Keep cats out of your home

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to keep cats away || How to keep cats away from your house
Video: How to keep cats away || How to keep cats away from your house


If you're trying to keep stray cats away from your home, there are some simple steps you can take to do that. Smell barriers, electronic devices and water-based repellants can keep cats at bay. You can also look around before entering the house to see if any cats are about to follow you in. You can also create an area in the backyard that is attractive to cats, keeping them away from your door.

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Method 1 of 4: Keep unwanted cats away from your door

  1. Try an electronic pet door. These types of shutters work with an electronic signal that your pet must have, which makes the hatch open only for your pet. This signal may come from a tag on your pet's collar, but some shutters may even work through the microchip that many pets already have for identification.
    • When an unwanted cat approaches, it will not have the correct signal and the door will not open for it.
  2. Try ultrasonic devices. These devices use ultrasound to keep cats away from specific areas. They are usually used to keep cats out of gardens, but you can also use them near your door.They are activated by movement when a cat (or you!) Walks past them and will then produce a sound that cats do not like. You won't be able to hear it, but the cats will.
  3. Use water. If the cat is still outside, you can try spraying it with your garden hose. Most cats don't like water and will run away from it. It may be necessary a few times, but most cats get the point after a while.
    • If the cat is too close to your house to use the hose, you can try a spray bottle with water.
  4. Place bottles with water. Water that shines in the sun will make most cats run away. They don't really know what to do with it. So you can just fill bottles, such as green wine bottles, with water and place them in the sun near your doors. It will help keep cats out of the area.

Method 2 of 4: Using scents

  1. Understand the limitations. While scents can keep cats at bay, most of them need to be reapplied often. You may need to refresh the fragrance every day or every week.
  2. Try citrus. Most cats do not like the smell of citrus. You can spray lemon juice on your door frame or try putting lemon peels near the door. Another option is to make a solution from a citrus essential oil and water.
    • You can also try using other essential oils dissolved in water. For example lavender, citronella or eucalyptus. Citronella can further reduce the amount of insects in the area.
  3. Use a predator's urine. You can use animal urine, such as that of a cougar, coyote, or fox. These are for sale on the internet. Basically you spray urine like a border around your property. It is better to use these sprays to frame your yard than to use them at your door.
    • The smell of these types of urine is very strong, so you should only use them around your garden. Do not spray the urine at your door, as going in and out will be very uncomfortable for you. You will even smell the spray when you only use it in your garden.
  4. Try certain plants. Cats don't like the smell of certain plants. It is therefore likely that cats will stay away if you put these plants at your door. For example, you can plant lavender, rue or pennyroyal. Lemon thyme is also an option.
  5. Add a dash of pepper. Hot peppers, such as cayenne and crushed red peppers, irritate most cats. You can therefore try to spread these near your doorway to keep cats out. You can also try mixing some Tabasco with water and spraying it on the area.
  6. Spread coffee or pipe tobacco. Two more smells that cats don't like are coffee and pipe tobacco. You can use old coffee grounds or what's left in your pipe after smoking (or fresh tobacco). Spread some of the scraps on the floor near your door to keep cats away.
  7. Try a commercial cat repellent. These repellants contain scents cats don't like and are used in the same way as homemade sprays. Spray near doors and around the yard to keep cats away. You can find these sprays at a pet store.

Method 3 of 4: Look around before entering

  1. Watch for cats. When you enter your house, look around to see if there are any cats. Check under bushes and other things at your door. Cats are good at hiding, so be sure to check all the small crevices.
  2. Scare off any cats. If you have a spray bottle handy, you can deter them by spraying them. If you don't have a spray bottle, you can try walking up to them and then clapping your hands hard. Often the cat will run away.
  3. Don't pet stray cats. If you pay attention to affectionate stray cats, they will likely stay around. Therefore, try not to pet the stray cats in the area, no matter how tempting that may be.
  4. Don't feed stray cats. Even if you feed stray cats, they will stay around. If you really want to feed the stray cats, do it away from your door and create an odor barrier at your door. This will keep the cats in the specified area and prevent them from entering your home.

Method 4 of 4: Make other areas more attractive

  1. Try catnip. If the main goal is to keep cats out of your home, you can try to make part of your yard attractive to cats. For example, you can plant catnip and wild catnip, cats love these plants. Choose a secluded corner and be aware that this method can actually attract more stray cats to your yard.
    • Honeysuckle is also a cat-friendly option.
  2. Scattered sand. Cats love to sleep on sand, so you could create a sand bed near the catnip. Cats will happily take a nap there.
    • Some cats will see the feline area as a toilet, which may require you to clean up feces.
  3. Move bird feeding systems to another area of ​​the yard. It's no secret that cats love to watch birds. If you have a feeding system in your house, you will likely have cats there too. By moving the feeding system, you also move the cats away from your door.