Making your husband happy

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
TOP 10 Ways To Make Your Husband Happy
Video: TOP 10 Ways To Make Your Husband Happy


Keeping a marriage fresh and exciting in the midst of the daily stress can be quite a challenge. Fortunately, there are little things you can do to keep your husband happy and let him know that you are going to love him more every day. Share the responsibilities of marriage and try other methods of living a happy and spontaneous life where both you and your partner feel emotionally and sexually satisfied. Try the ideas below to strike the right chords with your husband and help your marriage blossom.

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Method 1 of 5: Keep the fire

  1. Be romantic. The romance is often quite easily put on the back burner after you've been married for a few years. Make sure you keep making time for romantic activities such as candlelight dinners, sunset beach walks and watching a movie together on the couch.
  2. Spice up your sex life. One of the main aspects of marriage where tension can be quickly lost is the sexual plane. Both of you will have to do your best to keep your sex life interesting. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do.
    • Try to avoid rut. If you and your husband are used to having sex without foreplay or temptation, sex can just become another thing you do in bed. Take the time to seduce each other at spontaneous moments. Avoid feeling like you have had to make time for intimacy. Scheduled sex is not sexy.
    • Listen to your husband's wants and needs. Know what your husband likes and what he would like to try in the bedroom. His desires can change over time. Ask him what he likes and what he wants - that question alone can be really exciting.
    • Try the "Forty Beads Method". This method was developed by a wife who saw that something needed to change in her relationship. The method is based on the principle that every partner has a bowl. The other person can put a bead in this bowl if he / she wants to become intimate. The other partner has a certain amount of time to comply with the request.
  3. Set a date night. Your busy schedules can make it difficult to find time for each other at times. Agree to go on dates at least once a week or to have dinner at home.
    • Go out to dinner and to the movies. This classic never gets boring. Do vary between the type of film and restaurant you are going to.
    • Cook together. Try to prepare a dish that requires more work and effort than the standard dishes you would prepare during the week. Make a homemade pizza to have a little fun cooking.
    • Go for a picnic in the summers and springs. A romantic picnic on the meadow or on the beach is a nice way to spend some time outside for just the two of you.
    • Go ice skating in the winter. Hold your husband's hand and slide across the ice.
    • Do something adventurous, such as extreme sports. You can go mountain climbing, snowboarding, surfing, etc.
  4. Send him flirty text messages. Sometimes there is nothing better than getting a spontaneous text message from your loved one. Call him to say you love him, or send him a flirtatious text message giving him something to look forward to.
    • Send him sexy Snapchat messages to remind him of what you have in store for him when he gets home from work. Warn him in advance that a sexy snap is coming. You don't want him opening it up close to his friends, or worse, his colleagues.
    • Post a video or link on his Facebook page with something that has special meaning for your relationship. This could be a love song video clip, or a clip from your favorite comedy, etc.
  5. Buy new, sexy outfits. If you always wear sweatpants at home, it may be time to get some new clothes. There is of course nothing wrong with feeling comfortable around your husband. Just try to take good care of yourself.
    • Spice up a dull outfit with a sexy blouse or dress.
    • Put on stiletto heels to lengthen your legs. Every man likes long, sexy legs. A pair of heels is an easy and quick way to make any outfit sexier.
    • Buy new lingerie. Lingerie is a sexy way to give your sex life that little bit extra.
  6. Adopt an attractive attitude. Being attractive isn't just about looking sexy. It also has to do with radiating a compassionate attitude. Make sure you look nice and take his feelings into account.
    • Radiate happiness. As humans, we all have good days and bad days.While you shouldn't try to mask your feelings when you're unhappy or depressed, you can do your best to be as nice as you can be.
    • Smile. Visual cues are just as important as words. Don't frown all day long. Try to smile as much as possible.
  7. Sports. This may seem like an attempt to persuade you to exercise and develop a sexy body. However, exercising gives you much more than hard abs and a toned body. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins - neurotransmitters that reduce stress and induce happiness.
    • Research has shown that a regular exercise regimen increases sexual desire. This is because exercise has a positive effect on your body and mind.
    • Try stress-reducing exercises like yoga or energy-boosting exercises like running.
    • Also, don't forget the positive effect of feeling sexy on your love life. If you feel desirable, your confidence and sexuality will shine through.

