How to cure stomach pain

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Stomach Pain Relief In 2 Minutes Using Reflexology
Video: Stomach Pain Relief In 2 Minutes Using Reflexology


There are many reasons for an upset stomach, but it might be silly to see a doctor just because of an upset stomach. Here are some ways to prevent nausea caused by abdominal pain.


Part 1 of 2: What to eat?

  1. Try eating something. A simple, light snack can help soothe your stomach. Try yogurt, biscuits, or foods high in fiber. Avoid spicy foods, dairy products (except yogurt because yogurt is rich in probiotics) or foods with a strong flavor.
    • Don't force yourself when you don't want to eat. Trying to eat will only make the condition worse.

  2. Drink something. Abdominal pain can be caused by dehydration. If you want, you can try drinking herbal tea instead of water. Also, try drinking Gatorade water for a mineral supplement that helps soothe your stomach.
    • If you are vomiting or have diarrhea, getting enough fluids to your body is a very important step. Vomiting and diarrhea dehydrate the body at an alarming rate and need rehydration as soon as possible.
    • If you do not like drinking water or herbal tea, you can try drinking ginger or non-carbonated soda. Remember to drink non-carbonated soda.

  3. Follow the BRAT diet. BRAT is the diet included Banana (banana), Rice (rice), Applesauce (apple sauce) and Toast (toast). You can also incorporate other bland foods with the BRAT diet. For example, you can eat salty crackers, boiled potatoes or clear soups. Do not eat dairy products or sweets or greasy foods right away because they will stimulate nausea.
    • However, the BRAT diet may not be good for young children. Since this diet is low in fiber, protein and fat, it can lead to a nutrient deficiencies needed for the child's digestive tract to recover. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends feeding a child a normal, balanced, age-appropriate diet within 24 hours of illness. The diet can include a variety of fruits and vegetables, meat, yogurt and complex carbohydrates.

Part 2 of 2: What to do?

  1. Go to the toilet. You can bring a book to read and forget the pain. Unfortunately, you only have to wait for the pain to subside.
  2. Vomit. Sometimes the pain won't go away until you vomit. So, be prepared as soon as the abdominal contraction begins. However, vomit only if the pain doesn't stop within 2-3 hours.
    • Although it is uncomfortable, you should keep a bucket or container near you. That way, you can vomit into the bucket and don't have to rush to the toilet.
    • See your doctor right away if your stomach aches 5-6 hours after vomiting a few times and eating something. Check your body temperature and watch for other symptoms.
  3. Rested. Nausea on the go is a separate problem. On the other hand, when you're sick, you should limit yourself because movement won't help. Instead, lie down for comfort. If you can't lie down, you should limit your movement as much as possible.
    • This also applies to infants and young children. Limiting movement and movement are beneficial for all ages when sick.
  4. Go to the doctor. Persistent abdominal pain can be a symptom of a more serious problem. See a doctor right away if nausea is persistent and is accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, difficulty walking, and rash.
    • Most stomach aches go away on their own after a few hours. However, if the pain persists, pay attention to other symptoms. See your doctor if your stomach ache is accompanied by other symptoms.


  • Dry biscuits and chicken noodle soup can help soothe your stomach. Alternatively, you can drink water, Gatorade water, tea, ginger beer, or any other liquid that provides electrolytes and minerals.
  • Try raising your legs while lying down. This is scientifically proven to help cure colic.
  • Drink lemon soda to relieve stomach upset.


  • See your doctor right away if you experience additional symptoms other than abdominal pain.