How to be a nice guy

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
5 Ways To Stop Being "The Nice Guy" ❤️| COCO Chanou
Video: 5 Ways To Stop Being "The Nice Guy" ❤️| COCO Chanou


If you want to attract the attention of someone of the opposite sex, learn to be nice. However, the secrets of attractiveness are not hidden in physical beauty. Even if you are not physically attractive, your inner qualities can play a huge role. Your demeanor, demeanor, sense of style, and your ability to communicate are much more important than physical beauty. Even the simplest things, like a well-done hairstyle and clean, trimmed nails, can make a good impression on a girl.


Method 1 of 3: Change Your Look

  1. 1 Shower regularly. Use soap and a washcloth. Shower in the morning to smell good throughout the day. Pay special attention to areas of your body that sweat a lot. Thoroughly wash your armpits, popliteal cavities, and groin area.
  2. 2 Wash your hair thoroughly. While you shower, wash your hair using shampoo and conditioner. Pay attention to the composition of your shampoo, it should not contain alcohol; otherwise, your hair will be dry. Apply shampoo to hair and massage into scalp for one to two minutes. This will remove all dirt and dandruff.
  3. 3 Use skin care products. If you want to attract the attention of girls, you need to get rid of acne on your face. There are many skin care products available. However, choose only those that do not contain alcohol, as this can dry out your skin and cause irritation. Use a moisturizer daily. Thanks to the application of the cream, your skin will be smooth and soft. Apply cream with your fingers or a cotton swab. Lightly wet the swab or fingers before applying the cream to your face. Apply cream in small circular motions.
  4. 4 Shave in the morning or before bed. First, apply a shaving cream or lotion to your face. Then remove the hairs with a razor. You can keep the mustache in the correct shape, or shave off all of your hair. If you shave before going to bed, then in the morning you will no longer see the small cuts and irritation that could appear after shaving. However, if you shave in the morning, you can remove any short stubble that may have appeared during sleep.
  5. 5 Use an antiperspirant or deodorant at least once a day. This is an important rule of thumb for personal hygiene. Plus, you'll smell good. Apply deodorant once a day. Do it in the morning. This will help you avoid unpleasant sweat stains and smell good. Always carry deodorant with you in your car or backpack. You can use it if you forgot to do it in the morning.
  6. 6 Use eau de toilette or cologne. A pleasant scent will help you to draw attention to yourself and arouse the sympathy of the girls. Apply a few drops of cologne to the inside of your wrists, neck, and under your knees. You will smell good all day long. However, don't overdo it. Applying a lot of cologne will only alienate the people you want to win over.
  7. 7 Make sure your nails are neatly trimmed and clean. While this may seem unimportant at first glance, it actually matters a lot. Using a manicure or pedicure clipper, trim your fingernails and toenails. Using a file, shape the nail into the desired shape. Others will notice that you are taking proper care of yourself. In addition, your touch to the girl will be gentle and soft.
  8. 8 Get a stylish new hairstyle. Use a styling gel or cream to create a unique look. For example, you can make trendy spikes on your head. You can also use a cream or gel for a more classic look. Take a small amount of gel or cream and use your fingers to spread it evenly through your hair. Then use your fingers to style your hair the way you like it. If you need more gel or cream, you can add more. You can also get your hair cut and styled at a hairdresser or beauty salon.
  9. 9 Brush your teeth and floss at least twice a day. Teeth that are yellow or dirty are unattractive. Brush your teeth in a circular motion to remove any plaque that may have remained after eating. Use dental floss to remove food particles that are stuck between your teeth. Take a thread about 15 cm long and wrap the ends around two fingers. Also, see your dentist every six months for a professional teeth cleaning.
  10. 10 Refresh your wardrobe. Make it a goal to update your wardrobe every six months or a year. Fashion passes quickly, and the clothes themselves lose color over time. Tops and flip-flops are popular in summer. In winter, you will need stylish jeans and trendy boots. Although clothing selection is a personal matter, you may want to check with a friend, girlfriend, or a salesperson at a clothing store when choosing a new item.
  11. 11 Get new sunglasses. Aviator glasses or rectangular sunglasses are perhaps the most popular sunglasses models due to their original shape.You can wear glasses when driving. Keep them in the glove compartment. Or you can choose not to shoot them indoors, which will highlight your style and personality.

