How to create a male den

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ich male den Minecraft Skin meines Bruders in Anime form
Video: Ich male den Minecraft Skin meines Bruders in Anime form


A men's den is a part of the house that is completely devoted to a man's activities, including his time with friends. Such a den is filled with his things to his taste, from a soccer ball and hobbies, to sports paraphernalia and a well-stocked bar. There are many things that can be done in such a den, but for this it must be created. This article looks at some ideas on how to create a male den.


  1. 1 Choosing a place. Of course, the word "den" does not mean using a real den for a man. This could be an attic, an unused bathroom, a backyard shed, garage, or basement. You can also choose another location that has a spare room that is not currently in use or has been abandoned by everyone.
    • Find out how to dig a dugout if your options are exhausted.
  2. 2 Get ready to negotiate. Having a man's den in a home can require delicate negotiations and household compromises. You may have to settle for something in exchange for creating a male den in the house. Another thing that can act as an ultimatum is: sewing room, gym, games room, movie theater, sauna and spa, wardrobe and whatever your spouse / partner / kids / teens / other homeowners think is fair to demand for myself. Give them as much as possible. This will be the cost of a truce.
    • Make sure there is enough space to accommodate everyone's needs. No one will be happy if a man's den takes up all the free space in the house.
  3. 3 Decide how you want your men's den to look. This is your chance to show your creativity that a man is capable of. This means you don't have to strain too hard if you don't want to.
    • Treat this topic simply. There will be less work in this topic if you place your favorite things in the den (trophies, flags, pennants, etc.), but it will be better if the room is not littered with them.
    • Paint or wallpaper the walls. Choose colors that will lift your mood. This is especially important if you've chosen the darkest areas in your home. Brighter colors give a sense of more light entering the cave and create more space.
    • Browse more pictures of the dens to find an idea and copy. Men are justly proud of their unique caves and many of them willingly upload a lot of pictures about their creation.
  4. 4 Decide what your male den should contain. This is where things get interesting and it will probably be difficult to contain yourself. Things to think about:
    • Refrigerator bar. Maybe a bar. And at least something similar. And bar stools.
    • Huge flat screen TV. The bigger, the better.
    • Truly comfortable chairs. As much as it will fit so that all the comrades can accommodate.
    • Refrigerator for beer.
    • Games. Perhaps you have never had this much. You can choose from table and card tables, a pool table, a tennis table, everything fits in and makes your den normal. And don't forget about video games and consoles.
    • Computer with Internet access. What you browse on the net will only be your business in the den.
    • A really cool surround sound system. Consider noise cancellation and isolation if you have problems with movies, music, and game sounds.
    • Garden furniture. This type of furniture is the most comfortable, durable and fits into the style of a man's den.
    • Personalized remote from the den. There are a lot of them, you can buy online. Start browsing and selecting.
  5. 5 Add sports equipment to keep you fit. A man's den cannot only consist of games and entertainment. You need to leave room for physical exercise in order to keep yourself in shape, strong, and, most importantly, courageous. Think dumbbells, skipping ropes, bench press benches. Anything that can fit in this space.
  6. 6 You need to have reading material and gadgets on hand. You need to have a lot of small things in the den for you and your companions to keep them busy while relaxing from TV, audio or video games. We need such items:
    • Books and magazines.
    • Three-dimensional puzzles.
    • Strange gadgets that no one has ever found a use for.


  • A man's den is a man's property, don't let anyone tell you how to decorate or change it.
  • Create a shelf for useless gadgets that can keep your hands and those of your guests busy.
  • Make sure you understand why you need a den in the first place. Without fully understanding this, you may not finish the job the way you want, or it will not be in the forefront for you. For example:
    • Do you need to display a collection of "masculine" items if they don't fit in with the rest of the house?
    • Will the den be the place where you do your hobby, or get away from someone?
    • Will the den be a noisy place for events (watching sports, practicing with a tool) so as not to disturb others?
    • Will outsiders be spending time here, or just you?
  • No room in the house for a male den? Consider placing it in a shed, pantry, or studio located in your backyard.


  • The habits created by having a male den can create tension in the family. Try not to spend all your time there.

What do you need

  • Premises
  • Furniture
  • Flat screen TV
  • Surround sound system
  • Cooler bar (stocked) and beer cooler
  • Magazines and books
  • Computer and internet access, possibly a desk
  • Snacks and alcohol, water