How to become a player

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be a player
Video: How to be a player


Gaming is a more widespread and accessible hobby today than it was ten years ago. You don't need to prove your skills or join a community to call yourself a gamer, although a minority of gamers will try to convince you otherwise. There is a game for everyone, just like a movie or a book.


Part 1 of 4: Find the game you like

  1. 1 Decide what you will play on. When you're just starting out, it's best to stick with what you already have. Buying a console or upgrading a computer is a costly affair. Better to get some experience in order to understand how to make the right decisions. If possible, play games on a friend's device before choosing a solution for yourself.
    • A variety of games can be played on a computer (PC), but new and fashionable ones may require replacing old components with expensive new ones. The desktop is much better suited for gaming than a laptop.
    • Console (usually Xbox, PlayStation or Wii) is a cheaper solution if you don't already have a computer and doesn't require any technical skills to use. You will have access to a limited number of games, and you will have to buy the next generation console every few years to be able to play new games.
    • If you don't have any of the above, you can play on your smartphone, tablet, or handheld gaming device, or select the real-world games described at the end of this section.
  2. 2 Learn how to find games. Below are some recommended games, grouped by personality type, for which they are best suited. You probably know what kind of experience you have, even if you haven't played a lot of games yet, so go through the section and start with the recommended game that you like the most. A quick search on the Internet in most cases will lead you to the developer's site, where you can download or order the game, as well as find a list of devices for which it is released. If you are unsure whether to buy a game, search the YouTube demo video for more information.
    • To play on your computer, download the free Steam app. It's a very popular place to buy games, and the constant offers of discounts and community discussions are a great way to get some guidance.
    • Most of the games recommended below have been released in the last few years and can be found in offline game stores.
  3. 3 Check out casual games. They are a great way to kill time or relieve stress and are easy to learn to play. This category of games is quite vague, and sometimes people who consider themselves "real gamers" disdain casual games. However, this attitude is becoming less common. Search the following places if you've never played the entire game before, or aren't sure which one is right for you:
    • For a wide range of offers, try searching the mobile app store or site with a large collection of games, such as Kongregate or Armor Games.
    • Most of Nintendo's games are designed for group play with friends, including Mario Kart, Wii Sports, and Mario Party.
  4. 4 Try games that require sharpened reflexes and precision. If you like fast finger movements and quick task changes, there are many game genres for you:
    • Platformers require the skill of overcoming obstacles and the ability to dodge enemies. Play classic Super Mario, try Super Meat Boy, or add stories and battles with the Ratchet & Clank series.
    • For precise, fast-paced finger movements, games like Dance Dance Revolution or its keyboard version of Step Mania, or shmaps like Ikaruga or Radiant Silvergun are fine.
    • Sports games are usually re-released every year, so you can play as famous athletes.Pick your favorite sport and you can surely find a game version like Madden or FIFA.
    • Fighters like Super Smash Bros. or Guilty Gear are competitive games that require reflexes and muscle memory.
  5. 5 Try sandbox games. As in a real sandbox, you will get the opportunity to create your own entertainment on your own, or even realize your own world. If you are good at self-setting goals and getting involved in your projects, this genre might be right for you.
    • Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the genre today. If you are looking for something with more realistic graphics, try Spore.
    • Sandbox games aren't necessarily casual. Dwarf Fortress conquered many "serious gamers", dragging them into its complex world, displayed solely by text.
  6. 6 Play for thrills. Dim the lights and get ready for an adrenaline rush. These games are for those who want the maximum experience:
    • If you love action and adventure, feel like a hero in games like Prince of Persia or Assassin's Creed, or the legendary (and family-friendly) Legend of Zelda.
    • If you're into horror movies, find out what it feels like to get into one by playing Silent Hill or Resident Evil.
    • If you need to let off steam, choose Saint's Row or Grand Theft Auto and get on the curve of the crime track.
  7. 7 Immerse yourself in the role-playing game. Games can engage you in a story like no other art form. Role-playing games (RPGs) are a popular example, and there are many games in this genre released. Here are some well-known games, each of which can be spent long hours:
    • Some of the most famous RPGs that are built around story and player choice are Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Final Fantasy.
    • Bioshock and Dark Souls showcase strange, weird environments, while the Elder Scrolls will show you an unusual fantasy world to explore.
    • Some games can have incredibly deep stories behind them, as happens in Planescape: Torment and every new game from Spiderweb Software.
  8. 8 Play competitive multiplayer games. Many games have a competition option available, but some are designed to maximize skill. The following genres offer so many possibilities that some players choose only one option and concentrate on it as much as possible, training the character for tens and hundreds of hours:
    • First person shooters (FPS's) are known primarily for multiplayer online versions in complex environments. Call of Duty and Battlefield are a good start for getting to know the genre.
    • Multiplayer arena games (MOBAs) are team-on-team games, usually with a fantasy storyline. Unlike FPS, overall strategy matters more than quick reflexes and tactics. Try Defense of the Ancients and League of Legends.
    • Real-time strategy games (RTS's) include clashing civilizations, building cities and training armies, and planning military spending. Starcraft requires quick decision making, while the Total War franchise, at the opposite end of the game spectrum, requires long-term strategy and careful tactical planning.
    • Multiplayer role-playing games (MMORPGs or MMOs) let you play with hundreds of other people. You've most likely heard of World of Warcraft, but also take a look at Star Wars: The Old Republic or Guild Wars 2.
  9. 9 How to play without a computer and console. Not every gamer plays video games. While most board games have not caught on in gaming circles, there are exceptions to this rule. Some of the games even host tournaments with cash prizes:
    • Famous, strategy-intensive board games like Settlers of Catan or Dominion are simple enough to play with non-gaming friends, but can take hundreds of hours to perfect.
    • Tabletop RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder let you create stories with your friends.
    • Collectible card games (CCG or TCG) like Magic: the Gathering or Yu-Gi-Oh allow you to collect hundreds of cards and create the playstyle you like best.This type of game is more expensive than other "gaming" hobbies, but local game stores can host inexpensive events for first-time players.

