How to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 5 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Reduce Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Video: How to Reduce Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) releases carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere. These emissions contribute to an increase in the temperature of the Earth (the "greenhouse effect"). Rising temperatures are leading to rising sea levels, powerful hurricanes and other climate change-related problems. If everyone on the planet uses less cars, conserves electricity and creates less waste, humankind will reduce its carbon footprint, which will help fight global warming.


Method 1 of 4: Carbon footprint

  1. 1 Calculate your carbon footprint. The carbon footprint is the amount of carbon that is released into the atmosphere by the activity of a particular person. If your livelihood is based on a large amount of fuel burned, then your footprint is quite large. For example, the “footprint” of a person using a bicycle is smaller than the “footprint” of a person who drives a car.
    • Use our free online calculator to calculate your footprint. The calculations take into account your habits in movement, consumption, diet and a number of other factors that affect the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
  2. 2 If you are worried about reducing greenhouse gas emissions, change your habits. Focus on those aspects of your life that you can change (preferably forever). Even small lifestyle changes can be important for the environment.
    • For example, the daily consumption of meat leads to an increase in the carbon footprint, as the process of producing meat involves the use of large amounts of energy and fuel. Avoid eating meat on some days, which will reduce your carbon footprint.
  3. 3 Remember, lifestyle changes are only the first step. If you want to tackle greenhouse gas emissions globally, you need to take action to get multinationals to cut emissions. Research shows that only 90 companies are responsible for two-thirds of greenhouse gas emissions. Look for ways to combat the greenhouse effect globally.
    • For example, you could write a letter to the appropriate environmental protection authority asking them to limit carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.
    • When voting in an election, select a candidate who supports emission caps in your area.

Method 2 of 4: Transport

  1. 1 Use your car less often. Automotive emissions are the leading cause of global warming. The production of cars and the construction of roads for them, the production of fuel and, of course, the combustion of this fuel all contribute to global warming. We are not urging you to stop driving altogether (this is not always practical), but you can use your car less often to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Instead of driving your car to the grocery store every day, drive there once a week and buy everything you need for a week.
    • Share the car with your neighbors or colleagues for commuting to school or work.
    • If you need to go somewhere, consider whether you can get there without using your car.
  2. 2 Take the bus, metro or train. These vehicles also contribute to the greenhouse effect, but they carry many people at once, so they are more efficient than private cars. Check the routes and timetables for buses, metro and trains in your city or region, and use public transport exclusively at least once a week (gradually increase the number of such days).
    • If your city or region has an unreliable public transport system, raise this issue with the city hall or regional authorities.
    • If other residents of your city (region) share your concern, you can work together to solve this problem.
  3. 3 Cycling or walking more often is good for your health. If you only need to travel a few kilometers, walk or use your bike. Of course, it will take more time, but on the way you can think about different issues or enjoy the beauty of the nature around you.
    • Walk to where it is five minutes away.
    • Use bike paths. If they are not there, write a letter to the appropriate department to improve the transport situation in your city.
  4. 4 Keep your vehicle in good condition. Otherwise, it will produce more exhaust gases. Have your vehicle checked for toxicity once a year or have your car repaired in time. Here are other ways to keep your car in good condition and reduce its environmental impact:
    • Fill your gas tank in the early morning or late evening (when it's cool outside). This way, your car will produce less exhaust fumes during the day.
    • Use energy efficient engine oils.
    • Turn off the engine when the car is in a traffic jam, at a red light, and in other similar situations.
    • Make sure your vehicle's tire pressure is at the recommended pressure.

Method 3 of 4: Energy

  1. 1 Turn off lights and electrical appliances. The generation of electricity emits large amounts of greenhouse gases. Turn on lights and appliances as little as possible to reduce your carbon footprint.
    • Use natural light throughout the day; to do this, open the curtains or blinds.
    • Turn off the TV if you are not watching it.
    • Turn off your computer if you are not using it.
  2. 2 Unplug electrical appliances from the outlet, as in this state (even if they are turned off) they still consume a certain amount of electricity (for example, the charger consumes electricity even if the phone is not connected to it).
  3. 3 Use energy efficient large appliances. Large household appliances consume a lot of electricity. If you are using outdated appliances, replace them with energy efficient models. You will save money (on electricity bills) and reduce your carbon footprint. Consider replacing the following household appliances:
    • Refrigerator
    • Electric stove
    • Microwave
    • Dishwasher
    • Washing machine
    • Dryer
    • Air conditioner
  4. 4 Consider using an air conditioner - this is another appliance that consumes a lot of electricity. Therefore, use the air conditioner less often, replace it with a new model and follow these steps:
    • Set the thermostat to 20 ° C in winter and 26 ° C in summer.
    • Dress for the weather to avoid using the air conditioner (this refers to the winter-summer air conditioner). Wear warm sweaters and slippers at home in winter, and use low-power fans in summer.
    • When leaving the city, turn off the heating or air conditioning so that the electricity is not wasted in your absence.
  5. 5 Cut back on hot water use. It takes a lot of energy to heat water. Take short showers and take less baths (bathing uses more water than showering).
    • You can also limit the use of hot water by setting the water heater to 49 ° C so that the water is not too hot.
    • Wash your clothes in cold water (this is best for your clothes).

Method 4 of 4: Consumption

  1. 1 Eat less meat. If you don't want to be vegetarian, try cutting out meat for a few days a week (or at least once a day). In order to raise an animal, process meat and preserve it, a huge amount of energy is required.
    • Buy meat from local businesses or farmers.
    • Consider raising chickens for meat and eggs.
  2. 2 Cook your own food instead of buying convenience foods or ready-made meals that require a lot of energy to produce. For example, if you want to try tomato sauce, make it with fresh tomatoes and garlic instead of buying canned sauce. It's better for the environment and your health.
    • You can even grow tomatoes and garlic.
  3. 3 Make some products yourself. Mass production, packaging and shipping of goods is associated with emissions, so make some products yourself (we do not expect you to produce what you need, but there are some products that can be made by almost anyone).
    • Make soap.
    • Make shampoo.
    • Make toothpaste.
    • Make deodorant.
    • Sew clothes.
  4. 4 Buy goods from local businesses. If something is done in your city, then during the transportation of this product a minimum amount of greenhouse gases will be emitted into the atmosphere. By purchasing food and other goods made in your city (or region), you greatly reduce your carbon footprint. There are several ways to do this:
    • Buy food in the markets.
    • Reduce online shopping as these items are delivered by vehicles.
    • Support local producers.
  5. 5 Choose products in minimal packaging. The production of plastic, cardboard and paper, which most goods are packed in, uses a significant amount of energy, so buy goods in minimal packaging.
    • For example, if you need to buy rice, buy it by weight, not packed in small bags.
    • Bring reusable bags to the store - do not carry groceries home in bags.
    • Buy fresh food, not canned or frozen food.
  6. 6 Reuse or recycle merchandise, or compost. These are great ways to cut waste and reduce your carbon footprint.
    • Any glass item can be used many times. Beware of multiple reuse of plastic products, as plastic degrades over time.
    • Follow the recycling policy of your city / region / country to recycle glass, paper, plastic.
    • Compost food waste by placing it in an appropriate container and stirring it every few weeks.


  • Planting trees is a great way to offset your carbon footprint.