How to distinguish between friendship and love

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 10 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Difference Between Love And Friendship! (Avoid The Friend Zone )
Video: The Difference Between Love And Friendship! (Avoid The Friend Zone )


It's okay to love your friends. But can you be sure that your feelings are not romantic love? Sometimes it can be difficult to understand the difference between platonic friendship and romantic love. When in doubt, take the time to review your relationship. Think about specific examples, remember times when you experienced love. You can also prioritize. What are you looking for in a partner? Do you want to take it to the next level in your relationship? There are ways to figure this out without risking your friendship!


Method 1 of 3: Look at your friendship from the outside

  1. 1 Rate the intensity of your feelings. Take time to reflect on how strong your emotions are. Many emotions can be experienced both in friendship and in love, but when you are in love, these feelings can be very strong! In general, the more emotionally you feel about someone, the more likely you are to have romantic feelings for them.
    • For example, you may suddenly feel that there is some kind of chemical bond between you and your friend, you both laugh at the same jokes, it is easy for you to find a common language. When you are in love with a person, these feelings will be much stronger. You may even feel dizzy or agitated.
  2. 2 Pay attention to physical reactions. Your body will help sort out your feelings. When you are close to a loved one, your heart may begin to pound harder, you may even feel butterflies in your stomach. You may even start to worry a little. You are unlikely to start giggling nervously if you just cuddle with a friend.
    • When you're out with a friend, you might be a little worried. But, most likely, you will not feel any strong physical changes if you see or hug a friend.
    • If you are close to a loved one, you are unlikely to be able to control the reactions of your body. Your palms may sweat, your voice may break, your heart may pound faster.
  3. 3 Compare this relationship with everyone else. Think about whether there are differences between these relationships and those with your other friends. You most likely have many friends, but only one person is your possible love. The relationship with this person will be more valuable to you than with other people. Plus, you may feel a special bond with this person.
    • Perhaps you cannot imagine a day when you would not communicate with him. Chances are, you chat with other friends once a week or two. But with the person you love, it can feel like an eternity.

Method 2 of 3: Decide what you want

  1. 1 Decide if you want a romantic relationship. You can tell the difference between love and friendship by remembering how much attention you give to this person. If you love someone, chances are you will think of them a lot and will constantly want to communicate with them. It is unlikely that you will think so much about your friend, and besides, you will not have such a desire to communicate with him.
    • Perhaps you will think of a friend when someone (or something) reminds you of him. For example, if you hear a song or story that reminds you of him.
    • If you love a person, chances are you will think about them for days on end, regardless of whether something reminds you of them or not. You may even dream of this person.
  2. 2 Think about how much attention you want from this person. Are you happy with the way he treats you? If he just gives you a high when he meets you, you may want something more. Maybe you want him to text you more text messages? If you don't hear about your friend all day, you won't be as upset as if you hadn't received news from your loved one.
    • If you are constantly waiting for a friend to write or call you, if you have “butterflies” in your stomach, when his name appears on your phone display, these are signs that you want a relationship with him.
  3. 3 Talk to a friend or family member. It is difficult for yourself to objectively assess your life. Try talking to someone you trust, such as a close friend or brother. This person will help you objectively evaluate how this person treats you. Ask your brother / friend how he thinks there might be a romantic relationship between you and the person.
    • For example, a friend might notice that the person you love often looks at you when you can't see it. In addition, he may notice that this person talks a lot about you when you are not around.This is another sign that he thinks you are more than just friends.
  4. 4 Try to understand your feelings. Trying to sort out your own feelings and emotions is difficult and requires introspection. To understand how you feel about a person (friendship or love), be honest with yourself, figuring out what emotions this person evokes in you.
    • Make a list to keep track of your feelings throughout the week. Write down how you feel when you communicate with this person, what and how often you think about him. For example, you might write that you were worried when the person called you by your name (or when you were just chatting).
  5. 5 Keep a diary. Take a few minutes a day to write about your interactions with other people. This will help you understand if your attitude towards this person is different from your attitude towards other friends. In addition, it will be easier to understand how this person treats you: as a friend or as a loved one.
    • Think about specific situations. For example, consider a time when this person was talking to someone else. Think how you felt then? Did you feel jealous? Or did it not bother you at all?

Method 3 of 3: Build Your Relationship

  1. 1 Be confident in yourself. You may be worried trying to change your relationship. This is fine! But still, try to act confidently. Confidence will help you find the right words that work in this case.
    • Tell yourself something encouraging. For example: “I am cheerful and caring. Bora was lucky with me! "
  2. 2 Be flirtatious. You can scout the situation by slightly flirting with this person. Start with eye contact, which lasts a second longer than usual. You can pay more attention to this person. If you're in company, focus on talking to him.
    • Try to touch it accidentally. Touch his hand while laughing at a joke.
  3. 3 Change your tone. Friends usually talk to each other in a casual manner. For example, they often use different nicknames and slang expressions. For example, "buddy", "brother", "baby" and so on. If you find yourself using such terms too, pay attention to this. Basically, just friends speak this language. Try referring to that person by their first name.
  4. 4 Ask him out on a date. Be straightforward and just ask him out. You will never know if something will work out between you until you go out on a date. Be honest and open. Let him know that you want to chat with him in private.
    • For example, you might say, “I would love to spend time with you. Maybe we can have dinner together on Friday night? "
  5. 5 Accept his answer. If the person you love does not feel the same for you, it is very painful and upsetting. You will most likely feel rejected and upset. However, try to understand that most likely this person did not want to hurt you, he just wants to be honest with you. Don't try to make the other person suffer for not sharing your feelings. If you don't know what to say, here are some examples:
    • “Thank you for your honesty. I was hoping that you feel the same, but I understand that you cannot change it. "
    • I appreciate your honesty. I still want to be friends, but I hope you understand that I need time to sort out my feelings. "