How to make peanut butter

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Home Made Peanut Butter | One Pot Chef
Video: Home Made Peanut Butter | One Pot Chef


1 Prepare the peanuts. Before using peanuts to make peanut butter, rinse them in cold water to remove any dirt. Then blot the nuts to dry. If you bought unpeeled nuts, you will have to peel them yourself, which will be easier if they are dry. Nuts do not need to be peeled to the last shell.
  • If you are using raw, freshly shelled nuts, Valencia or Virginia is the best choice. If you are going to fry the nuts before cooking oil, go for Spanish peanuts, which have more oil.
  • 2 Roast the peanuts (optional). Some people prefer to fry the peanuts before cooking the peanut butter to make them crisper with a roasted flavor. It doesn't take long, so decide for yourself whether or not to fry the peanuts. You can also buy roasted nuts. If you do decide to fry them, here's what you need to do:
    • Place the nuts in a bowl and lightly stir in peanut butter or vegetable oil.
    • Preheat oven to 176 ° C.
    • Spread the nuts in a thin layer on a baking sheet. Make sure that the nuts are not in a heap, otherwise they will cook unevenly.
    • Cook the nuts for 10 minutes, until lightly oiled and golden brown.
    • Shake the baking sheet every 2 minutes if desired to prevent the peanuts from burning.
  • 3 Grind the nuts in a food processor. This will take a few taps. For best results, suitably chop the nuts while they are slightly warm.
  • 4 Grind the nuts for 1 minute. The mixture should be a little creamy, just the way you like it.
  • 5 Collect the nuts from the sides of the kitchen processor and turn it back on if necessary. Continue chopping the nuts, picking them off the sides, and chopping again until you get the consistency you want. If you grind the nuts for 3 minutes, you will achieve good results.
    • Keep in mind, your peanut butter will never look like the store-bought butter because it is more natural. But even if it doesn't look as creamy as it does from a can, it will be amazingly delicious!
  • 6 Collect the peanut butter in a bowl when done. A spoon with a long handle will make it more convenient.
  • 7 Add salt and sugar to taste, if necessary. Try your peanut butter and see if you need to add some salt or sugar. If you are satisfied with the taste, do not add anything!
  • 8 Add a small amount of brown sugar, molasses or honeyif you like a sweeter taste. You can substitute sugar for molasses or honey if you like. Some people add sweet ingredients directly to the kitchen processor along with the nuts, it depends on your kitchen processor if it can mix all the ingredients.
    • If you add these ingredients after chopping and will mix by hand, mix thoroughly until smooth.
  • 9 Spoon the peanut butter into an airtight container. Refrigerate the butter for a day or two for it to sit and turn into a great peanut mass. Of course, the shelf life of homemade oil is much shorter than that of store oil, but rest assured, you will eat it much earlier, and you will not have a chance to check how much you can store it!
    • This oil can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several weeks.
  • Part 2 of 2: Using Peanut Butter in Recipes

    1. 1 Make a jam and peanut butter sandwich. Make a great sandwich with this recipe, or add your own ingredients to taste.
    2. 2 Bake peanut butter cookies. You can easily bake delicious cookies with peanut butter, flour, brown sugar, and a few other ingredients. Serve with a glass of milk, you'll want some more!
    3. 3 Make peanut butter balls. If you love the rich, intense flavor of peanut butter, this is the recipe for you. You will need peanut butter, some powdered sugar, chocolate chips, and a few more ingredients.
    4. 4 Make chocolates and peanut butter candies. If you love homemade candy, you will need homemade peanut butter, some chocolate, and candy tins to create a true masterpiece.
    5. 5 Make a veggie peanut and ginger sauce. Who Said Peanuts Should Be Sweet? Here's a veggie sauce recipe to complement any dish!
    6. 6 Make Brownie Cakes with Oreo Cookies and Peanut Butter. A beautiful and delicious dessert comes with peanut butter, Oreos cookies, butter, flour and some other key ingredients.


    • If you like peanut butter with nut pieces, set ¼ cup nuts aside without chopping. Only put these nuts in the kitchen processor when the butter is almost ready and has reached a creamy consistency, crush them for just a few seconds to make a coarse nut crumb.
    • If the mixture is too salty, add sugar or honey.
    • Try to reduce the amount of oil used to a minimum. Natural peanut butter contains nothing but peanuts, which are a very healthy and tasty protein rich food.
    • If you want to prevent peanut butter from separating, use an oil that is solid at room temperature, such as palm, coconut, or cocoa butter.