How to make a concept map

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 3 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make a Concept Map
Video: How to Make a Concept Map


A concept map helps you organize your thoughts and good ideas after brainstorming for any creative project. Concept maps are great visual aids because they allow you to see how many topics and processes relate to each other. Concept maps are usually done like this: a word is enclosed in a square or oval, arrows are drawn from it, connecting it with other words, showing the relationship between these objects. The most common types of conceptual maps are hierarchy maps, link maps ("spider"), flow diagram maps.


Method 1 of 3: Method One: Concept Map of Hierarchies

  1. 1 Brainstorm a list of important topics. Before you select the centerpiece of your hierarchy map, you need to write down a list of significant events associated with your project or goal. If you know your project will be about trees, for example, then that word will be at the top of your map. But if you only know what you need to write about natural objects or natural materials, then the task becomes a little more difficult. Start by writing down any concepts or phenomena related to your main subject.
    • Trees
    • Oxygen
    • Wood
    • People
    • Plants
    • Animals
    • Houses
    • Paper
  2. 2 Pick the most important concept. Once you've thought about the list of concepts associated with your project in your brainstorming session, you can choose the most important of all — the one from which all others grow. The choice may be obvious, but you may need to think carefully. Remember, if this is a hierarchical map, then the central word should connect everyone else. In this example, it is the word "Trees".
    • This word is taken in a square or oval at the top of your card.
    • Be aware also that in some cases you may skip the first step. If you already know that you need to write or make a presentation about Trees, for example, you can write right on top of the map.
  3. 3 Associate a keyword with secondary words on your list. When you have already found the main word, draw arrows from it down to the right and left, linking it with the next two or three words in importance. These words should fit in with the rest of the words you brainstormed and write them down below. In this example, arrows go from Trees to the next two terms Oxygen and Wood.
  4. 4 Associate the second keywords with even less important concepts. Now that you have found the main concept and a little less important, below you can write the words that are associated with the second most important words. These words should be more specific and should have a connection both with the concepts above them, "Oxygen" and "Wood", and with the central word "Trees". Here are the terms you will place below these more basic concepts:
    • People
    • Plants
    • Animals
    • Houses
    • Paper
    • Furniture
  5. 5 Explain the relationship between the two terms. Add lines to connect these terms and explain the relationship between them in a word or two. These relationships can be different; one concept can be part of another, it can be decisive in relation to another, it can be used to obtain another, and there can be many other relationships. Here are the relationships between concepts in this concept map.
    • Trees provide oxygen and wood
    • Oxygen is important for people, plants and animals
    • Wood is used for the production of houses, paper, furniture

Method 2 of 3: Method Two: Conceptual Relationship Map (Spider Map)

  1. 1 Write your main topic in the center. The spider map is organized as follows: the main theme is in the center, the sub-themes move away from the main theme, the auxiliary details move away from the sub-themes. This format really makes the map look like a spider. This type of map is ideal for writing essays because it helps generate accompanying conditions and understand the primary and secondary properties of objects.
    • The spider map is also very handy in identifying the richest topic among all the others, because with it you can see which topic gives more ramifications and depressions.
    • For example, the main topic is “Health”. Write this topic in the center of a piece of paper and circle it. This circle should be larger and more visible than all the others to emphasize that this is the central theme in the map.
  2. 2 Write subtopics around the main topic. Now that you have written down the main topic, you can write subtopics around. You can circle them in smaller circles and link them with arrows to the main theme, Health. Brainstorm the subtopics before choosing a few - let's say three. Subtopics should be large enough to give you at least three additional details from each.
    • Let's say you've brainstormed the following health-related concepts: lifestyle, relaxation, no stress, sleep, healthy relationships, happiness, diet, fruits and vegetables, exercise, avocado, massage, walking, running, stretching, cycling. , three balanced meals, proteins.
    • Choose the three most important subtopics that may include many of these concepts, and are large enough to integrate many concepts. From this list, the most productive terms are: exercise, lifestyle, diet. Write these terms in circles around the main topic and connect them with lines. They should somehow be evenly spaced around the central theme "Health".
  3. 3 Write supporting topics for these subtopics. Now that you have selected three sub-topics, you can write sub-topics for them as well. Just do what you did in the last point: brainstorm a list of supporting topics for those subtopics. Once you've identified sub-topics, you can connect them to the sub-topics with a line or even draw a circle around them. They should be smaller than subtopics.
    • Around the subtopic "exercise" you can write the following concepts: walking, yoga, variety, how often, how much, a bicycle instead of a car.
    • Around the subtopic "lifestyle", you can write the following: sleep, healthy relationships, relaxation, massage, routine, variety, love.
    • Around the subtopic "diet" you can write the following terms: fruits, vegetables, proteins, balance, carbohydrates, water intake.
  4. 4 Continue (optional). If you want to make your spider map really detailed, you can take it a step further and write supporting themes around those themes. This can be useful if you are covering a really complex, layered topic. It also depends on how big your flyer, goal, or project needs to be - if it takes more words or more time, you can expand your map.
    • Around the subsidiary topic “sleep,” you can write “8 hours every night,” “no caffeine before bed,” and “equal amount every night.”
    • Around the subsidiary topic "yoga" you can write "yoga for meditation", "power yoga" or "vinyasa yoga".
    • Around the sub-topic “balance,” you could write “three meals a day,” “protein in every meal,” or “healthy snacks.”

Method 3 of 3: Method Three: Flowchart Map

  1. 1 Choose a starting point or problem. A flowchart map allows you to look at the process itself and see many options for solutions. The flow diagram can be linear and simply go from one concept to another, or it can include many elements to consider a variety of outcomes.The starting point can be a process or a problem that needs to be solved, for example, let's say "Lamp is off".
  2. 2 Write the simplest way to solve the problem. For the Lamp Not Lit problem, the typical solution would be that the lamp is not plugged into the outlet. So write - "Is the lamp plugged into the socket?"
  3. 3 Write down two solution results. Draw an arrow for Is Lamp On? That says No, and a second arrow for Yes. If you follow the arrow "No", the answer is "Plug the lamp into the socket." Connect this answer with "No" with an arrow. You have completed one block of ideas, starting at "Lamp is off" and progressing to "Plug the lamp into a socket." If you follow this block, the problem is resolved.
    • But if the lamp is on, you have to follow another option: "Is the lamp blown out?" This is the next logical solution.
  4. 4 Write down the findings for the next solution. From the question "Is the light bulb burned out?" you need to branch to two points "yes" and "no". If the answer to the question "Light bulb burned out" is "yes", you need to pair that word with the solution, "Replace light bulb". You have completed another idea block because this solution will fix the lamp. But if it turns out that the lamp has not burned out, you need to follow the answer "no" and to the last option: "Fix the lamp."
    • You have now completed the idea block for the broken lamp problem, which led to three solutions: plugging in, replacing the bulb, or fixing the lamp.