Ways to seduce older women

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Seduce an Older Woman Regardless of Your Age With Ease
Video: How to Seduce an Older Woman Regardless of Your Age With Ease


Older women know what they want out of a relationship, and are not afraid to express their thoughts. They are confident, independent, and are in their rejuvenation when the men are no longer the same. So how to seduce an attractive woman? Just follow the steps below for better understanding.


Part 1 of 3: Make her want you

  1. Show confidence. Older women like men who are confident. They want you to be able to solve problems in life without having to ask for their help. Showing your confidence will help you attract this type of woman. Not even feel When you approach older women with confidence, you should still pretend until you are honest.
    • When you first talk to an older woman, don't immediately praise them because you will look like a kid asking for candy. She will not appreciate this behavior. Instead, make an impression with your confident attitude.

  2. Attract attention. Remember that you are dealing with older women. They will not pay attention to cliché actions like showing off possessions or flirting with every girl passing by. You should show an interest in politics, world events, books, music, in general what makes the version more interesting.
    • If you haven't achieved much, you should mention things want do things instead of things that haven't been done yet. Otherwise she will get bored.
    • If you are much younger, you should not talk about your friends or the things that young people this age usually do because it will make her feel too old. For example, if you are a student and the girl is over 30, don't talk about the party last night; instead, you should express your experiences while studying abroad.

  3. Focus on her strengths. You don't have to be overly complimenting, but let the other person know what you like about her. Appreciate who they really are. Are you funny? Smile and tell her. Lenient? Respond with kindness. If they want to touch you while they are talking, repeat the same action. She is very attractive? Let them know that their looks really fascinate you.
    • Don't stress on age. You shouldn't let her think that you like her just because you're older than you. Don't say "You are very beautiful at this age." Otherwise you will become very dumb.
    • If she mentions age, you can say, "Oh, I'm a little surprised."
    • If she asks how old you think she is, "always" guess the smaller number. Don't be too clear on this. If she is about 35 years old, should not guess the age is "23" but should be "29".
    • When you start talking about her age, you might ask why a woman her age is single, or how can she attract so many men. Just make sure your words aren't too cheesy or unreasonable.

  4. Impress her with her independence. Older women like men who are not too needy or dependent. Baby pups can work for your puppy, not you. Discuss your recreational activities, favorite sports, hobbies, or things that are done and done to develop people. If always Talking about your friends and family, she will think that you will never make time for yourself and will lose interest.
    • Do you have a promising career with a bright future? Let her know this but not be too boastful. Tell the person what they do, and if they want to know more they will ask questions. However, you should not be too worried if you are still unable to be independent or have a solid career, at least show that you have passion in life and a positive outlook.
  5. Please go out. Do not delay. After you've drawn your audience and proven you to be a mature and independent man, you can ask her out. Just say, "I want to talk to you, but now I have to go. Would you like to go out to eat and chat next time?" and ask for her phone number. Always be cold; do not appear urgent or overly enthusiastic about seeing the other person again and do not ask her out the next day. Offer to see the person next week to let her know or think you're busy.
    • To be cold and stupid are two different concepts. You can still smile, make eye contact, and praise her when you ask for a date.

Part 2 of 3: Take her out

  1. Date her. Any action against girls or women your age is not enough.When you meet younger women, you can take her to dinner, watch a movie or bring cheap beer or bottles of wine to your partner's house, but for older women you need a lot of effort to make an impression. . Learn about fancy food and luxury drinks, or meet up at her favorite places.
    • Just remember that older women are not so different from younger girls in entertainment. And maybe they don't have fancy tastes just because they're old.
    • If you have a restaurant appointment and are old enough to drink, you shouldn't order beer unless you want to appear like a kid. Order classy cocktails, like gin and tonic, to let her see you as more of a man. Of course, don't drink too much, especially while driving.
  2. Become a real man. If you want to make a good impression on an older woman, compliment her on her beauty, hold the door for her partner, and pull a chair for them as you sit down. If she is carrying something heavy, take the initiative to help. These are the little things that can make her judge you as a gentleman or just a guy trying to be polite to impress. Don't be late, be messy, or wear old clothes. Otherwise, she will lose interest in you.
  3. Take advantage of your age. Don't be embarrassed or embarrassed that you are younger than her, even if you are 10 to 15 years younger! Instead, focus on things that young people possess but not adults. Of course you may not have settled into a career or a life, but at least you have a young and attractive body, full of energy and enthusiasm in life, and without the burden of thoughts or worries. you stress.
    • Draw attention to your strengths instead of revealing your weaknesses. Do not mention lack of experience or career prospects. Instead, show that you care about your future and be free to be happy at this age.
  4. Honestly wanting to do "sex" with her. Be honest and open about wanting to go to bed with older women. Don't be rude, of course, but if you are on a date and everything is going well, don't be afraid to speak your mind. Let her know she's super attractive, and you want to spend the night with them, or wait until you drive her home and look her in the eye, kiss her, or praise her until she invites you. into the house.
    • At the end of the appointment, emphasize your thoughts. Before you take her home, let the other person know that you want them, and that they want you too.
    • Remember being confident. Don't ask the question like "Can I sleep with me?" Instead, make a simple statement that makes her want you more.

Part 3 of 3: Putting her to bed

  1. Take control of the situation. Although the woman is older than me and might want you to do what they say, she will be really impressed if you take a controlling role and get the other person to obey her. Take control from the moment you enter her or your home by kissing your ex, opening a bottle of wine, and leading her into the room. Then she will be really surprised and impressed. You should still let her do what you want, but don't let the other person take full control of it as it will lose your chance to enjoy the moment.
    • If you intend to go to her house, you Candlestick Learn how to open a bottle of wine. You will look like a little boy if you don't know how to open the bottle.
  2. Do not praise her too much. Maybe you are very excited about being with this woman, but don't be in a hurry. You should compliment her on being beautiful or in great shape, but just stop there. Don't say she's the most beautiful woman you've ever met, that you're lucky to be with her, or that she has the best kissing skills you'll ever know. This will only make you appear humble and inexperienced.
    • She wanted to be treated equally, not to be honored as a goddess or a monument. The more you compliment, the more cautious she will be about your age.
  3. Impress her with her own experience. Can you have Lots of experience to impress the other party. However, it all depends on the attitude. Don't worry about getting in bed or starting to kiss her, and don't get awkward about fumbling off her bra. If you can't take it off, just smile instead of blushing or getting confused.
    • Don't say "I've never done this ..." or she will lose interest immediately. If you think that you don't have to impress her more than a normal woman, you will develop a sense of your experience with your confidence.
    • If you are really inexperienced but want to make a strong impression on older women, you should try having sex with girls your age first. As long as you don't take advantage of it and you are both satisfied, this will increase your confidence.
  4. Makes her want you again. After getting in bed with her, end up happily. Don't say you had the best time in your life; Instead say that you'll call her if you want and make a promise after a few days. Be calm and forget the fact that you are 10 years younger than your partner and everything will go according to plan. If you have a busy and exciting life, but want her to be part of the plan, then she will expect you to get back in touch.


  • Understand the needs of this group of women and act accordingly. Do not equate them as young girls who enjoy chatting for hours about a newly emerging relationship.
  • Learning how to seduce older women can be fun and helpful if you follow the steps above. You should be different from other guys and act with confidence and maturity to achieve success.
  • Do not overdo alcohol, you should save alcohol while in close proximity instead of drinking a full bottle after joining the game. Doing this can make you look like an alcoholic.

You can grab a bottle of wine while she is in the bathroom, take advantage of the bottle in the kitchen or open it in front of her if it's champagne.