Hide from a murderer

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
pov: you’re hiding from your murderer ; a creepy playlist
Video: pov: you’re hiding from your murderer ; a creepy playlist


While it's unlikely you'll ever have to hide from a killer, it's helpful to know what to do in such a case. Whether you are at home or in a public place, knowing how to find a good hiding place can help save your life. Planning ahead can make your home even safer if a killer ever breaks in.

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Part 1 of 4: Determining if someone is a murderer

  1. Acquire knowledge required to spot a killer at a glance. While this article is useful for hiding from anyone including intruders, abusive partners, rapists, and if you are just playing hide and seek, in order to hide from a killer as best you can, you will first need to know that the person in question is a killer. is.
  2. Understand the need to hide. It is important to find out if it is the person's intention to harm you. Many people deal with murderers on a daily basis, such as prison guards and police, for example, and they are unlikely to hide from such persons as the one they would hide from whoever would harm them.

Part 2 of 4: Hiding effectively

  1. Choose a shelter that can be barricaded. To prevent the killer from finding you, barricade the main entrance to your hideout as best you can. Ideally, there should be a strong lock on the inside of the door, and the door should open outwards so that the killer cannot kick it in. You can also barricade the door with additional obstacles, such as heavy furniture.
    • Especially if your door opens inwards, it is important to barricade it with heavy objects, otherwise you may be able to kick it in.
    • While it's good to be able to keep the killer out, it's also important to think about how to escape if the killer does manage to get in. A hiding place with two exits (such as a door and a window) is ideal.
    • If you are outside, you may not be able to barricade anything, but you should still look for a secluded location that you can easily escape from if necessary.
  2. Stay calm. Once you've found a hiding place, you should do everything you can to make sure the killer can't find you, which means keeping as calm as possible. If you are with other people, do not talk to each other. You also have to make sure that your mobile cannot make any sound.
    • The killer may still be able to hear your phone if it is vibrating!
    • Resist the urge to yell at the killer that you called the police.
  3. Camouflage your location. Make it harder for the killer to see where you are hiding by turning off all of the lights and closing the windows and curtains. Make the place look as deserted as possible.
    • Also make sure all other light sources are off, such as computer screens.
    • While getting help should be a priority, watch out for the light from your cell phone. If the killer is at your door, he may be able to see the light of it.
  4. Don't huddle together. When hiding with other people, spread out as much as possible about where you are hiding. This will increase each individual's chances of survival if the killer can get in anyway.
    • Make sure everyone stays away from the windows, as they are often the most vulnerable part of a room.
  5. Hide in, behind or under something. If you're looking for a good place to hide in your barricaded room, find a piece of furniture or similar object that you can use to hide. The less obvious the place to hide, the better.
    • You may be able to hide behind the curtains (if they reach the floor), behind a desk, or behind the clothes in a closet.
    • You can hide under the bed, under a pile of laundry, or under a blanket.
    • You could also hide in a closet, in the washing machine, or in a big box.
    • When you're outside, you can hide behind a bush, under a car, in a trash can, or under a porch.
  6. Hide in plain sight if necessary. If you can't run or find a place to hide, pretending to be dead can also be an option. This only works if the killer has already made a lot of victims. Lie under the victims and hope the killer doesn't realize you're not dead yet.
    • It may be helpful to lie face down or in a location that is somewhat hidden from view, as the killer will not be able to see it if you move a little.
  7. Call for help. Once it's safe to do, call emergency services. If you have a cell phone with you, it is possible to do this while in hiding, as long as it is not possible for the killer to find out where you are through your conversation. Stay on the line with the operator until the police arrive.
    • The operator will want as much detail about the situation as possible, such as your location, the number of victims, and what kind of weapons the killer has.
    • When the police are on the scene, follow their instructions and keep your hands visible at all times so they know you are not a threat.
    • If calling the police is too noisy, text someone who is not on site about your situation and ask them to call the police for you. Text this to several people, in case someone doesn't notice your text message.
    • It is not possible to text 112 in the Netherlands.