Method 2 of 5: Be spontaneous

  1. Go to concerts together. Buy tickets to see his favorite band live. Concerts are extremely memorable experiences that trigger unique feelings time and time again.
  2. Go on a spontaneous road trip. Secure the supplies in the car when your husband isn't around and drive to a place you both have been wanting to visit for a while. Create a on-the-go playlist related to your relationship.
  3. Stay awake all night for a movie marathon. Does he have a favorite director? Collect all of your husband's favorite movies, put on the popcorn, and watch a movie all night long. Although you could fall asleep, a movie marathon can be great fun. Moreover, it gives you and your husband time to snuggle at home.
  4. Go camping. A rustic getaway can be extremely romantic - especially when the two of you spend a night under the stars together. Go back to basics and go camping. Make it a cheap mini vacation.
  5. Leave love notes at home. Spread some love notes around the house for your husband to find. But don't just stop there. Put cute notes in his pockets, or stick "I love you" on his car steering wheel. Little things like this will make him smile all day long. You achieve a lot with it.
  6. Introduce him to something new. Have you recently read a fantastic book or discovered a nice new band? Share your findings with your husband. Introducing him to new things can give your relationship more conversation.

Method 3 of 5: Give him a present every now and then

  1. Frame a photo of you together. A picture really says more than a thousand words. Framing a photo of you is a great way to show him that you care. You can also make a collage of your last vacation or just one of the nice moments you had together.
  2. Make a present yourself. Give him coupons. This is a good (and inexpensive) way to show him that you love him. Get creative and give your husband coupons for romantic activities that he can redeem at any time. For instance:
    • Massages
    • Intimate activities
    • His favorite home-cooked meal.
    • Control over the television
    • Visiting his favorite restaurant
    • Exemption from certain chores
  3. Prepare his favorite meal or dessert. Food can nourish the soul. If you spend a lot of time making his favorite homemade dish, he'll see how much you love him. Take the time to cook his favorite food every now and then. Make it a surprise by adding an extra bit of romance.
  4. Compile a playlist or mixtape. Take the time to create a playlist of your husband's favorite songs, or look for new songs that you think he'll like. You can also choose to create a playlist of love songs you once played together.
    • Give it to him wrapped in a gift wrap. Include a small note explaining what the playlist means to you.
    • Or put the CD in the CD player of his car. Set the stereo to automatically play your CD when it starts its car. This sly addition is guaranteed to make your husband smile when he puts on his seat belt.
  5. Give him something from nature. Collect something from nature that is special to you. This could be a stone in the shape of a heart, a shell from the beach, or even a twig from when you went for a walk. Let your spouse know that this sign from nature reminds you of him.

Method 4 of 5: Make your house a home

  1. Keep everything clean. This doesn't mean you have to do everything, just divide the responsibilities that come with having a comfortable home. Don't take up all the space in your shared room by leaving clothes and make-up lying around everywhere.
  2. Greet him warmly. When your husband comes home, greet him with a smack and a smile. If you do this, you immediately set a positive tone. This way, the next interaction will also have a better start, and it will strengthen your home as a nice, fun place.
  3. Cook together. Create dishes that you can both enjoy together. Dinner is a time to go through your day and really get to interact with your husband. Avoid frozen meals and create a dish that you can enjoy together.
  4. Do it yourself together. Pick a weekend to work on a home project together. Building or painting something together to improve your home can be a rewarding experience. If you do something for each other together, the results can be very rewarding.
  5. Invite his family to dinner. If you've made your house a home, you can invite your in-laws for brunch or dinner. Your husband will appreciate your attempt to turn to your in-laws. Try to make them feel welcome and loved.
  6. Try to be more than just roommates. It's easy to get so used to each other that you almost feel like you're just roommates. Make sure you continue to show affection by hugging, caressing, and kissing each other. Do not immediately let go of all your inhibitions when you start living together. It's still rude and unkind to go burping or farting. In addition, it is a big letdown.

Method 5 of 5: Maintain your individuality

  1. Make time for yourself. The rather comical saying "The secret to a good marriage? A happy wife" is more accurate than you might think.
    • In order for your husband to be happy with you, you must first be happy with yourself. Being happy depends on each person's behavior, feelings and experiences. Make sure you set aside some time to take care of yourself. In addition, keep taking enough care of your husband.
  2. Reserve time to go out with friends yourself. It is important that both you and your husband take the time to maintain relationships with others in your life. Friends are an important part of everyone's life. If you make time to hang out with friends yourself, you help maintain the balance in your life.
    • Set aside one evening a week to spend alone with your friends. By keeping the same evening, no partner will feel neglected when the other is out with friends.
    • Don't just talk about your spouse during a girlfriends night. Use this time to take a break from your busy married life. Try to keep yourself busy with your friends and what they are up to.
  3. Don't lose sight of your interests. It's great if you and your spouse have the same interests, but make sure you both keep your own hobbies. If you enjoy reading and he enjoys playing golf, give each other time to do so. You don't always have to share everything with each other. Giving each other space can even strengthen your relationship.
  4. Be honest with each other. Communication is the key to a successful relationship. Make sure you tell each other how you feel, even if it isn't always easy. If you feel like you're just giving and you're not getting as much in return from your partner, tell him. Often it is just communication that is lacking to make a major change.