Breaking up fighting dogs

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
STOPPING A DOG FIGHT (Cesar911 Shorts)
Video: STOPPING A DOG FIGHT (Cesar911 Shorts)


When dogs are struggling and snapping at each other, they are usually just playing around. However, sometimes the frolicking gets out of hand and you have a full fight going on. If it doesn't seem like the fight is going to end anytime soon, it's important to intervene before either dog gets hurt.

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Part 1 of 3: Ending a fight from a distance

  1. Stay calm. Most dog fights only last a few seconds. Your biggest advantage in this situation is a clear head. The best thing you can do is startle the dogs enough to distract them.
    • Resist the urge to grab your dog by the collar. This may be your first impulse, but when dogs are really fighting, they can quickly turn and bite instinctively, even without prior aggression. When the dogs' bodies are stiff and it is clear that they are really fighting and not playing, don't even put your hand in between.
  2. Make as much noise as you can. Dog fights don't last long, so use whatever you have on hand.
    • Shout, scream, stamp your feet and clap your hands - whatever you can do to get the dogs' attention.
    • If you have metal dog bowls or trash cans nearby, you can hit two pieces of metal together.
  3. Spray them wet. Water - as much as you have - can get a dog's attention well. Thoroughly wet the fighting dogs with a garden hose, bucket, or cup of soda if you have to. No damage done, and in most cases the dogs will run away, a little wet but otherwise nothing wrong.
    • If you are going to a dog park or any other location where there are unfamiliar dogs, bring a spray bottle to use in an emergency.
  4. Use a hurdle to tell them apart. Find something you can use to tell the dogs apart. A large piece of cardboard, plywood, a trash can lid, a large stick - can all be used to keep the dogs apart without risking your hands.
  5. Throw a blanket over the dogs. Some dogs will stop fighting when they can no longer see each other. If you have a large blanket, rug, coat, or other piece of distinctive material, try throwing it over the fighting dogs to calm them down.

Part 2 of 3: Getting physically involved

  1. Pull a tail. Dogs can startle and release their jaws if you pull hard on their tail. Pull up and back - this also allows you to pull the dog away from the fight, depending on the size. Keep pulling back to prevent the dog from turning and biting you.
    • If you need to get physically involved, be careful when pulling the dog's tail as you risk injuring the dog. In addition to being painful, if enough force is applied, you can skew the caudal vertebrae or stretch the nerves at the bottom end of the spine. If this happens, there is a risk that the dog may lose bladder or bowel function and become incontinent.
    • It is always easier to perform these techniques on your own dogs. But if you are alone or if the other dog is the aggressor, you may have to work with the other dog. This is why intervening without contact is best.
  2. Use your legs. If nothing else works, you may feel like you need to intervene physically to avoid serious injury. Wearing pants and sturdy shoes can push some dogs apart with your legs and feet.
    • This technique is especially effective when done with more than one person.
    • There is no need to kick or try to hurt the dogs; the goal is to take them apart.
    • Once you've taken the dogs apart, don't forget to protect yourself. Especially if one or more of the dogs becomes aggressive towards you, do not turn and run - stay facing the dog, stand still, and avoid eye contact.
    • But be aware that you are at potential risk of getting hurt. This method is not recommended for large dogs, such as German Shepherds, as it is possible to get accidental damage from a nasty bite to the crotch.
  3. Use your arms as a last resort. Approach your dog from behind and grab the top of his back legs. Lift his hind legs off the ground into a wheelbarrow position. Move away as soon as possible. Keep moving until your dog is safe and calm.
    • It may also be possible with a leash to pull your dog's hind legs out of the fight.
    • Once they are taken apart, keep the dogs out of sight of each other. When they see each other again they can start fighting again. Put your dog in the car or behind a closed door as soon as possible. Use a belt or tie as a temporary leash if the dog doesn't have one and you are alone. Tie a dog to an immobile object and move the other dog to another place.

Part 3 of 3: Ending fights before they begin

  1. Supervise your dog's interactions with other dogs. Is your dog shedding, barking or biting? How wild does he normally play? Knowing how your dog normally behaves towards other dogs will make it easier to tell when a fight is about to ensue.
  2. Watch the dogs' bodies. When dogs play it sounds a lot like they are fighting. Dogs will growl, clap their jaws, and bite each other roughly. Instead of listening, pay attention to the dogs' bodies. If they look loose and relaxed and they are wagging their tails, then they are probably just playing. But if the dogs' bodies look stiff and rigid, and their tails hang down, then they can prepare for a fight.
  3. Intervene in harassment and rough play. In a few cases, one dog will think it's playtime, but the other won't make sense. If this is the case, it may be better to take the dogs apart.
    • Sometimes the play can get too rough even when both dogs seem to like it. For example, a very large dog can accidentally hurt a small dog.

    Don't encourage competition. Dogs can become possessive about food and toys. Some breeds are more likely to defend their rights to loved ones, while other breeds are better at sharing. Know your dog's unique personality traits so that you can avoid a fight when another dog joins in.

    • Put away treats, food and toys when your dog is playing with other dogs.
    • Feed several dogs in separate rooms if they are in danger of becoming possessive.
  4. Teach your dog to play fun. When you first bring your dog home, it is your responsibility to teach your dog not to attack others. Use positive reinforcement to reward good behavior. When your dog bites, growls, or engages in other behaviors that seem too violent, take her away from the dog she's playing with, and put her in time out until she calms down.
  5. Teach your dog to come when you call him. If your dog obeys when you call him, you will be able to pull him out of most tense situations before it escalates too far. Start training how to come and stay when he is young, and exercise often, especially in the company of other dogs.


  • For safety, always keep your dog on a leash when you are outside. Even trained dogs cannot resist the temptation at times.
  • Introduce new dogs to each other slowly - this approach has a much higher chance of avoiding fights than if you allow the dogs to manage on their own.
  • If you have been bitten, seek medical attention. Better to be safe than sorry.