Part 3 of 4: Using other survival techniques

  1. Run away if you can. If it is possible to leave the building or immediate area where the killer is located, then this is always better than hiding. Assess your location and decide if you can get yourself to safety.
    • If others don't want to escape with you, leave them behind. You must not be prevented by them from escaping.
    • When you run away, don't worry about your belongings. Leave your things.
    • Make sure your hands are visible as you flee the area. If the police are there, they could mistakenly mistake you for the killer.
    • Walk in a whimsical pattern. This will make it harder for the killer to hit you when he comes after you.
    • Try to put as many obstacles between you and the killer as possible.
  2. Run to a safe place. If you choose to run, it is important to find a location that is safer than the one you just left in case the killer chases you. While you may just want to get out of there, don't leave the place without having an idea of ​​where you're going.
    • If possible, go to a location where you can call for help. A safe place like a police station is the best option, but a neighbor's house is better than nothing.
    • Don't run into the neighbor's house if the killer is watching you. You also don't want to endanger them by leading the killer to their home.
    • If the area is secluded, go to the forest instead of an open area. This gives you many more places to hide. A full parking lot also offers many opportunities to hide.
  3. Prepare to fight if there is no other way. In some cases, you have no choice but to fight back against the killer. This is generally not a good idea unless your life is in danger, but if there is no other option, do what you need to do to survive.
    • If you decide to fight, you have to give it your all. A half-hearted attempt to fight back will only put you more in danger.
    • Your goal should be to disarm and / or take out the killer, then run away as quickly as possible.
    • If you have a gun, you can use it to defend yourself. If not, you may also be able to temporarily take out the killer with pepper spray.
    • If you have no choice but to attack the killer with your bare hands, aim for the most vulnerable parts of the body: the throat, eyes, groin, and stomach.
  4. Use an improvised weapon. If you choose to fight back, but you don't have a traditional weapon, look around for common objects you could use to disarm or take out the killer. A good weapon should be easy to use and capable of dealing damage.
    • You can use a backpack as a shield or take it out at the killer.
    • You can use an item such as a baseball bat, umbrella, or large flashlight as a melee weapon.
    • A heavy item can be used to knock the killer unconscious.
    • A fire extinguisher can be used effectively to spray the attacker in the face.
  5. Cooperate if you are caught. If the killer finds you and it is not possible to escape or fight back (because he / she has a gun and you only have a baseball bat, for example) then it is important to know how to communicate with him or her to increase your chances of surviving this. If the person's primary objective is to steal something or commit some other crime, then they may not really want to kill you if they don't have to.
    • Be cooperative if you can be. Do what the killer asks you to do without asking questions.
    • Avoid eye contact as this can be seen as threatening.
    • Don't make sudden moves that might make the killer think you want to fight.
    • Always keep looking for opportunities to run or take out the killer.

Part 4 of 4: Planning ahead

  1. Make your home safe. While there isn't much you can do as an individual to make a public place safer, you can work to make your home less accessible to intruders. These measures can help prevent the need to ever hide from a killer in your home.
    • Make sure the doors and jambs are made of sturdy steel.
    • If you have windows in or around one of your doors, make sure they can't be broken.
    • Keep windows and doors closed and locked at night and when you are not in the room.
    • Make sure your house is well lit to deter burglars.
  2. Install an alarm system. Alarm systems can provide excellent security and reassure people in their homes. Some can automatically turn on help if someone breaks into your home, and they often act as a deterrent to burglars.
    • Some alarm systems have a panic mode that you can use to give the intruder the impression that you have disarmed the system, while unnoticeably informing the police.
    • Ask the company that provides the security service how you can notify them of danger if there is a burglar in the house. In some cases you can tell them this with a secret word, and in other cases simply entering the wrong password will trigger a response.
    • You can also invest in security cameras.
    • Whether or not you have an alarm system, stick on stickers that warn you about this. This often discourages criminals just as effectively as an actual alarm.
  3. Create a safe room in your home. It's a good idea to have a designated safe area in your home and make sure the whole family knows this is where to hide in the event of an emergency.
    • The safe room must have a solid door and a strong lock on the inside. You can have a special steel security door installed for extra protection.
    • Make sure the room is in a family-accessible location and far from where an intruder is likely to enter your home. A closet or a bathroom near the bedrooms is a good choice.
  4. Keep important supplies in your safe room. In addition to designating a specific area in your home as a safe room and making sure it is a safe place, it is also a good idea to provide the area with supplies you may need in case a killer enters your home.
    • It's a good idea to charge your phone in this room every night so you can always call for help if you need to hide there.
    • If you have weapons, you can also keep them in this room. Depending on your region, you may have a firearm, but if not, make sure to keep some improvised weapons in this location.


  • Do not come out until the police arrive. You may mistakenly think it is safe.
  • If you have a gun, make sure you get training for it so you know how to use it in an emergency.
  • Never try to take matters into your own hands unless absolutely necessary.
  • Keep in mind that the chance of being killed by someone you know is much higher than by a stranger. If you think someone you know is trying to kill you, hide from them just like you would hide from any other killer!
  • If the killer has guns (which is likely) and drops them (because the person becomes unconscious or just accidentally drops them), DO NOT touch the gun as your fingerprints will get on the gun making this evidence against you. can be used, and it looks like you are to blame. If you touch the weapon, be aware that police sometimes use DNA extraction to distinguish between the fingerprints. So this is very rare.
  • Don't make a sound when you hide. Text someone so they can alert the police if using the phone is too risky.