Method 2 of 3: Change Your Behavior

  1. 1 Keep your back straight. Pay attention to your posture and do not slouch. Keep your hands at your sides. Do not cross your arms over your chest, otherwise others will think that you are closing off from the whole world. Keep your back straight as you walk. This will show that you are following your posture and are confident in yourself.
  2. 2 Remember to smile. If you look too serious, you will alienate other people. However, be careful not to overdo it with a smile. You can always smile with your close friends. However, when communicating with a girl, keep in mind the measure. However, if you are sure that a girl likes you, you can afford to smile for all 32 teeth. A closed-mouth smile also looks very adorable. By smiling, you show others that you are a positive person who loves life.
  3. 3 Laugh and do your best to make others laugh. People who can laugh are positive people. Read books with funny jokes and anecdotes. By making humorous comments (which in no way demean others), you can show others that you are a witty young person. If someone tells a funny joke, laugh heartily if you're having fun.
  4. 4 Adjust your hair from time to time. Some young people tweak their hair on purpose to look more attractive. This opens up their smiling face. Sometimes even the smallest gesture can have a positive impact on a girl. For example, try twisting a lock of hair with your fingers while you learn. In addition, you can run your fingers through your hair from time to time, ruffling it, or vice versa, run your hand over the hair from above, as if smoothing it. By doing this, you show others that you care about how you look.
  5. 5 Be a smart young man. If you want to be a nice young man, you should be concerned about your grades and knowledge. Of course, no one requires you to be an excellent student, but strive to ensure that your level is high enough. Even if you are not interested in winning a gold medal, show interest in learning and also enjoy the opportunity to gain invaluable experience. If you are passionate about something, like the Harry Potter books or global issues, this will show people that you have interests and you pay attention to them.
  6. 6 Consider other people's feelings. Show that you empathize with people and support the person in trouble. You should not tease and mock classmates, causing negative feelings in everyone. To please others, you need to show that you care about other people and are ready to help them if necessary. Why not chat with a classmate that everyone considers a bore? If you're bored or scared, show it with your face or gestures. Don't be afraid to talk about your feelings and emotions if the person asks how you are doing.
  7. 7 Extend your arms. You can either place them behind your head or place them on your belt. This is a great way to show off your muscles and a beautiful tan. However, do not overdo it, girls do not like it when young people focus too much on their appearance. Get up from your chair periodically to stretch your back. You can also crunch your bones.
  8. 8 Lick your lips. It looks really cute. Saliva adds shine to the lips. Use lip balm to keep your lips moisturized and free from cracks. Not only is this cute, but it also shows others that you care about your appearance. Wet, soft lips want to kiss much harder than dry and chapped ones.

Method 3 of 3: Start a Conversation with the Girl of Your Dreams

  1. 1 Don't be too confident a young man. Girls like serious guys who get a little nervous around them. If you want to date the best girl, you must behave so that she can feel free with you when you ask her out on a date. Don't be embarrassed. Of course, you can have such feelings, but remember about measure. A light blush on the cheeks will make you look more attractive. However, you should not hide in the corner of the room if you are experiencing severe embarrassment. This will be too much.
  2. 2 Look the girl in the eye. Show off your pretty brown or blue eyes. Don't blink too often. This will make it easier for the girl to look you in the eye. Remove hair from your face so it doesn't cover your eyes. Never approach a girl with dark glasses. Be sure to take off your glasses when approaching a girl to show your beautiful eyes.
  3. 3 Give her gifts. Don't buy big and expensive gifts. However, something small, like her favorite chocolate bar or a pretty rose, can win her heart. Leave the gift where your girlfriend can find it. Be sure to include a romantic note. You can also purchase markers that can be used to write on glass. Write on the rear windshield of her car, "Shall we take a walk tonight?" or simply: "I love you!" She needs to know that you are constantly thinking about her.
  4. 4 Touch her gently or pat her back. If you are already in a close relationship, you can place your hand on her knee or take her hand. Don't be afraid to show affection for her in public. If she's having a tough day, pat her gently.
  5. 5 Don't miss out on parties. Sometimes you can show yourself on a new side by doing stupid things. For example, you might stumble and fall. Or, while drunk, you can dance on the table, showing others that you are capable of rash acts.
  6. 6 Sing it out loud. You can melt a girl's heart with a beautiful song. Sing beautifully and you will win her heart. Or, you can deliberately sing badly to look cute. If you are driving together in a car and she is singing her favorite song, join her. Sing very loudly, trying to do it beautifully. You can even dance to show her that you are an open and cheerful person.
  7. 7 Dance with your beloved girl. Step out onto the dance floor and conquer the heart of your beloved. Most guys aren't ready to dance. Feel free to dance, even if you don't dance well. Wave your arms, move your legs, or just move from side to side. Take her hands and dance in circles. You can raise your hand up when you hold her hand in your hand, allowing her to spin. Unleash your imagination. And remember that the worse you dance, the nicer you look.


  • Don't be rude.
  • Remember to follow the rules of personal hygiene. There is much more to it than just using deodorant.
  • Don't worry about embarrassing moments.
  • Some people are okay with profanity as long as it is kept to a minimum. Others, however, will be repelled. If you want everything to go smoothly, no one will think badly of you if you forget about the swear words.
  • Don't always take the first step first. On the other hand, if you wait a long time for the girl's initiative, the other guy might get her attention.
  • Don't worry what other guys will think of you if they notice that you are straightening your hair and taking care of your appearance. The girls will appreciate it.


  • Avoid getting drunk or doing anything that could be dangerous to your health. Otherwise, you may miss out on the opportunity to build a serious relationship with your girlfriend.
  • Be prepared for rejection. Even if you are the cutest guy in the world, the girl may refuse you and not go on a date with you.