How to remove braces early

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Process of Removing Braces
Video: Process of Removing Braces


Braces for a long time exert constant pressure on the teeth, gradually moving them in a certain direction. But the problem is that this is a rather lengthy process. Most people with braces are interested in when they will be able to remove them. Follow these instructions to remove your braces as soon as possible.


Part 1 of 2: Choosing a Treatment

  1. 1 Start early. The first orthodontic examination in children should be done at the age of seven to identify possible problems. It is better to install braces as soon as the child's molars erupt, that is, not earlier than 10-11 years for girls and not later than 13-14 years for boys. The less developed your teeth, jaws and facial muscles are, the faster the treatment will take place and the less time you will have to walk with braces.
  2. 2 Choose mouthguards over traditional dental braces. Placing metal dental braces involves attaching stainless steel to the teeth to apply pressure. Mouth guards are caps made of transparent hard plastic, made specifically for the human jaw. Like traditional metal braces, they put pressure on the teeth for a certain amount of time. However, unlike braces, you will need several different mouth guards, each of which will need to be worn for three weeks. Not only is it more comfortable to wear mouthguards, but it also reduces the time a person needs to spend in braces.
    • The price of caps is much higher than braces. They may shorten the wearing time of braces only marginally or not at all, so consult your orthodontist before making a decision.
    • Unlike metal braces, the mouthguard can be removed from the mouth to take a photo or for other purposes. For a mouthguard to be beneficial, it must be worn for at least 20 hours a day. If you are worried that your child will not wear it for so long, give preference to metal braces.
  3. 3 If you are an adult, consider accelerated orthodontic treatment. Because adults have more developed teeth and jaws, teeth move more slowly. Low-intensity laser therapy and corticotomy as well as osteoperforation have been shown to shorten treatment time in adults.
    • Low-intensity laser therapy involves directing short bursts of low-frequency light to the jaw to increase the production of osteoclasts, cells that demineralize the bone block in the jaw, accelerating the movement of teeth. It also reduces pain levels.
    • A corticotomy makes small incisions in the bone around the tooth to help it move faster. It is often combined with alveolar bone grafting (transplantation of demineralized bone through incisions) in a technique called osteogenic accelerated orthodontics. It has been proven to shorten treatment time by one third.
    • Micro-osteoperforation is similar to a corticotomy, but much smaller holes are drilled into the bone with an instrument. This increases the production of osteoclasts, which dissolve the mineral content of the hard bone and thereby speed up movement.
  4. 4 Consult with an orthodontist to discuss the pros and cons of a particular treatment. Beware of the highly publicized Acceledent, which creates micro-vibrations to speed up tooth movement. In addition to being expensive, recent studies have shown that the Acceledent does not shorten the time it takes to wear braces.

Part 2 of 2: Follow your orthodontist's directions

  1. 1 Follow the directions from your orthodontist. How long the braces are worn depends on the severity of the problem, the amount of free space in the jaw, the distance the teeth have to travel, the health of the oral cavity, and how well the patient follows the directions. The latter depends entirely on you!
  2. 2 Keep your mouth clean. Good oral hygiene will help your teeth align faster.
  3. 3 Cut up solid food. Cut open raw vegetables, fruits, and crusty breads to relieve pressure on the braces during meals and to avoid damaging them.
  4. 4 Do not eat very hard or sticky foods. It can damage braces and cause tooth decay. Avoid the following foods:
    • popcorn;
    • nuts;
    • chips;
    • chewing gum;
    • iris;
    • caramel;
    • biscuit.
  5. 5 Avoid carbonated drinks. They can damage your teeth, which may require you to wear braces longer.
  6. 6 Don't chew ice cubes. They can damage braces and teeth.
  7. 7 Do not chew pencils or straws as they can damage the braces. Do not put inedible objects in your mouth.
  8. 8 Stop biting your nails or playing with an elastic band on your braces. Both of these habits can push your teeth out, thereby increasing the time you have to spend in braces.
  9. 9 Download the app. Research shows that orthodontic applications can help people take better care of their teeth. Just enter the phrase "orthodontic applications" into the search engine.
  10. 10 Use an electric toothbrush for 15 minutes a day. Recent research has shown that it can speed up tooth movement and reduce the time you wear braces.