How to find additional work

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 5 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Where to Find Additional Repair Work
Video: Where to Find Additional Repair Work


Can't make ends meet? There is an unstable situation in the economy, the costs of food, fuel and other goods for life are growing. Everything goes up except income. An extra job can allow you to make enough money to pay bills, start saving, reduce or pay off debt, or lay the foundation for long-term goals such as getting a child to college or securing a comfortable old age. But who to start working with? Bartender? A tailor? Tutor? A shop assistant? These are several options that might work for you.


  1. 1 You can get extra money by working as a bartender several nights a week. A free schedule will allow you to spend time with your family, especially if you can choose when to work.Most of all you can earn on "corporate parties" and festive events.
  2. 2 Use your talents. Go tailoring, teach students math or other subjects, or use your love of cooking to make extra money. Cook for co-workers for a fee, or get permission to sell food to employees in your main job. If you like animals, you can walk the dogs or keep an eye on the pets when the owners are away.
  3. 3 Work outdoors. If you enjoy working outdoors, there are many opportunities, for example:
    • Make and distribute leaflets inviting lawn mowing in your area.
    • If you are interested in sports, learn how to judge or otherwise help at children's sports events.
    • For extra money, you can even stencil house numbers on residential lots. Make stencils and ask people to hang them on the doors before you arrive. You can paint with a stencil even if no one is at home, and then go back and collect the board. Collecting 300 rubles from home, you can easily earn 3000 or even more in the morning of the day off.
    • Remove snow from walking paths. This is a good workout and if you only do them you can easily clean up a few in one night.
  4. 4 Clean up at night and on weekends. Many cleaning companies offer flexible hours and weekends to work in office buildings. If you prefer to work for yourself, you can try to find several clients yourself.
  5. 5 Consider working in retail. The work of the seller can be combined with the main one. You can find a merchandiser job and place items on the shelves after your main job. Many shops also provide part-time opportunities for their employees.
  6. 6 Use your love of shopping by becoming a freelance shopper or critic of movies, restaurants, or retail stores. Search the Internet for information about companies that need these services. You can also get extra work at your favorite retail store. Staff discounts at many clothing stores and other locations can be very attractive. But be careful not to waste all your money buying things you don't really need.
  7. 7 Take advantage of the barter system. If you go to the gym, you may be able to get a job there as a receptionist for a night or two a week. Do you have a lot of pets? Working at a veterinary clinic can offer discounts for you and your furry friends.
  8. 8 Sell, sell and sell again. Many people make extra money by selling various items at online auctions. Some people are looking for different things in street sales and shops in order to resell at a higher price; others sell unnecessary items from home. You can sell old clothes to buy new ones.
  9. 9 Refer to ecothematic. Recycling can allow you to make extra money without having to rummage through the trash cans for aluminum cans. Just set up special boxes in the office and collect cans to take to the nearest recycling center.
  10. 10 Work from home. Many jobs can be done comfortably from home. Data entry, translation services, advertising, telephone marketing and data collection are all jobs that will give you a free schedule and an opportunity to earn extra money. When looking for work that you can do at home, beware of illegal options that require you to deposit money. Ask friends and family for suggestions for work from home options.
  11. 11 Find a seasonal job. Whether it's helping with financial paperwork in the spring, or working as a salesperson in November and December, seasonal work is a great opportunity. It gives you the opportunity to earn extra money without long-term commitments.
  12. 12 Get creative. Think of something out of the ordinary, such as renting a parking space to a neighbor who has too many vehicles. Or run errands for the elderly and sit with children.


  • Focus on your first job. Don't let your second job negatively affect your first. If something needs to be abandoned, then let it be additional work.
  • Take care of your health. The second job is not worth a physical or mental breakdown.
  • Don't put a lot of money into your second job, remember that you decided to take on it ... to get the money!

What do you need

  • List possible options
  • Realistically see how much time you can allocate