How to win at Nerf War

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Win A Nerf War
Video: How To Win A Nerf War


Nerf war is a lot of fun playing with friends and family or with war players found online. There are many ways to organize a war game, and you can play multiple battles in one day if you plan for a big Nerf war.


Part 1 of 3: Organizing the War

  1. 1 Choose a location. Nerf wars are best conducted in large, open areas such as a park or playground. But if you have a lot of space under your roof or in your backyard close at hand, it will work for you as well. Make sure the location you choose has the following features:
    • The area should be free of other people, especially small children.
    • There should be toilets nearby. Places to purchase water or food are optional but recommended.
    • Shelters for people to hide. They can be found almost anywhere except in the open field.
  2. 2 Choose a spare area nearby. Most Nerf wars take place in public places, and when you arrive at your chosen location, it may turn out that it is already occupied by someone. Have a place within walking distance.
    • Some public places can be booked in advance at the local community center or school, but this is not always possible.
    • If your locations are busy, politely ask those present when they plan to finish. Do not rush them to leave and do not start your own Nerf war until they have finished theirs.
  3. 3 Choose a date and time. Plan for a Nerf War at least three weeks in advance, especially if you are recruiting new people. Choose a time slot of about four hours if you're going to be waging a typical Nerf war. If you have more than twenty people, or you tie the war to a special occasion, then the game may last longer, but eight hours is the limit.
    • Be sure to include snack breaks if necessary. Allocate at least half an hour if participants bring their own food, and at least an hour if they plan to go to a restaurant or have a picnic.
    • Choose a time to carry out a "clean-up": at least fifteen minutes before the official end of the war. This will allow everyone to participate in collecting cartridges and cleaning, as well as not keep parents waiting.
  4. 4 A set of Nerf warriors. You can play a Nerf war with three or four players, but if you plan ahead, you should count on more people. Get in touch with your friends as early as you can and send a reminder to those who haven't responded in a few days. If you would like to invite more players, try searching Nerf online communities using sites such as NerfHaven or NerfHQ.
    • Note that Nerf players you find online may play by different rules and often show up with modified Nerf blasters and homemade ammo that can shoot farther and faster than regular military arrows.
  5. 5 Decide on the rules you will use. Once you have enough people, explain the rules to everyone in advance. There are many different options that can be used in Nerf War, but the main thing is that they must be known in advance so that everyone plays the same way. Here are some general sets of rules that you can use:
    • "West Coast Rules". Each player has five points. If someone is hit, he loses one point.He then slowly counts down from 20 to 1 with the weapon raised up. He can collect ammo and walk, but he cannot shoot and cannot be "injured" during this time. The competitor counts down the last five digits, says loudly: "I'm in the game" and can shoot again. He leaves the game if he has no points left.
    • "East Coast Rules". Each player has ten points and loses one every time he is "wounded" by an opponent. In this case, there is no 20-second invulnerability period, but if multiple arrows are hit from the same weapon, then, as a rule, only one point is deducted. You exit the game as soon as the points run out.
  6. 6 Tell everyone about safety equipment and acceptable weapons. Safety glasses are a must for every participant in the Nerf war. In addition, some Nerf weapons and ammunition can be banned for security reasons, or made available to all players. Weapons vary from game to game, but here are some suggested rules:
    • All self-made arrows should be coated.
    • Nerf weapons that can shoot 130 feet (40 meters) or further are prohibited.
    • All ammunition that contains sharp materials is prohibited, even if these materials are inside the cartridges.
    • Melee weapons, such as swords, must be made of Nerf foam (and in some games even they are prohibited).
  7. 7 Decide how many games you play: one or more. A nerf war can last for many hours, but usually one game doesn't last that long. Browse the different options below and pick two or three to switch activities if players get bored and want something new.
    • You don't have to decide in advance when to change the game type. Sometimes it's best to leave things as they are when everyone is having fun and suggest switching to a new type when players get bored.

