How to Fast of Daniel

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 15 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
How to Do A Daniel Fast
Video: How to Do A Daniel Fast


In the biblical book of Daniel there are two references to fasting, from which the definition of "Fast of Daniel" was derived. Daniel chapter 1 describes how Daniel and three of his friends ate only vegetables and drank water (Daniel 1). At the end of 10 days, Daniel and his friends turned out to be healthier than their peers, who ate rich food from the king's table. In chapter 10, Daniel fasts again, abstaining from delicious food, meat, and wine (Daniel 10). You, too, can become healthier by following the diet below.


Daniel Fast is based on healthy eating. But if you have certain complaints, consult a good doctor before embarking on this 10-day (or 3-week) diet.

Method 1 of 3: Fasting Daniel and Your Relationship with God

  1. 1 Do not be distructed. This is a time set apart for you with God, so avoid the internet and television.
  2. 2 Start your diet thinking about faith. Glorify God with your sacrifice and love Him more than His blessings.
  3. 3 Pray. Your days should be filled with selfless prayer. Pray during fasting more often than usual, about three times or more.
  4. 4 Schedule a daytime Bible reading with God.
  5. 5 Seek God diligently to get answers to your prayers.
  6. 6 Ask for God's guidance in your life.

Method 2 of 3: The Daniel Fast, Part One

  1. 1 Start eating lighter meals a few days before you start fasting. It's also a good way to reduce your caffeine intake.
  2. 2 According to the first chapter of Daniel, the prophet ate only vegetables and fruits, and also drank water for 10 days. Here are some foods you can eat:
    • All fruits and vegetables
    • All legumes
    • Whole grains
    • Nuts and seeds
    • Tofu
    • Herbs and spices
  3. 3 On the other hand, there are foods to avoid. Please note that artificial and processed foods, as well as various chemical preparations, should not be consumed during the Daniel fast.
    • Any meat and animal products
    • Any dairy products
    • Any fried foods
    • Any solid fat
  4. 4 Read the ingredients carefully. They can often contain hidden ingredients. Make sure the foods you buy are acceptable in the Daniel fast.

Method 3 of 3: The Daniel Fast, Part Two

  1. 1 Move on to the next stage. According to chapter 10 of the book of Daniel, the prophet commits a second, 3-week fast. To quote the Bible, “I have not eaten delicious bread; meat and wine did not enter my mouth. " The second post is essentially the same as the first, but three things to avoid are listed separately:
    • Wine
    • Everything sweet (including honey)
    • All types of leavened bread
  2. 2 Assess your health in the second stage. If you are feeling more alert and healthy, you should probably continue to stick to these guidelines. While you may not be able to avoid all of the “forbidden” foods during the fast, you will definitely become more serious about the quality and quantity of your daily food.And fried food and sugar are best kept to a minimum.


  • Much prayer ... we need God's strength and His guidance.
  • If, for any reason, you ate "forbidden" food during the fast, it is better to ask God for forgiveness and continue than to completely stop the fast.
  • Keep your diet simple. Avoid processed foods eat raw food instead, or one that is simply prepared.
  • If you are experiencing weakness and headaches, drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Often we do not realize how much our body needs water, especially during fasting.
  • Determine the exact duration of the fast. Ultimately, you can fast for longer than the book of Daniel indicates.
  • You may want to add a multivitamin to your diet.
  • Don't drink too much water. Excessive amounts of water are just as harmful as lack of water.


  • While fasting, you will face temptations; resist them with the name of Jesus Christ on your lips.
  • After fasting, eat light meals and slowly return to your normal diet.

What do you need

  • Bible
  • Place and time for prayer
  • Variety of fruits and vegetables