How to create a memorable baby photo album

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
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Photo albums are a great way to preserve memories of your baby's first year of life. Even if you don't consider yourself creative enough, you can easily create something touching and beautiful. The ability to digitally process photos these days makes the creation of such a photo album a breeze.


  1. 1 Select the application in which you will create the album. For example, iMemoryBook, MyPublisher, iPhoto, Adobe InDesign. For a more detailed list, follow the external links.
  2. 2 Sort your photos carefully and select only the best shots for the album. To make this process easier, read How to Organize Your Digital Photos.
  3. 3 Write down the main events, such as the first words, the first steps, the first independent meal, when the first tooth appeared.
  4. 4 Sort photos not only chronologically but also by topic. You can separately create a selection of photos on the theme "in the bathroom", "going to the zoo", "playing with brothers and sisters" and so on.
  5. 5 Write messages to your baby. Show how much you love him and what you want him in life.
  6. 6 Write down what events in the world took place that year; for example, the war in Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, film of the year.
  7. 7 Leave your camera and notebook to the nanny. You may be pleasantly surprised at what wonderful photos and stories she makes!
  8. 8 Ask which famous person was born on the same day as your baby.
  9. 9 See what outstanding events happened on the day the baby was born.
  10. 10 Be creative and have fun.


  • If you are going to place text in two or more paragraphs in an album, make sure that the program you are working with can handle large amounts of text.

What do you need

  • Digital photo album software
  • Scanner
  • Digital camera
  • Simple photo editing software
  • Spring notebook