Develop a greater sense of humor

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
THE CHOICE (Short Animated Movie)
Video: THE CHOICE (Short Animated Movie)


With a good sense of humor you will be successful at any party. Do you want to be the pacesetter in your group of friends, do you want to make a nice girl in your class laugh or do you want to impress your new colleague? Whatever your motivation, you are guaranteed to become a funnier person by using certain techniques, by exercising and by letting your body language speak. With a little bit of insight and practice, you will soon have everyone rolling on the floor with laughter.

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Method 1 of 3: Make others laugh

  1. Tell funny anecdotes. It is often best to tell an anecdote. Jokes are good too, but usually a true story is even more fun. Think of some of these funny events and tell them when it comes out.
    • When talking about coffee shops with your group of friends, say something like: "No, never again! The last time I was in such a hip place, the barista poured hot coffee over my pants. And indeed - it came all the way down to my underpants. "
  2. Make your stories short and sweet. Get to the point quickly. People find it difficult to keep their attention. This applies in general, but especially for jokes. So keep your jokes short and make sure there is a clear, comical punch line.
  3. Make the ending funny. Spin the end of the joke. Surprise your friends and colleagues with an unexpected ending. When you first put them on the wrong track, you keep them on the edge of their seats. They want to know how it ends and let you finish talking undisturbed.
    • For example, say, "Do you know what I found in my car when I opened the door? A cat! "This is funnier than saying," When I opened the car door, I saw a cat in my car. "
  4. Use exaggeration. You may exaggerate for the comic effect. However, make sure you don't overdo it so much that it becomes totally unbelievable. With a little exaggeration they still laughed, but not with too much exaggeration anymore.
    • For example, say something like: "The speaker had such a big ego that it unfortunately no longer fit in the room."
  5. Replace all boring words with exciting ones. Some words are funnier than others. Make use of this. With certain words, more is possible with stress and intonation. An example is the "Vrijmibo". This sounds a lot more exciting than "Friday afternoon drinks."
    • Another example is to use "thong" instead of "underpants".
  6. Laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself too seriously and make fun of yourself. You probably regularly do hilarious things that nobody knows about. Think about this. Share these things with others and laugh with them.
    • Maybe you like to keep it tidy at home, but have left a dirty plate on the counter. Then you tell a colleague, "I am so stressed! Normally I am so neat, but this morning I left the dishes. My house is still turning into a rubbish dump! "
  7. Have at least one fun joke or anecdote ready. Think of a fun joke or anecdote that you can tell anywhere, anytime. Tell them to cheer people up or to break an annoying silence.
    • Don't make up anything and don't use something you've seen on TV or somewhere online and pretend it's your own story. Chances are that this will come true. With something like that you present yourself as a show-off.
    • For example, tell a nice anecdote about yourself, your friends or family.
  8. Practice your jokes in front of the mirror. Practice makes perfect. During the learning process, you practice the jokes on yourself first. Look in the mirror and pay attention to how you present the jokes and how you come across. Remember to save the punch line to the end and keep your facial expression expressive.

Method 2 of 3: Develop your sense of humor

  1. Watch comedy series and movies. Surrounding yourself with funny things also makes you funnier. Every day after work or school, watch a comedy movie, a stand-up comedian, or a few episodes of a comedy series or show. Find something that you are sure will make you laugh.
    • For example, watch episodes of "Sharpshooters" or "Sunday with Lubach".
  2. Visit local comedy clubs. Find out what's going on in that area in your area and study the artists. What kinds of jokes and anecdotes work and which don't? Pay close attention to what made you laugh and include similar jokes in your personal repertoire.
    • If there are no comedy clubs in the area, YouTube is of course a good alternative.
  3. Use YouTube for learning and feedback. Watch other comedians on YouTube to enjoy their shows as well as discover new ways of comedy. Do you want to get feedback directly from your own audience? Then start your own YouTube channel.
  4. Think of everything you are grateful for. Focus more on the positive than the negative aspects of your life. This improves your mood, making it easier for you to laugh all day long. Every day, think about at least one thing that you are grateful for and pause for a moment.
    • Keep a list in your phone of everything you are grateful for.
  5. Spend more time with funny people. Do you have a funny colleague or a comical aunt? Spend more time with them. Ask your coworker to drink a beer with you and go to your aunt for a chat.
  6. Do something fun every day. You really don't have to ride the rollercoaster every day to have fun, but it's a good idea to schedule something fun every day. Go to a new movie, play with your kids for an hour or choose something completely different. During these moments, relax to enjoy them to the fullest.
    • The greater your social interaction, the more material you have for jokes and anecdotes.
  7. Have a game night. Organize a game night for you and your friends. Provide board games or role-play. This way you create a relaxed atmosphere and spend time with beloved friends.
  8. Keep a journal where you write down all the funny things that come your way. This helps you to remember these events and it also sharpens your ability to notice funny moments in your life. Over time you will notice that - precisely because of this exercise - your sense of humor has really grown.
    • Collect anecdotes and funny things about your own life and that of others.
    • Write down all the funny things you come across. Think of statements, billboards, or funny coincidences.
  9. Stress less. When you are under a lot of stress, it is impossible to really enjoy your life. Is it really necessary to work that hard or are you just doing it to have extra money for unnecessary things? Remember that there are no material things worth allowing to disturb your inner peace.
    • Maybe you are stressed by school or work. The solution is to organize better. Make an inventory of what you really need to do and see what the most important things are. Do that first and take frequent breaks to catch your breath.
    • Consult with your mentor or boss if you are unable to resolve it

Method 3 of 3: Use your body language to be funny

  1. Do voices and imitations. Imitating other people is a guaranteed success. Choose celebrities, politicians or your own family or friends, if they are not too touchy. Don't be deliberately hurtful in doing so.
    • Watch out when imitating people of other nationalities. Do not imitate an exaggerated Surinamese or African accent. This is not funny.
  2. Use your facial expression to better hold attention. Be expressive when telling an anecdote. Laugh with the people. Make your eyes wide and lean forward when you say something shocking. Also use your hands. That way you keep the tension in it.
  3. Use your body language to tell a story. Support your story with movements and gestures. This way you take people further and further into your story. Practice this.
    • Pay attention to your body language when you practice in front of the mirror.
    • Make a video to see what your body does when you tell an anecdote. Keep practicing to improve yourself.
  4. Laugh at other people's jokes. Being funny also means seeing when other people are funny. When your friends, colleagues or family members are funny, laugh along with everyone. People see you as someone with a great sense of humor if you can laugh yourself and also make others laugh.
  5. Have fun! The most important thing is to have fun. Don't be so obsessive about making others laugh that you forget to enjoy yourself. Remember that you are more than your sense of humor. Therefore, go out and enjoy life!