How to become famous on Youtube

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Become Famous on YouTube!
Video: How to Become Famous on YouTube!


If you want to become famous on YouTube, you need to show your personality and treat your subscribers with love. By establishing a close connection with your audience, you will be targeted by YouTube and, using some marketing techniques, you can become not just a popular person, but the talk of the town. The following instructions will help you understand how to create a successful channel and entertain thousands of subscribers. If you want to know how to become famous on YouTube, read this article.


Method 1 of 3: Part: Preparing the soil

  1. 1 Be on trend. If you create videos related to the news or the world of show business that everyone is discussing and watching on the net, your chances of becoming famous will increase. Keep your finger on the pulse of everything related to your favorite topic, and try to make videos and upload them no later than 1-2 days after the news is released. You never know at what point your video will go mainstream.
  2. 2 Make video replies and parodies. Take a famous YouTube video and create a response or a hilarious twist. Answers and parodies are quite popular and are a great way to rip off other people's popularity. Your video will appear in the search results of the popular primary source. The creators of original video stories love answers and parodies as they add even more popularity to their creations.
    • Use the right tags so that your video doesn't get lost in the bottomless abyss of the Internet.
    • Parodying a famous video is a good way to raise viewership.
  3. 3 Go to YouTube gatherings. People will be more willing to subscribe to your channel if they get to know you personally. YouTube gatherings are held all over the world and are a great way to gain attention, make friends, and increase popularity. When you meet your followers, give thanks and try to get to know them better.
    • People often create collaborative videos at YouTube gatherings. Be open and purposeful, create as many of these works as possible!
    • Don't be arrogant or arrogant at YouTube gatherings. You visit them in order to meet as many people as possible. And your task is to be friendly and to please them.
  4. 4 Collaborate with famous YouTube users. Find famous people in meetings, chat with your favorites directly via YouTube or Twitter. Ask them if they would like to create a video together. In this way, you can become a more recognizable and prominent member of the YouTube portal. A lot of people have become more famous this way!
    • Before contacting anyone, think of an idea for a joint video so that the person you are going to contact knows that you can bring something of their own to the work, and they do not have to do everything on their own.
    • Look for people with similar styles and followers to collaborate. This way you can divide your audience.
    • Do not turn away from those who need your help or ask for your cooperation. One of the unspoken rules of the YouTube portal is mutual aid and wealth sharing.
    • Process your videos with a video editor. If you have a great video, you can improve it this way and your fame will only be a matter of time.
  5. 5 Continue to add new content. If you constantly create interesting videos that are original in their content that will be relevant to the life of your viewers, sooner or later they will begin to recognize you. Don't give up if you haven't reached fame after a few months or even years. Be enthusiastic about making videos, being part of the YouTube portal, and you will be successful.
  6. 6 Promotion by PR services. Use proven services for promotion on Youtube. For example, services such as and will help to massively attract live subscribers and views from the Russian Federation, the Criminal Code and the CIS. And the site will help to catch up with foreign fans.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Connect with Viewers

  1. 1 Make your channel presentable. Its appearance will determine the success of your videos, so add some charm to it. First, come up with a catchy name for your channel and add a cover. Provide a brief description of the channel to provide viewers with a quick overview of the content you offer to watch.
    • Set a unique background image.
    • Update the look and description of the channel as you create and add new videos. Information should not be out of date.
    • You can add links to your other sites in the channel description and use this as online promotion.
  2. 2 Tag your videos. It is very important. After all, without the right tags, no one can find your video. When you upload a video to your channel, choose the tags that best characterize the video content. Do not use the same tags as other users, otherwise your video will be lost among thousands of others.
    • Choose keywords that are relevant to the content of the video, do not confuse viewers with keywords that are not relevant to the content of the video.
    • Use generic and special tags to attract more viewers. These can be the names of the people you mention, keywords related to the events that you talk about in the video, and so on.
  3. 3 Distribute videos exclusively to people you know. If nothing connects you with a person, you should not ask him to watch your video or give him a link to it. This is just the height of tactlessness in the understanding of YouTube users. Instead, work on the relationship you already have and allow your viewership to form naturally. Don't expect results overnight, be persistent and the number of views will go up.
    • Share links to videos on social networks Vkontakte, Facebook or Twitter.
    • No need to spam links to videos to strangers in private messages, on the wall or in the comments.
  4. 4 Chat with subscribers. To gain popularity, reply to anyone who leaves a review. This is a good way to forge new relationships with your followers. If someone left you a nice message, please reply! If you are asked for advice, give it. Be generous and friendly and you will attract more and more people to you. There are some other good ways to interact with subscribers, such as:
    • Add subscribers who are trying to make friends with you as friends. Share your love with other people.
    • Get a Twitter account and follow people who have subscribed to your YouTube channel. Interact with them as much as possible.
  5. 5 View other people's channels. YouTube is a community, and if you want to be popular, you must be actively involved in its life. Chat with people, leave messages on their walls, write in HP or Twitter. Leave positive feedback.
    • Watch the video before leaving a comment. People will understand that you are not telling the truth, especially if you spam with links to your channel.
    • Consider the interests of your viewers when you subscribe to other channels. Please rate the videos that may be helpful to them. Leave links to videos that can help improve your channel.
  6. 6 Post new videos at least once a week. In order for people to keep visiting your channel, you need to update it regularly. Whenever possible, do this on a schedule so people know when and what they can watch. Videos should be of high quality and with some flavor.
    • In between new videos, like other users' videos and promote other content so your subscribers have something to do while they wait for the new video.
    • Stay connected with your subscribers throughout the week, not just the day you post a new video.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Create a Great Video

