How to have a more muscular body

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Ways to Look Bigger and More Muscular (simple hacks)
Video: 5 Ways to Look Bigger and More Muscular (simple hacks)


As people around the world tend to prefer lean bodies as much as possible, it's easy to forget that large bodies are also an equally valuable health goal. Having big muscles is a challenging task, but it is also a very rewarding process. Patiently pursuing fitness strategies naturally is the way most people can achieve results. good in the long term.


Part 1 of 4: Sample workout schedule

The sample workout schedule below will help you build bigger muscles over the months. For best results, gradually increase the intensity of your exercise program, and rest your body for at least one or two days per week (you can do cardio on these days if you want).

Part 2 of 4: Muscle growth

  1. Try to practice 4-5 times per week. There's no other way - you have to be diligent if you want to get bigger! If you don't have a habit of exercising regularly, try to schedule it at least four times per week. You can exercise more if you like, as long as you take time to rest and recover. The path to your goal begins on the calendar; Spend a lot of time on your goals and you will see results.
    • There is no "best" program, what is good for one may not be good for the other. Many health literature recommend 30-60 minutes of exercise per session. As long as you stick to it, this should be plenty of time, but some people prefer to practice more with less intensity.
    • The above workout schedule is suitable for most people. However, it was definitely not an exercise program only. There are many free programs out there, all you need to do is use the search tool to find them.

  2. Exercise with resistance to build muscle. To have big muscles, you have to spend a lot of time training with resistance. For many people, this basically means "lifting weights". This is a great way to gain muscle mass, but it's actually not the only way to train with resistance. For example, weight exercises (like push ups, slack steps ...) and zipper exercises are two other ways to build muscle. Regardless of the exercise program you use, focusing highly on resistance training will help build muscles.
    • Knowledge of weight lifting is often referred to as exercise weights heavier with fewer beats will increase muscle size while exercising Lighter weights with more beats will increase muscle tone. However, recent research seems to suggest that as long as you train to the point of exhaustion, your muscles develop in both ways.

  3. Do a moderate cardio exercise. Cardio exercises such as jogging, cycling, relaxing jogging, swimming, running on the machine ... are still good for health. They are actually very good for you and provide many mental and physical health benefits. However, when your goal is to build muscle, focusing too much on the cardio can feel like shooting yourself in the leg. Cardio training takes time and energy and won't deliver the huge body you're after, so you should spend some time doing cardio training with resistance. You should only spend 1-2 days a week doing cardio.
    • One way to manage your cardio training time is to set aside "off" days to practice - that is, days when you didn't plan to exercise with resistance. This way you won't waste your muscle building time on cardio.
  4. Join the practice community. Are you having trouble pursuing your program? Join a group of people who are also determined to pursue a training plan! Joining a group not only gives you people to talk about difficulties, joys and successes, but also prevents you from losing your will as team members will hold you accountable for the item. title out!
    • If you find someone to practice with in a group of friends or in your family, great! If not then you should join the practice class at the gym, it's a great opportunity to meet others!
    • Another way is to get in touch with the group of people meeting you to practice. These groups communicate with each other online to meet and practice at the gym. Just type the phrase "group practice appointment (name of the city you live in)", you will have many useful results.
  5. Rest much. When it comes to building muscle, it's time you are not Practice is just as important as time practice. If you don't take time to rest, your body cannot effectively rebuild muscles after you hurt them during exercise. Remember that this takes patience, so don't overdo it - take at least one day off per week.
    • Also, make sure you get enough sleep at night after each training session. Growth hormones (chemicals that help build muscle) are highest when you sleep, so not getting enough sleep at night after a workout actually deprives your muscles of growth.