Part 2 of 4: Understanding Game Culture

  1. 1 Be prepared to have beliefs. Most of those who consider themselves to be gamers have a formed opinion about their favorite games, and can talk and argue about them for hours. This passion sometimes leads to the emergence of a "threshold of entry" - it is difficult to win the favor of a true fan of the game, who felt that you do not fall under his definition of a "real" gamer. It can be tedious, but you'll find yourself in less and less situations like this when you make friends in the gaming community who see you play and discuss games.
  2. 2 Have a sporty spirit. This will not always be the case with you, but mature players will respect you if you maintain a friendly atmosphere. At the end of the game against a stranger, tell your opponent "good game" and offer your hand if playing offline. In group play, do not criticize a player who is not doing their job, unless he actively sabotages your attempts to succeed.
    • When playing with friends, lighthearted bragging and teasing are usually expected, rather than formal handshakes. If someone gets angry, take a break to calm down.
  3. 3 Deal with negative manifestations. Gaming is becoming mainstream, many communities are actively growing and becoming hospitable, but even there you can face attacks from sexists or people who consider themselves "real gamers". Petty teasing and bullying are best ignored, but actual harassment or bullying is a reason to complain to a moderator or administration. In most cases, there will be people who will stand up for a newbie if you ask for it. If no one comes to help, do not hesitate to switch to another forum, to another guild, or switch to a new game with a more developed culture.
    • Most games have a block or ignore function that can be used to prevent a specific player from contacting you.
  4. 4 Take over slang. In each genre and even in individual games, its own slang is formed, which can cause bewilderment for a beginner. Here are a few terms that games use to define a particular concept, so use this list as a starting point.
    • Noob is a person who has just started playing.
    • Afk means "away from keyboard" - the player took a break.
    • gg stands for "good game" - a polite phrase used when the game is over.
    • 1337, l33t, or leet - "elite", players with a lot of experience and skills. This is a slightly outdated slang of previous generations, today it is often used with sarcastic intonations or as self-irony.
    • When someone is "pwned", the team loses terribly to their opponents.

Part 3 of 4: Improving Your Game Skills

  1. 1 Train against worthy opponents. Even playing all night with friends will help hone your skills, but focusing on playing and trying to improve your weak positions will help you develop faster. The best way to grow, if your pride allows it, is to play against people who do better than you. Watch what they are doing and ask about the reasons for this or that choice if you do not understand something.
  2. 2 Improve your reaction time. Playing your favorite games is one of the best ways to develop your skills, but after some stage it may be more beneficial to focus on one specific quality. Regardless of the type of game you're practicing for, rhythmic games like Step Mania will train your fingers to move quickly.
  3. 3 Learn from mistakes. Honestly admitting what happened is essential if you want to be competitive.If you always blame luck, slow internet, or other factors beyond your control, you will never focus on things you can improve. If you are too tired after the game, make a mental note to “replay” the match in your head, and think about what decisions would be worth changing during the game.
  4. 4 Upgrade your hardware. If you love the latest multiplayer games and prefer to play them at maximum graphics settings, you may need to upgrade your computer for $ 1000-2000, but this is an edge case. There are plenty of cheaper accessories out there that make life easier for the gamer, and that's all worth considering if you're going to play relatively old games, games with simple graphics, or prefer genres that don't require quick reactions.
    • A gaming mouse and ergonomic keyboard that fits your hands are invaluable for many games. If you're playing on a laptop, any external keyboard and mouse will do better than a trackpad and built-in keyboard.
    • The headset will allow you to communicate with opponents in multiplayer games without the time consuming typing.

Part 4 of 4: Making a living as a gamer

  1. 1 Choose a popular game. A very small number of gamers have ever received money for their hobby, and an even smaller percentage have earned enough to call the amount received income. If you're serious about it, you'll have to find a game that is played by millions of people, preferably with competitions where players can get thousands of dollars to win. Some games, such as League of Legends, are referred to as "esports" because they host serious international competition.
    • Whether you want to make money by reviewing games or entertaining fans with recordings of your fights, you still have to focus on popular games, or nobody else will.
  2. 2 Take a unique name. Choose something memorable and easy to pronounce. Use this name for all games and jobs that involve games. This could be your real name if you are going to use it long enough to gain recognition.
  3. 3 Create video content. Find a way to record videos or set up a webcam and show people your games or reviews via YouTube or Twitch. If you build a fan community, you will have a more stable income through donations or sponsorship than if you rely on profit from winning competitions.
    • Submit your link on gaming forums or social media to advertise your channel.
    • Some games, such as Magic: the Gathering, allow you to make money by writing strategy articles and posting content on the site. This is more common in collectible card games as sellers seek to lure customers to their site and motivate them to buy the product.
  4. 4 Dedicate a lot of time to games. If you want to become one of the few people who make a living by winning tournaments, get ready to devote 6 hours or more to the game. It works for everyone.


  • Even the long list of genres above does not cover all games. If none of your favorites, there are many more small indie studios that develop niche games. You can find cyberpunk-style black and white Metroplexity RPGs, delicate art games like Dear Esther, and games that can't be categorized into any genre like Card Hunter.


  • Excessive play with video games can lead to eye strain, causing temporary but severe headaches. Take five minute breaks from time to time, or at least follow the 20/20/20 rule. Every 20 minutes spent in front of the monitor, shift your gaze and stare for at least 20 seconds at an object at a distance of 20 feet (6.1 m).