  1. 1 Be yourself. Ten seconds will be enough for the audience to tell whether you are being sincere or not. Are you funny, impressionable, cute, or hot-tempered? Whatever your personality, show it in your videos. Behave on video just like you would with family or friends. Otherwise, viewers will look elsewhere for authenticity and entertainment.
    • You may get nervous the first few times you create a video, this is quite normal. If that helps you, pretend the camera is your friend, sister, or brother. Joke or be outspoken in the same way you would with someone you trust.
    • Don't be afraid to be embarrassed! If you stumble in mid-sentence or say something that is not at all funny, your viewers will rely on you even more, because they will see that you are the same person as they are. People don't go to YouTube to find videos of Hollywood stars. So behave naturally.
    • Don't imitate someone else's style. Find out where your originality is and use it.
  2. 2 Showcase something big to your audience. If you browse through the list of the most popular videos on YouTube, you will notice that each of them is interesting in its own way. Some have great music, others have thoughtful advice, while others will give you a few minutes of entertainment. What can you suggest to people who will watch your video? Consider this every time you create a new video.
    • What are you an expert in? Start with your own life. Give advice based on your experiences, such as how to be the hottest girl in school, kissing, how to play the guitar or build a robot, or how to straighten curly hair.
    • Express your opinion. About politics, the world of show business, sports. It could be anything.
    • Tell us something funny. Make a joke, talk about your pet's antics, parody someone's video, or copy a famous person.
  3. 3 Make eye contact as you talk. As if you are standing in front of the audience in the audience. Speak clearly and clearly and make eye contact with YouTube viewers. This will keep viewers' attention and make your videos more interesting. Look straight into the camera and say whatever you want.
  4. 4 Improve your video quality. On YouTube, no one will expect a perfect video, but if it has poor lighting and sound, no one will watch it until the end. The best way to get quality video is with a decent camcorder. On some mobile phones, the video quality is good enough, so it is not so difficult to achieve the desired effect. And no matter which camera you use, do the following to improve your video quality:
    • Turn on the lights when shooting at home. This will brighten the image and make it more vivid and interesting. Experiment with turning lights on and off in different parts of the room until you're happy with how the video looks. Make sure your face is clearly visible, even if the background is a little dark.
    • Remove background noise. Turn off your air conditioner, make your dog stop barking, and turn off the TV in the next room. This noise can significantly reduce video quality.
  5. 5 Edit your video. Use moviemaker or any other similar video editor to enhance the quality of your videos and make them more interesting. Cut the video down to 2 minutes, longer recordings often won't be able to keep people's attention, unless something really impressive is shown on the video. Consider these factors when editing:
    • Use tools to brighten your video. It shouldn't look too dark and dull.
    • Cut out the boring parts. Pauses, dull facial expressions, coughs, sighs and other unnecessary moments should be cut out of the video so that it does not get lost in the dynamics.
    • Add text and music to personalize your video. This is optional, but you can add background music and text to provide some clarification. This is a good opportunity to make the video like the audience, for example, it can be a funny description of your actions in the video, or a link to your profile on Twitter, Facebook, or Vkontakte.
    • Your video won't look complete until you come up with a great title and description for it, and make sure the video thumbnail grabs attention.


  • YouTube takes a screenshot in the middle of the video and uses it as a preview image. It is also called "miniature". Many people judge a video by its thumbnail, so try to make it interesting.
  • Don't get selfish and conceited when you get to the top. Remember that your fans and viewers are the ones who allowed you to achieve such heights, and stay human!
  • Take advantage of trailers, especially if you plan on filming a sketch, game, or production. Parodies also tend to get a lot of views. Be creative and original. Make a minimum of effort to create videos and your efforts will be rewarded.
  • Be yourself! If you're going to show the world who you are, make it fun and don't try to be who you are not.
  • Remember, nothing happens overnight. Learn to wait and try to collaborate with other famous users.
  • Practice and don't change your dream!
  • Make sure that your video does not violate copyright, matches the stated theme and is interesting to viewers.


  • Do not post what you think is inappropriate, such as pornography. It can hurt other people's feelings and they can complain about your video.
  • Do not provide your personal details such as address.
  • Beware of copyright infringement.