How to cook Japanese fried rice

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Fried Rice Recipe [Traditional Japanese Style] / 炒飯
Video: Fried Rice Recipe [Traditional Japanese Style] / 炒飯


1 Boil 4 cups white or brown rice. Cooking rice usually requires adding water in a ratio of 2: 1 to rice. The duration of cooking rice depends on the variety: brown or white, oblong or round. In most cases, rice is added to boiling water, then boiled without stirring for 20-40 minutes. It all depends on the type of rice. Check the instructions on the packaging for more information.
  • Jasmine rice will add authenticity to the flavor and texture of your Japanese fried rice at home. If you can't find jasmine rice, oblong rice is preferred.
  • Rice can also be quickly cooked in a slow cooker by adding it to boiling water and simmering it on low heat for 3 hours.
  • 2 Refrigerate the rice. Cold rice fries better than warm rice. It is recommended to cook the rice the day before frying, but if this is not possible, it will be enough to cool it for several hours.
  • 3 Chop vegetables. Given that fried rice cooks very quickly and over high heat, it is best to prepare all the vegetables in advance. You may need to combine different vegetables depending on the cooking time. For example, you can lay onions, garlic and carrots at the same time, separately at the same time peas and edamame, and separately at the same time spices and sauces.
  • 4 Make an egg omelet. First, fry two eggs in a small skillet over medium heat, then remove from the stove and cut into small pieces.They can be added to fried rice towards the end of cooking, but preferably before cooking other ingredients.
  • 5 Cook any meat you like. A variety of protein sources can be added to fried rice, such as chicken, pork loin, ham, beef, or shrimp. It is advisable to cook the meat in advance so that it reaches the desired condition before adding it to the fried rice. Cut the meat into cubes before or after cooking to add to the rice later.
  • Part 2 of 3: Cooking Fried Rice

    1. 1 Heat a wok or skillet. The dish should be cooked on a well-heated surface. It is recommended to cook the dish over high or medium heat, depending on the heat source and the characteristics of the hob.
    2. 2 Add butter. While some recipes allow for the use of vegetable oil, most hibachi restaurants add butter. In addition, many who have experimented with different oils in homemade recipes claim that butter gives rice a classic taste. Heat the oil until it melts, but do not let it darken.
    3. 3 Saute the onions, carrots, and garlic. Arrange the vegetables in the skillet so that they are evenly fried. Continue simmering everything together for a few minutes, until the onions are translucent.
    4. 4 Add other vegetables. Add peas, edamame, corn, and any other vegetables you like. You can add peppers, mushrooms, broccoli, zucchini, squash, or herbs like spinach or kale for your benefit. Cook for a few minutes, until vegetables are tender.
    5. 5 Spread the rice evenly over the vegetables. Place the cold rice on top of the cooked vegetables, then mix the rice and vegetables evenly. Continue cooking over medium to high heat
    6. 6 Toast rice and vegetables. Cook the rice until it is an even golden brown color. Be sure to stir frequently and try to keep the mixture not too thick. To do this, do not put too large a portion into the pan at once.

    Part 3 of 3: Finishing the Fried Rice Cooking Process

    1. 1 Add protein and spices. When the rice is well browned and the vegetables are ready, add salt, pepper, spices, chopped boiled eggs and boiled meat. Continue stirring until the ingredients are combined and until the dish is warm.
      • For an original flavor, you can add gomashio seasoning. It is a mixture of salt, seaweed, sugar, and sesame seeds that can be purchased from the import departments of grocery supermarkets.
    2. 2 Season with sesame oil and sauces. Season the rice with sesame oil and other sauces such as soy or oyster. These sauces are added to the finished dish and only after it has been removed from the heat.
    3. 3 Divide cooked rice into portions. Serve fried rice in bowls or plates. You can garnish the dish with fried sesame seeds or green onions as desired and serve with a sauce such as soy or yum yum.
    4. 4 Serve hot. Serve until the rice is cold. If you have to reheat leftovers, be sure to do so in a skillet or wok, never in the microwave.


    • Gomoku meshi is a type of Japanese fried rice. During its preparation, finely diced chicken, carrots, fried tofu, mushrooms and burdock are added to the rice and boiled with soy sauce, sake and sugar.
    • Chahan - Chinese fried rice, slightly modified to suit the tastes of the Japanese. Sometimes katsuobushi is added to it - fermented smoked tuna for a special flavor.

    What do you need

    • 4 cups (946 ml) cooked white, brown, or jasmine rice
    • Large bowl
    • 2 eggs, beaten
    • Small frying pan
    • 1 cup (236 ml) peas
    • 2 tbsp. l. (30 ml) finely chopped carrots
    • 1/2 cup (118 ml) diced onions or other vegetables
    • 1 1/2 tbsp. l. (22.5 ml) plain or garlic oil
    • Large skillet or hibachi
    • 2 tbsp. l. (30 ml) soy sauce
    • Salt and pepper to taste