Part 3 of 4: Eat healthy

  1. Develop a diet based on lean protein. Protein is at the heart of the matter when it comes to muscle growth - that's what the body needs to build new and stronger muscles out of old muscle. For this reason anyone who wants to get big needs to make sure they eat enough lean protein. The fitness literature typically recommends 40-60g of protein for an adult meal (more if you are very big).
    • For the greatest muscle benefit with the lowest calorie intake, prioritize lean protein sources. Some examples are:
      • White chicken
      • Lean pork and beef
      • Bean
      • Lentils
      • Tofu, soybeans ...
      • Egg-white
      • Low-fat dairy products
  2. Provides energy with the carbohydrates of whole wheat flour. Carbohydrates have a bad reputation these days, but you really need them to lead an active and healthy life. Whole wheat carbohydrates provide a lasting feeling of fullness and provide more sustained energy throughout the day (including exercise time). Most literature recommends eating around 40-80g carbohydrates per meal.
    • Whole wheat-based carbohydrates should be preferred over other varieties - whole wheat products retain whole wheat grains, so they contain more nutrients and protein than "white" bread. "and similar foods - products that often contain a lot of sugar. Examples of healthy carbohydrates include:
      • Whole-wheat bread, pasta, biscuits, etc.
      • Brown rice
      • Quinoa
      • Traditional cut oats or oats
      • Beans and legumes
    • In addition, most fruits and vegetables are considered healthy carbohydrates (especially green leafy vegetables) and are loaded with vitamins and minerals.
  3. Consume a healthy amount of fats. Contrary to popular belief, "fat" is not a taboo in the gym world. In fact, consuming a small amount of fat every day is a great way to build energy stores (which will be very helpful during intense training). However, it's important to consume fat in moderation - you only need around 5-10g per meal.
    • Some sources of fat are healthier than others. Avoid processed fats that are often found in junk foods - foods that are low in nutrients. Instead, use the following sources of healthy fats:
      • Milk Products
      • Nuts
      • Avocado
      • Most fish (also good sources of protein)
      • Egg
  4. Consider taking a supplement. If you know someone who's on a serious weight-training program, you'll be surprised to see them drink a concoction that looks a bit like chocolate milk to build muscle. It is a powder that provides proteins such as whey, casein or creatine. Although these products typically contain more protein than the body needs, they are useful in situations where more protein is needed such as:
    • When starting a new episode program
    • When exercising very hard
    • When you are in age (ie teenage)
    • While recovering from injury
    • When you cannot consume protein from other sources (i.e. when you are vegetarian)
    • Note That it is discouraged to use more protein than is needed over the long term, as the liver will have to work harder.

Part 4 of 4: Don'ts

  1. Do not force your body to work too hard. If you want a more muscular body, then the exercise will take up a lot of time in your life. However, that couldn't be the part main in life. Trying too hard will not only make you exhausted, demoralized, and unhappy - if you don't get enough rest, it will also make you muscular. difficult can grow bigger. Most importantly, overtraining can cause many dangerous health problems, including:
    • Muscle tension, ligament tear, etc.
    • Athritis
    • Problems in the spine
    • Although very rare, you could have a heart attack, stroke or aneurysm (if you have been at risk for this).
    • Rhabdomyolysis (life-threatening; if you experience severe muscle pain and dark urine, seek immediate medical attention)
  2. Do not ignore the problem of eating. When you start a muscle-training program, a sudden increase in energy levels can make you crave more, so you want to "eat a lot" and eat at any time. Don't give in to your cravings - you can somewhat increase your energy intake, but if you increase too much, there will be a large amount of excess calories, and the body will convert them into fat. Over a long period of time, this may make you look "big" but not the way you want it to, so try to control your appetite.
    • In general, you'll feel the most full when you eat a diet with lean protein, whole wheat, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats (as recommended above). In contrast, processed junk food will not "fill you up" for long. This means that a healthy natural diet can help you avoid overeating (but you can certainly eat too many healthy foods).
    • To control your eating and drinking, you should use a calorie counter like the one offered at
  3. Don't depend on drugs and steroids. When you want your muscles to grow fast, sometimes you will be tempted by illegal drugs to achieve this goal. Resist that temptation. Steroids and illegal supplements seem to deliver quick results, but aren't worth the risk of the health risks, and can be very dangerous depending on the medicine you take. For example, anabolic steroids can cause the following health problems:
    • High blood pressure
    • Increased risk of heart attack and stroke
    • Liver disease
    • Bald
    • Oily sweaty skin and acne breakouts
    • (For men) decreased sperm count, infertility, testicular atrophy, large breast development
    • (For women) hair grows thicker, clitoris grows larger, voice is low, breast atrophy


  • Try to avoid exercising the same muscle group for two consecutive days. You should work out alternately for different muscle groups. For example, don't do chest exercises continuously on Mondays and third - choose a chest training day and a different muscle group day.