Part 2 of 3: Types of War Games

  1. 1 A simple military battle. You don't need a special combat structure to make the Nerf War fun. Choose one of the points deduction rules described in the previous section before the start of the war. Divide everyone into teams and separate them to opposite ends of the location before starting the game. You can even introduce a free mode, where each player fights against everyone until only one is left.
    • If you know how to distinguish between the best players (or understand who has the best equipment), then you can divide the group into two equal teams. Otherwise, pick the teams at random and shuffle the participants after each game.
  2. 2 Game "People vs. Zombies". This is a popular Nerf game that can be used if there are not enough weapons for everyone. Divide the group into two teams: humans and zombies. The human team has military weapons, and the zombies have no weapons at all. When a zombie touches a person, the person becomes a zombie. Zombies have the same points as humans, and they lose points when Nerf arrows hit.
    • Use bandages to easily identify team members. People wear bandages on their arms, while zombies tie them around their heads.
    • Zombies cannot use weapons even if they steal them.
  3. 3 Organize a Capture the Flag game. Each team has a flag (or any other recognizable object) next to the base where the game starts. The base is far enough away to be difficult to attack. The team that brings both flags to their base wins.
    • If you are hit, return to your base and count out 20 seconds before returning to the game.
    • Consider a 20 minute play time to avoid dragging out. As a result, the team that will carry the enemy flag closer to its base will win.
    • For the option without flags, divide the candies among the players. When the player is injured, he must throw out one of the candies and return to base. The team with the candy remaining wins.
  4. 4 Try the game "Fort Defense". The defensive team can choose a defensive position, often an elevation or area with sufficient cover. If the defensive team survives for 10 minutes, it wins the game. The attacking team wins if they knock out all defenders before 10 minutes have elapsed.
    • The defender can leave the fort and become an attacker if he is wounded three times. This is a good idea if the fort is particularly easy to defend.
  5. 5 Play Hunter with just one Nerf Blaster. These are simple tags. When someone is injured, he takes the blaster for himself. The last person to avoid being hit by the arrow wins.

Part 3 of 3: Military strategy and tactics

  1. 1 Have someone on the team be in charge of the strategy. If you have a large team, choose one player who can be the leader and will adjust the course of the game. The leader decides when to attack, ambush, or retreat, but he must listen to the wishes of other players.
    • You can change the role of the leader from game to game, so that everyone gets a chance to become one.
  2. 2 Use code words or gestures with teammates. Come up with some simple code words or gestures ahead of time so you can talk about strategy without letting the other team know. Choose code words for attack, retreat and ambush.
  3. 3 Choose tactics for your weapons. If you have a long-range weapon, you can choose a hidden spot and leave a sniper there. Small, quiet weapons can be good for a stealth assassin. A fast-shooting military weapon with a large supply of ammunition is perfect for attacking or covering a partner.
    • If possible, bring a military pistol with you as a secondary weapon for emergencies or when the primary weapon is useless.
  4. 4 Strive for higher ground. Whenever possible, drive towards a hill or other high altitude area. There you will have a greater view and you will be able to shoot with a longer range. Try to stay behind cover, or you will also be a more visible target.
  5. 5 Lure your opponent into a trap. Choose a place with shelter such as trees or walls. Pretend to run from the enemy, and then hide in cover, turn around and shoot when the enemy runs after you. It will be better if there are a few more teammates in the ambush.
  6. 6 Watch the wind while shooting. Unmodified Nerf arrows are very light and are blown away by the wind. Avoid shooting in strong winds or do so to compensate for arrow drift.
  7. 7 Hide ammo. Keep extra ammo in multiple caches. Remember where they are so you can quickly get extra Nerf arrows when yours run out.


  • Bring many arrows. You will end up using up more than you think.
  • If you are using a clip-on weapon, make sure you have a supply.


  • Pretending that you are out of the game (raising your weapon up) in order to ambush another player is not accepted in a Nerf war, even if it is not specifically prohibited by the rules.
  • Make sure each player has safety goggles before starting the Nerf War.