How to do a French manicure

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 5 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Incredible Nail Transformation | French Manicure | How to do a French tip Manicure
Video: Incredible Nail Transformation | French Manicure | How to do a French tip Manicure


3 File and polish your nails. Finish shaping your nails with a nail file, they will have smooth, finished edges. You can give your nails a rounded or square shape, whichever you like best.
  • When filing your nails, do not press on them, as this can harm them. Run the file gently over your nails.
  • 4 Soak your nails in water. Place your hands in a bowl of warm water, milk, or olive oil. This will soften your cuticles and make them easier to remove. Soak your hands in water for about 3 minutes, then dry your hands with a towel.
  • 5 Move aside and remove the cuticles. Using an orange tree stick or a special tool, you can move the cuticles away from your nails. Use cuticle scissors or small nail scissors to remove any dead skin. You can apply cuticle oil after this procedure.
  • Method 2 of 2: Part Two: Apply Varnish

    1. 1 Apply base color. Usually it is light pink, beige or transparent varnish. Start with a line down the center of the nail and then draw two lines along the sides. Paint your nails from cuticle to tip, moving the brush forward. Paint over the entire nail using smooth, even strokes. Paint the nails of both hands.
      • You can buy french manicure kits that have a base color, nail polish, and whatever else you need for a french manicure.
      • If you want to make a slightly different manicure from a French manicure, then choose a varnish for a base that is not pink or beige. It can be red, purple, blue, green, or whatever. For the ends, you can use white or any other color that is contrasting.
      • After the base has dried well, apply a second coat. Make sure the base is completely dry before going forward.
    2. 2 Paint the tips of your nails with varnish. Make sure your hand is not shaking, lean on something and draw the tips of your nails.The white polish should end where the white part of your nail ends. Let the ends dry, then you can apply another coat of polish if you feel like it.
      • If you have a French manicure set, then you can use special stickers that will allow you to accurately paint the tips of your nails. You can make them yourself from regular paintable tape.
      • Other types of decals can ruin the base, so use either regular paint tape or the included decals.
      • Paint the tips of your nails white. Then use a pencil with nail polish remover to shape. If you do not have such a pencil, then you can use a regular cotton swab.
    3. 3 Finish off with a coat of nail polish to protect your nails. This will also allow the manicure to last longer.
    4. 4 Ready.

    What do you need

    • Nail polish remover
    • Cotton wool or cotton pads
    • Cuticle trimmer
    • Nail trimmer
    • Nail file
    • Cuticle or hand cream
    • Pink, beige or clear nail polish
    • White nail polish
    • Lacquer fixer


    • You can use clear polish instead of pink.
    • Try using nail stickers and applying them along the natural growth line of your nails. Then paint over the part above the sticker.
    • Do not paint the ends with too thick a layer of varnish, otherwise you will ruin everything.
    • Use the decal before applying the pink or clear nail polish, then it will be easier for you to apply the white polish to the tip of the nail.
    • Make sure your nails are clean and well-groomed.
    • Tie an elastic band over the top of your nail. This will make it easier for you to draw a straight line. When you're done, cut the elastic.
    • You cannot paint the leading hand beautifully. Try painting on your fake nails first and then sticking them on.
    • If you can't just paint on the tip of your nail, then use stickers so that the varnish does not go where it is not needed.
    • Hold the brush firmly in your right hand and move your left hand to draw a white tip (and vice versa).


    • When you file your nails, avoid the sawing motion. So, you will break your nail.
    • Use nail polish remover and nail polish in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling these odors.
    • Do not use your nails to open something - they will quickly break.