How to sleep comfortably

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Best Sleeping Position - Ask Doctor Jo
Video: Best Sleeping Position - Ask Doctor Jo


Even if you spend eight hours in bed, poor quality sleep can cause fatigue, irritability, and weakness. Create the necessary conditions for sleep, as well as observe the daily "ritual" of going to bed in the evening. You will notice significant improvements in your sleep quality. If snoring, chronic insomnia, or stress are the causes of poor sleep quality, this article provides helpful tips to help you improve your sleep to some extent. However, in some cases, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.


Part 1 of 3: Create a comfortable sleeping environment

  1. 1 Make sure your bedroom is at a comfortable temperature. It is much easier to fall asleep in a cool room than in a hot room. The average temperature in the bedroom should not exceed 15-19 C. Of course, you should take into account the needs of your body. However, for most people, the normal temperature for sleeping is the one mentioned above. Try this advice and you will be surprised when you get a positive result.
  2. 2 Make sure the bedroom is dark and quiet. If you are light sleepers, use ear plugs and a sleep mask to prevent nighttime awakening. If the morning sun wakes you up, hang blackout curtains to keep the sunlight out.
  3. 3 Use white noise. If all loud sounds cannot be eliminated, use white noise. Play with a fan or quiet, soothing, instrumental music. If the room is dry, use a humidifier. It will not only humidify the air, but also create white noise.
  4. 4 Find a comfortable sleeping position. This is especially important if you are experiencing back or neck pain. Therefore, if you want to improve the quality of your sleep, take a comfortable position. Follow the tips below:
    • Sleep on your side with your knees bent slightly, and place a pillow between your knees so that your hips and spine are in the same plane.
    • Sleep on your back only if your mattress provides the necessary support for your spine. Place a pillow under your knees and back for added support.
    • Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended as it can cause breathing problems and pain in the neck. If you cannot fall asleep any other way, sleep on the edge of a tall pillow so you have constant access to air.
  5. 5 Find a comfortable pillow. Some people choose to sleep without a pillow. Others, in turn, cannot do without a large and soft pillow. Decide for yourself if you will use the pillow. The main thing is that the neck and shoulders are relaxed throughout the night. If you feel tension in your neck after waking up, try rolling a towel and placing it under your neck. A towel will provide extra support. This tip is also relevant if you are having trouble finding a comfortable pillow.
    • If you're having trouble finding a comfortable hand position, try hugging a large pillow, rolled towel, or stuffed animal.
  6. 6 Cover yourself with a thick blanket. Under such a blanket, you can fall asleep faster. Depending on personal preference and temperature in the bedroom, use a blanket that makes you feel comfortable underneath.
  7. 7 Create a comfortable sleeping environment in hot weather. If you wake up feeling hot, be prepared to change your sleep conditions. If you're used to sleeping under a blanket without your pajamas, try wearing your pajamas and covering yourself with a light sheet.
    • If you don't have conditioner, dampen a cloth or paper towel and place it on your face and hands.

Part 2 of 3: Relax in bed

  1. 1 Use the bed only for sleeping. Work and play somewhere else, such as at a table, away from your bed.If possible, do these things not in the bedroom, but in another room. Your bed should be associated with sleep, and not with other activities. This will make it easier for you to calm down and fall asleep.
  2. 2 Follow your evening bedtime ritual daily. A proper bedtime ritual can help you calm down at the end of the day and get ready for bed. If you are worried that you will not be able to sleep, try to follow the usual sequence of actions before bed. Follow the tips below:
    • Read a calm book.
    • Listen to the audiobook with your eyes closed. If you can't relax, listen to the sounds of nature.
    • If you wake up feeling hungry, grab a snack before bed. You can drink a glass of milk, eat a banana, or a serving of porridge with a little sugar.
  3. 3 Exercise in the morning. Do not exercise right before bed. Excessive exercise can cause insomnia. However, moderate exercise improves sleep quality.
  4. 4 Eat light meals before bed.During sleep, the metabolism slows down. Eating heavy foods before bed will prevent you from falling asleep. Eating heavy meals before bed puts an unwanted strain on the digestive system and affects sleep, as well as the body's ability to regain its strength and energy during sleep.

Part 3 of 3: Conduct Sleep Disorder Prevention

  1. 1 Avoid hot showers and exercise before bed. When the body passes from an active state to a resting state, all its functions slow down and the body temperature drops. Hot water or exercise will slow this process down. As a result, you find it difficult to fall asleep. If you need to shower or want to exercise, do your scheduled workout at least thirty minutes before your expected bedtime.
  2. 2 Do not use electrical appliances before bed. The brain interprets blue light from electronic devices for daylight, making it difficult for you to fall asleep. Phones, game consoles, and computers are sources of blue light. In addition, games and activities that require mental exertion can negatively affect the quality of your sleep if you spend it in the evening.
    • If you need to use your computer at night, install a program that changes the color profile of your monitor based on the time of day. At night, the program changes the screen color to red or pink.
  3. 3 Avoid vitamins, supplements, and foods that are stimulating. You probably know that caffeine and sugar keep your body from relaxing and getting ready for sleep. This also applies to caffeine, which is found in sodas and chocolate. In addition, B vitamins, steroids for asthma, beta blockers, opiates, ginseng, and guarana can also be stimulating. If you are taking the aforementioned drugs, do so in the morning.
    • Do not change your medication schedule without talking to your doctor.
    • You can drink more water to help flush chemicals out of your body faster. However, in this case, you will wake up more often at night when your body signals that you need to use the toilet.
  4. 4 Avoid alcohol and cigarettes before bed. One of the dangerous aspects of smoking is restless sleep, which greatly destroys the human body. As far as alcohol is concerned, at first glance, this advice may cause confusion, since everyone knows that alcohol causes drowsiness. However, the quality of sleep after drinking alcohol is significantly reduced. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages two to three hours before bed. Otherwise, it can lead to frequent nighttime awakenings. Plus, there is a chance that you will wake up tired in the morning.
  5. 5 Take sleep-promoting drugs as needed. If you are having trouble sleeping, you can safely take melatonin. However, if you suffer from severe insomnia, your doctor will prescribe sleeping pills. Unfortunately, sleeping pills are more or less addictive. Take sleeping pills as directed by your doctor. However, try to use these drugs only as a last resort.
  6. 6 Ask your doctor about sleep apnea. The main manifestations of sleep apnea syndrome are snoring, restless and intermittent sleep with frequent awakenings, episodes of respiratory arrest during sleep. People who are overweight or have breathing problems have a higher risk of developing this syndrome. Your doctor may order additional tests for you.


  • If your insomnia is chronic, start keeping a sleep diary. Write down what you ate before bed, what you did three to four hours before bed, how you felt when you went to bed, and how you felt when you woke up. Compare records. This will help you understand what triggers insomnia in your case.
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks. Do not consume hot chocolate, cola, tea, or coffee.
  • If you often have nightmares, try eating a slice of cheese or a tablespoon of yogurt before bed.


  • Place the fan at arm's length from the bed to avoid accidentally damaging your fingers or hair.
  • Before turning on a fan or other sources of "white noise", carefully study the rules for the safe use of the device you are using. Pay attention to whether there is a fire hazard.