.
    • Show that you are interested in what others are saying by looking at the other person and leaning slightly towards him. Your legs, arms and face should be directed towards the other person. Thus, you show that you are ready to actively listen to him and participate in the conversation.
    • When in an awkward situation, do not cross your arms. When your hands are in such a closed position, you seem to say to others: "I am too busy", "Leave me alone." People around you often pay attention to body language and posture, so it's important to be mindful of what your position is telling others.
  3. 3 Try to create and maintain eye contact. In different situations, people look at each other and usually strike up a conversation with someone with whom eye contact has been established. Don't look at your shoes or the pattern on the floor. Move your gaze and look at others to get their attention.
    • When someone approaches you, smile and maintain eye contact throughout the conversation. If you are talking in private, maintain eye contact for 7-10 seconds, then move your gaze. If you're in a group, maintain eye contact for 3-5 seconds. Eye contact suggests that you are listening carefully and are genuinely interested.
  4. 4 Don't turn around. It's okay to be a little anxious, bored, or uncomfortable, but if you want to be more open, try not to show any negative emotions. If you start fidgeting in place, biting your nails, winding a strand of hair around your finger, and so on, you will show others that you are bored and uncomfortable with them. Keep these habits in mind and take a few deep breaths if you suddenly feel like doing any of the above.
    • Try to avoid touching your face with your hands. This usually means that you are worried about something.
    • Constantly touching your knees can be a sign that you are feeling bored or impatient. The other person may feel that you are not overly interested in the conversation.
  5. 5 "Copy" in a mirror the movements of the interlocutor. If you are chatting with someone at a party or other event, pay attention to the person's posture and gestures and try to copy them. If your interlocutor has an "open" position, also take an open position. If the other person is actively gesturing to tell you a story, try to do the same. Mirroring the other person's actions will help build trust and contact with the person, but don't overdo it. With the right use of this technique, you can create a positive atmosphere and make it clear to the interlocutor that you are pleased to be in his company.
    • Think about your relationship with the person before "copying" their actions. Do not use this method if you are talking to your boss. If you start "copying" your boss's body language during a business meeting or interview, he may take it as a sign of disrespect.

Method 2 of 3: Good looks

  1. 1 First, diversify your wardrobe. Clothing can help you create a friendlier and more open look, and a good presentable appearance can help you feel more confident. Ask a shop assistant to help you find clothes that suit you and your body type. Choose high-quality, versatile items that will help you create the image of a wealthy, confident person with whom it is pleasant to be around.
    • Clothes should be clean and ironed.
  2. 2 Dress according to the event you are going to. The right outfit will show others that you respect yourself and are happy to be at the event. Make sure your clothes are tasteful. If your appearance is negative and repulsive, people are unlikely to want to meet and communicate with you.
    • For example, a T-shirt, shorts, and sandals are not formal enough for a wedding event. If you are not sure about the format of the event, politely ask the organizer if there is a dress code.
  3. 3 Get a haircut. Ask your hairdresser what haircut and hairstyle will suit you. Your hairdresser will help you decide on a haircut that suits your face shape and hair texture. A well-groomed appearance will attract the attention of others and will be a signal that you are collected and ready to communicate.
  4. 4 Choose a color scheme. Colors can also affect how people perceive you. Turquoise, green and warm earthy colors (such as light yellow, beige) will create an image of a more open, reliable and confident person. People who dress in red are usually perceived as more assertive, less approachable, and less friendly. Choose a color scheme for your wardrobe and look to make you appear more open and welcoming.
    • If you are going to a job interview or a social event, choose a dark blue or green color to make people feel comfortable.
    • Match the outfit with calm, neutral accessories to complement the look. For example, wear a green scarf or sweater when going out with friends to appear more relaxed and open-minded.
  5. 5 Use your name tag. If you are at work or at a business conference, be sure to wear a name and surname badge. People take this as an invitation to come up and start a conversation, so you'll have a better chance of making a new acquaintance. In addition, a badge is an indicator that you are open and ready to talk and communicate.

Method 3 of 3: Communicating with Others

  1. 1 During the conversation, do not get distracted or interrupt your thought. Listening plays a big role when meeting a new person for the first time and shows that you are a friendly and open person. When speaking with someone, allow the other person to finish their thought or story without interrupting them. Maintain eye contact, smile, nod to demonstrate that you are listening carefully. People will want to communicate with you if they feel that you are interested in communication and really want to listen to them.
    • Don't check your phone when you're chatting with someone. Be polite and show that you are listening carefully and delving into the conversation.
    • Focus on what the person is saying. Do not read in the clouds and do not be distracted by other conversations.
  2. 2 Show your feelings. When the other person tells a sad story, be empathetic and respond appropriately. Do not try to doubt the emotions of the interlocutor, do not give advice and advice if you are not asked to do so. Sometimes the other person needs you to express your emotions and support, rather than give advice. Support and understanding will make people feel comfortable with you. Plus, others will notice and may want to strike up a conversation with you.
    • If someone shares their feelings with you about their dog's illness, support them. Say, “Oh, I'm so sorry. You must be having a difficult time. I understand how worried about the pet's poor health. " Show the person that you are ready to support him, that you are friendly and understand the emotions of the other person.
  3. 3 Ask questions. If you don’t understand the person’s point of view or want to hear more about their opinion on a particular situation, ask for clarification or explanation. Show your attention and interest in what the other person is telling you.This way you can make the conversation more enjoyable. The interlocutor and others will take into account your attentiveness and will want to communicate with you with great interest.
    • It is also very helpful to ask questions when you know you have common interests with the other person. For example: “Zhenya told me that you recently visited Berlin. I was there a few years ago too! What did you like the most? " Common interests are a topic that will help to continue and develop the conversation.


  • If you are invited to a housewarming party or to some family holiday, offer your help to the host. Sometimes a specific assignment will help you feel more at ease. It is also a great way to demonstrate that you are grateful for the invitation and willing to help.
  • If you are very anxious and anxious, remember about open body language, the more you practice it, the easier and more relaxed you will be able to use it in an awkward situation. Ultimately, it will make you more confident.


  • If you have anxiety or depression, consider seeing a therapist to discuss the causes of your anxiety and to choose treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapy and medications your doctor prescribes can help relieve your anxiety symptoms. Always take care of your health and seek help from a specialist in time.

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