How to get rid of warts on your fingers

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 5 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Home treatment for warts
Video: Home treatment for warts


Warts are caused by human papillomavirus and can be of a wide variety of sizes, colors and shapes. Although warts can form anywhere on the body, they are most common on the feet, face, and palms. In most cases, warts do not lead to any illness or other health problem, although sometimes they can cause pain (this is the so-called herpetic felon). Warts often go away on their own over time. Finger warts can be treated with over-the-counter medications or other therapies. In addition, there are ways to prevent the formation of warts on your fingers. This article will show you how to get rid of warts on your fingers, not genital warts.


Method 1 of 4: Over-the-counter remedies

  1. 1 Use a salicylic acid patch or gel. Salicylic acid wart remedies are available over-the-counter at your local pharmacy. This acid dissolves the protein of the wart and the dead skin around it. Choose wart tampons, gel, or drops that contain 17% salicylic acid, or a patch with 15% salicylic acid.
    • It is necessary to apply these funds to the wart once a day for several weeks. For best results, soak your warty fingers in warm water for 10-20 minutes. This will soften the wart tissue. Then, remove the dead skin on and around the wart with a nail file or pumice stone. After removing dead skin, apply a tampon, patch, cotton swab or gel with salicylic acid solution to the wart.
    • In between treatments, you can remove dead skin on and around the wart with a nail file or pumice stone. Use a nail file or pumice stone only for this purpose, do not give it to anyone and throw it away after getting rid of the warts.
    • You may need to apply salicylic acid for 12 weeks or longer until the wart flattens and disappears. If irritation, redness, or pain occurs, stop using salicylic acid and consult your doctor.
  2. 2 Use an over-the-counter wart freezer. Try freezing the warts to remove them. You can buy a wart remover aerosol over the counter at a pharmacy. These aerosols cool the warts down to about -60 ° C.
    • Keep in mind that over-the-counter wart freezers are different from the liquid nitrogen that doctors use.These products should be used with care and away from fire and heat sources as they are highly flammable.

Method 2 of 4: Medical Assistance

  1. 1 Ask your doctor for a prescription for a chemical treatment for warts. Your doctor may prescribe a drug to help kill the cells in the wart. Typically, these formulations contain chemicals such as formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, and silver nitrate.
    • Side effects of these medications include darkening of the surrounding skin and a burning sensation around the wart.
    • Your doctor may also prescribe a prescription drug that contains salicylic acid. With this tool, you can gradually remove the wart. Often these drugs are more effective when used in conjunction with freezing (cryotherapy).
  2. 2 Ask your doctor about cryotherapy. In cryotherapy, a doctor applies liquid nitrogen to the wart, causing a blister to form under and around the wart. Dead tissue can be removed 7-10 days after freezing. This method can stimulate the immune system to fight off viral warts, and it is possible that repeated treatments will be required to completely remove the warts.
    • Cryotherapy usually lasts 5-15 minutes and can be quite painful. It may take several freezes to completely remove large warts in the palm of your hand.
    • Cryotherapy can cause side effects such as pain, blistering, and discoloration of the skin around the wart.
  3. 3 Consider laser removal of warts. Your doctor may suggest that you remove the warts with a pulsed dye laser (PDL). This procedure burns out tiny vessels inside the wart. As a result, the infected tissue dies off and the wart disappears.
    • Please note that the effectiveness of this method is limited. In addition, this procedure can be painful and lead to scarring at the site of the removed wart.

Method 3 of 4: Unverified home remedies

  1. 1 Try using duct tape to remove the wart. Various studies provide conflicting results as to how effective tape removal of warts is. Many doctors believe that this method is no better than a regular placebo. However, there is evidence of its successful application.
    • To remove a wart, you can tape it off with tape or duct tape for six days. After six days, dampen the wart with water and gently remove the dead skin with a pumice stone or nail file.
    • After that, you need to hold the wart outdoors for 12 hours, and then repeat the procedure until the wart disappears.
  2. 2 Use raw garlic. This caustic home remedy is thought to cause the blister to form, after which the wart disappears. Please note that this method has not been tested and may be less effective than standard methods for removing the wart.
    • Crush 1-2 cloves of garlic with a pestle and mortar until smooth. Apply the resulting paste to the wart and cover it with a bandage to help the garlic work better.
    • Apply crushed garlic once a day. Avoid getting it on the healthy skin around the wart. Petroleum jelly can be applied to surrounding skin to help protect it from garlic.
  3. 3 Soak the wart in apple cider vinegar. Although apple cider vinegar does not kill the warts-causing human papillomavirus, it is highly acidic to relieve warts. Soaking the wart in apple cider vinegar can cause pain and swelling at first, but this should go away after a few days. Remember that this method of removing warts has not been proven to be effective.
    • Take 1–2 cotton balls and soak them in 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of vinegar. Squeeze excess vinegar out of the balls (keeping the cotton wool wet enough).
    • Apply cotton balls to the warts and secure them in place with a bandage or plaster. Leave them on overnight. Apply fresh cotton balls with apple cider vinegar to the wart every night. Do this for 1-2 weeks. After a few days, the warts may darken or turn black - this is an indication that apple cider vinegar is working on them. Eventually, the warts will disappear.
  4. 4 Apply basil leaves. Fresh basil contains several anti-viral substances that help speed up the process of removing warts. Please note that the effectiveness of this method has not been confirmed, so use it at your own discretion.
    • Take 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves and crush them with clean hands or a pestle in a mortar until they soften and release the juice. Gently apply crushed basil to the warts and cover them with a bandage or clean cloth.
    • Apply basil to the warts for 1 to 2 weeks until they fall off.

Method 4 of 4: Preventing Warts on Your Fingers

  1. 1 Avoid touching warts and avoid contact with other people's warts. The virus that causes warts can spread from person to person when touched. Avoid touching or brushing warts in the palm of your hand.
    • Never give other people the nail file or pumice stone that you used to peel off your warts. Use them exclusively for removing warts and do not touch them to other parts of the body to avoid the spread of the virus.
  2. 2 Follow the rules of personal hygiene. Keep your hands and nails clean. Try not to bite your nails. Warts develop more easily where the skin is damaged.
    • Avoid rubbing, squeezing or shaving areas of skin with warts, as this can irritate the warts and further spread the virus.
    • Keep your nails and palms clean. Wash your hands thoroughly every time you touch warts or objects in crowded places (for example, equipment in the gym or handrails on a bus).
  3. 3 Wear flip flops in public pools and showers. Always use flip flops in public locker rooms, swimming pools and showers to avoid contracting human papillomavirus or infecting others.
    • If you have warts and are going to use a public pool, cover the warts with waterproof tape to prevent the spread of infection.