Remove mold from wooden furniture

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Housekeeping Tips : How Do You Clean Mold From Wood Furniture?
Video: Housekeeping Tips : How Do You Clean Mold From Wood Furniture?


Fungal spores are everywhere. They fly through the air, indoors and out, while no one sees them, until they start to grow. In the right conditions, when it is damp, the fungus will grow. It can be terrible to see your favorite piece of furniture covered with specks of fungus. It's even worse if you try to clean it and find that your cleaning method has damaged the wood. Take precautions when removing the mold to protect both your health and your furniture. Learn how to properly remove mold from wooden furniture!

To step

  1. Remove the mold from the furniture in a well-ventilated area. Although not necessary, you may want to consider cleaning the furniture outside to prevent the mold spores from spreading inside. If you do it indoors, open the windows and doors so that the space is well ventilated. During and after cleaning, use an air purifier to remove any mold from the air that will be floating around during cleaning.
  2. First, test a little of the cleaner on a small area of ​​the furniture to see how it turns out. Choose a spot that is out of sight, such as at the bottom or back.
  3. Start with the mildest cleaning agent possible, then move on to more powerful cleaning agents as needed to remove the mold. Different products will react with the material in different ways, because there are so many different types of wood, stain, paint and wax.
  4. Remove visible mold from the surface of the furniture. Put a mild all-purpose cleaner in a bucket of warm water. Use a clean cloth to remove the mold from the surface. You can also try a cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol. You can also try to remove the fungus with a product to clean wood or with antibacterial wipes. Do not make the wood too moist, as this can cause the fungus to grow further. Rinse your cloth often.
  5. Get to the heart of the problem. Because the finish of the wood often ensures that the fungus is only on the surface, the inside of the wood is usually not affected. Sometimes, especially if the furniture is made of porous wood, the fungus has penetrated deeper into the wood. You can try to remove it, but sometimes it is impossible to get rid of the stains that are deeper. In that case, you can sand the wood lightly to remove the discoloration. To begin with, take fine sandpaper. Continue with coarser sandpaper as needed.
  6. Apply a clear coat of varnish, stain or wax to protect the wood. This stops the growth of the fungus and prevents moisture from entering the wood.


  • If the mold is too aggressive, you should consider throwing the furniture away.
  • Wear gloves and a dust mask.


  • clean cloth
  • bucket
  • water
  • mild detergent
  • wood cleaner
  • air purifier
  • cleaning alcohol
  • antibacterial wipes
  • sandpaper
  • varnish