How to tell about a person on his fingers

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 16 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Deduce a Person’s Dominant Hand | Deduction Minute #2
Video: How to Deduce a Person’s Dominant Hand | Deduction Minute #2


Finger reading is an important part of palmistry. This process involves looking at the entire hand as well as each individual finger. Read on to find out what to look for.


  1. 1 Measure your overall length. The total length of the fingers is measured in relation to the size of your palm. On average, the longest finger is seven-eighths the size of your palm. If it is equal to the length of the palm, then the fingers are considered long. Short fingers are shorter in length than seven-eighths of the palm. The overall length and size of the fingers can affect a person's personality.
    • Long fingers signify a detail-oriented person. They think things through and tend to be critical of small details.
    • Short fingers mean a physically oriented person. Such people focus on real objects, usually in general form.
  2. 2 Measure each individual finger. The index and ring fingers are compared with each other. If the index finger is even slightly larger, it is considered long. The ring finger should be 1/8 inch (1/2 cm) longer than the index finger, in which case it is considered long. The line drawn between these two toes should be about halfway up the last knuckle on the middle toe. If it reaches above half, the middle finger is considered long; if less than half, it is considered short. The little finger should reach the joint line on the ring finger. If the pinky starts low (the first joint extends less than halfway down from the ring finger), you will need to factor this into account. The thumb is usually measured from the index finger. Most of the toes end between 1/4 and 1/2 to the first phalanx of the toe.
    • The index finger is generally considered the most important finger in palmistry. It is sometimes called a "mirror" because it talks about a person's self-esteem.
      • A long index finger points to a true leader. Such people are very responsible, demanding a lot from themselves and from others. They tend to be self-reflective, keep a diary, and are interested in astrology or palmistry.
      • A short index finger indicates low self-esteem. Such people can hide behind a leader, it is very difficult for them to express their true feelings and thoughts. They are more likely to get sick due to the fact that they neglect their own health: smoking, alcoholism or unhealthy diet.
    • The middle finger, called the "wall," represents its relationship to the power and boundaries of perception of the world.
      • The long middle finger belongs to someone who takes the rules seriously. Such people respect not only the letter of the law, but also its content. They are serious and can sometimes seem boring.
      • A short middle finger indicates a free spirit, a person marching to the beat of his own drum. Alternative routes seem very attractive.
      • The difference between dominant and non-dominant hands shows the difference in relationship between career (dominant hand) and family (passive hand).
    • The ring finger can only be long; it is never considered short.A long ring finger indicates a need for attention and high self-confidence. This is commonly seen in males.
    • The little finger talks about a person's connections and financial skills.
      • A long pinky finger indicates good communication skills and a natural aptitude for commerce.
      • A short pinky finger indicates difficulty in expressing yourself. Developing the ability to communicate effectively may seem difficult, but on the other hand, it is easier for such a person to get through trouble.
      • A low-set pinky may indicate a need for father support.
    • Your thumb is seen as a measure of your willpower and self-control.
      • Short thumbs indicate a lower ability to control a situation when it gets complicated.
      • Long fingers indicate a high level of self-discipline and perseverance.
  3. 3 Determine the flexibility of your fingers. This is an indication of the overall flexibility of your mind. Try bending them slightly towards your wrist. Stiff fingers are unlikely to move even an inch. Flexible fingers can bend back four inches or more.
    • Stiff fingers indicate stubbornness and considerable mental willpower. Once you have made a decision about something, you are not ready to change it.
    • Flexible fingers indicate impressionability and spontaneity in decision making. New ideas are welcome and you can change your mind every time you hear a new point of view.
  4. 4 Test the flexibility of your thumb. Bend your palm outward with your thumb and index finger upward to bend your fingers towards the wrist.
    • Stiff fingers will barely move. They indicate a strong personality who can do things based only on willpower. Stiff fingers can indicate strong adherence to rules and low tolerance for people with lower self-organization.
    • The middle fingers flex an inch or two.
    • Flexible fingers can bend almost to the wrist. They indicate spontaneity and adaptability. But at the same time, this leads to the fact that a person is easily distracted, and he needs support from others in order to adhere to clear plans.
  5. 5 Knotted knuckles of the fingers. Knotted knuckles tend to indicate an analytical mind. This applies to fingers not damaged by arthritis.
    • If your joints are smooth, then you can be lacking initiative, letting others control you, but at the same time, you are quite impulsive, which can sometimes lead to carelessness.
    • If your upper toes are smooth and the middle of them is rough on the inside, then you are a person whose intelligence and practicality work well together. Well-developed joints indicate well-developed instincts.
  6. 6 The back of the fingers. Look at the size and fullness of the fleshy surface at the base of the thumb. This area describes the energy levels of a person and their physical nature.
    • Full and soft surface. These people are more subtle, but not very active. They love pleasant things like food and drink and find it difficult to find motivation to exercise.
    • Full and solid surface. This is a sign of a lot of energy and heat.
    • Full and elastic. This person is tough both physically and emotionally. They find it difficult to relax and open up.
    • Flat and cold surface. This is a sign of low energy levels. Such people are also less social with others, but can be seen as fighters.
    • Average surface. If the base of the thumb is semi-convex, not soft or elastic, it is the middle surface. This can be considered a sign of normal energy levels.
  7. 7 Location. It is also important to note how the fingers are positioned in relation to each other. See how some fingers are in a relaxed position relative to each other, in relation to adjacent fingers.
    • If your middle finger and index finger are close together, it shows that you will have authority and recognition through your own goals and dreams.If they stand apart, then you will achieve your goals differently.
    • When the ring finger is next to the middle finger, it indicates a penchant for art. Luck will accompany your success.
    • When your little finger is on the side of your ring finger and there is a lot of space between them, it means that you have independent thinking.