How to remove a stuck swab

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 15 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
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Have you got a lost or stuck tampon? It's okay, different things happen! Do not be shy. The tampon can become stuck due to vigorous exercise or other reasons. Normally, the tampon should be removed quickly and easily. If you cannot get it, see your doctor. The tampon should not be left inside for a long time, otherwise there is a risk of infection.


Part 1 of 3: Preparation

  1. 1 Act quickly. You need to fix this problem immediately! Don't leave it as it is just because you are shy. Remember that you are risking your health! Keep in mind that this happens to a lot of people.
    • Never leave the tampon on for longer than 8 hours, as this can lead to toxic shock syndrome. Although toxic shock syndrome can be treated, it can be fatal in some cases. However, if the tampon is in the vagina for a very short time (about an hour), you can wait a little longer and then try to remove it again. This is because dry tampons tend to get stuck. The tampon will be easier to remove when it is saturated with menstrual blood.
    • Try removing it yourself first - the swab should give in to pressure easily. But, if you fail, you need to see a doctor immediately. As already mentioned, leaving tampons in the vagina for a long time is VERY dangerous.
  2. 2 Relax. If you are tense, the tampon will be more difficult to reach.Are you sure the tampon is still inside you? Maybe you just forgot how you pulled it out? If you are sure that the tampon is inside you, remember that the tampon is not "stuck". This is because the muscles in the vagina hold the tampon in place.
    • Do not worry. The vagina is a relatively small, enclosed space. The tampon won't stay there forever! This has happened to many women! Therefore, there is no reason to panic.
    • You may want to take a warm bath or shower to relax before trying to remove the tampon. Take a few deep breaths. If you are too tense, the muscles will be squeezed, making it very difficult to remove the tampon.
  3. 3 Wash your hands. You need to remove the tampon with clean hands so as not to introduce an infection into the vagina. Good hygiene will prevent infection and further problems and complications.
    • You may need to lock your feet in place because you have to insert your fingers into your vagina to remove the tampon. Try to make the process as painless as possible.
    • Get some privacy (the bathroom is probably the best place). Take off your clothes to make it easier to remove the tampon.

Part 2 of 3: Removing a Stuck Swab

  1. 1 Pull the string. If you see a string, and it is not stuck inside the vagina, feel free to pull it while squatting on the floor, legs and knees wide apart. But not so wide that you don't accidentally sit on the floor.
    • You need to pull the string slightly to see if the tampon comes out on its own - this is the easiest option. Usually, with the correct positioning of the tampon, the string sticks out from it by about 2.5-3 cm. If you did not immediately notice the string, try to take a different position. Raise your legs and sit on the toilet. Or throw one leg over the tub.
    • However, there have been many cases where the tampon string gets stuck inside the vagina. It may take you a couple of minutes to find this string. If so, proceed to the next step.
  2. 2 Sit down or sit down. It will be easier to remove a stuck swab while sitting or squatting. You can also try to displace the swab by constantly changing positions. If you can't find the right position right away, try different positions.
    • Raise your feet on the laundry basket or bathtub. You can sit on the toilet (if necessary). In addition, you can simply lie on the bed with your legs up and spread out to the sides. It is usually best to take out the tampon while squatting.
    • Try to "push", as if you were defecating, as if you were giving birth or doing Kegel exercises, but vice versa. In some cases, this helps to dislodge the tampon. The tampon will become more comfortable if you can push it down a little. Now take a deep breath.
  3. 3 Insert one finger into the vagina while exhaling. You need to place it as deep as possible. Make several circular motions with your finger between the cervix and vagina. There should be a stuck swab. You may need to use both your index finger and thumb.
    • Feel for a tampon and insert a second finger into your vagina (if you have only inserted one finger before). Try to grab the tampon with your fingers and drag it out. You need to pull out not just the string from the tampon, but the tampon itself. Do not panic. If you try to do it sharply and quickly, you might accidentally push it even further. As soon as you feel the tampon, slowly pull it outward.
    • Do not pull on the swab for too long (about 10 minutes). If you can't get it, don't worry or panic. Call your doctor. If you feel the string from the tampon (which somehow ended up inside you), try wrapping it around your finger and slowly pulling the tampon out.
    • It will likely be easier to try to reach the string and the tampon itself with your longest, thinnest finger. But, in fact, the size of the vagina is different for everyone.

Part 3 of 3: Try different means of getting the tampon out

  1. 1 Try using a lubricant. You can apply some lubricant before trying to pull out the tampon with your finger. This way, you can make the process less painful.
    • Do not pour water into your vagina or use soap! This can lead to an infection in the vagina. Do not apply various lotions and oils to the vaginal mucosa - they can irritate the mucous membranes.
    • A speculum can be used to get a good understanding of what is going on inside the vagina. You can also urinate to "force" the tampon out of your vagina.
  2. 2 Use only your fingers to remove the tampon from the vagina. If you fail, which is very important, in no case should you insert a foreign object (for example, metal tweezers) into your vagina.
    • To reiterate: NEVER insert a foreign object into the vagina to get a tampon! This item is not sterile and you could get an infection in your vagina.
    • Foreign objects can damage the walls of the vagina. You should try to remove the tampon without hurting yourself.
  3. 3 Call your doctor. If you cannot find the tampon in your vagina or remove it, see your doctor immediately. If you leave a tampon in the vagina for a long time, infection can occur, with dangerous consequences. You can also ask someone else to help you first (for example, your partner). But many women are very embarrassed and embarrassed to ask for help. If someone else is helping you, ask them to wear gloves.
    • Your doctor will most likely easily remove the stuck swab. Don't be embarrassed. Understand that this happens often, most likely the doctor has already seen a similar picture. Never risk your health!
    • Sometimes women forget that they have a tampon and insert another tampon into the vagina - because of this, the first tampon is pushed into the vagina and gets stuck. Try to remember when you inserted the tampon. Because a stuck tampon, as mentioned above, can cause a serious infection. If you develop symptoms such as foul odor, vaginal discharge, dizziness, a feeling of heaviness or pain in the pelvic area, or abdominal discomfort, see your doctor immediately.


  • Try to move slowly and smoothly so that removing the tampon is less painful.
  • Relax, relax, relax!
  • Try using petroleum jelly to remove the tampon.


  • Make sure the tampon is inside the vagina for no more than eight hours.