How to practice French kissing

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How To French Kiss ☆゚.*・。゚[My Kissing Tips]
Video: How To French Kiss ☆゚.*・。゚[My Kissing Tips]


It's natural to get excited before a French kiss, especially if you haven't done it before. However, do not worry - it just seems complicated, in fact, everything is quite simple and happens by itself. A French kiss involves touching tongues with a partner in a long, deep kiss. If you are new to this business or just want to improve your technique, there are several ways to practice at home.


Method 1 of 2: Learn the Technique

  1. 1 Tilt your head slightly to one side. This will prevent you from bumping your noses with your partner during a French kiss. Even if you are not training with a person, you should still make it a habit to bow your head slightly.
    • If you decide to learn French kissing with another person, tell them directly that you want to kiss them for practice, not because you have feelings for them.
    • You can practice French kissing on a brush, a piece of fruit, or even in your imagination. If you are using a brush, loosely squeeze your hand and form the letter "O", which will represent the lips and mouth of your partner. If you're using a fruit, bite off a ripe, hard fruit like a peach or plum to create a small hole that resembles a person's mouth.
  2. 2 Close your eyes and slowly move your lips towards your partner. Closing your eyes will allow you to focus on the physical sensation of the kiss. Lean towards your partner, bringing your lips closer to his.
    • Alternatively, bring your lips to a piece of fruit or brush. Stay 2.5 cm or so.
  3. 3 Press your lips gently against your partner's. Start with a gentle kiss and scout your surroundings before moving on to the French version. Press lightly with your lips and keep your mouth slightly parted. Do not open your mouth too wide, as this can cause anxiety in your partner and lead to a wet, careless kiss. Your lips should match his lips: your upper lip can be either above his upper lip or between the lips of your partner. In this case, your lower lip will lie between his lips or under his lower lip.
    • If you are training alone, gently place your lips on your hand or a piece of fruit.
  4. 4 Place your tongue gently on your partner's lips. This slow motion will allow you to gauge whether your partner is ready for a French kiss and relieve him of anxiety or surprise from sudden tongue movements. After kissing him softly on the lips, slowly stick out your tongue until it meets his lips - it can be the upper lip, lower lip, or both. If you are kissing a person for real and he also opens his mouth, move on to kissing in French.
    • When practicing on your own, gently press down on the brush or fruit with your tongue.
  5. 5 Slide your tongue lightly into your partner's mouth. The next step is to move the tongue slowly and gently into the person's mouth. You can place your tongue above or below his tongue, or even move it around. Do everything slowly and playfully. Also, don't go too deep - you just need to stick a small part of your tongue into your partner's mouth. To keep your teeth from bouncing against each other, tilt your head slightly to a certain side and use your lips as a barrier.
    • If you are training on a fruit or hand, gently stroke the object with your tongue.
  6. 6 Touch your tongue to your partner's tongue using a slow forward motion. These movements may include touching, stroking, twisting, and arching.When you kiss a reciprocating partner in real life, your kisses will naturally build up in intensity, pressure, and duration. The key to practicing French kissing is to start slowly and get into a natural rhythm based on your partner's physical reactions to your kiss.
    • When it comes to language, less is more, so don't be too aggressive! However, do not leave your tongue completely still - this can be awkward.
    • If you are practicing alone, experiment by moving your tongue differently across the brush or fruit until you highlight a pattern or technique that feels natural to you.

Method 2 of 2: Prepare for a Real Kiss

  1. 1 Watch romantic movies and TV shows featuring French kisses. This will allow you to become more familiar with this type of kiss, as well as understand how to set the right mood and how to move your head, mouth and body during the process.
  2. 2 Freshen your breath before kissing. Bad breath or poor oral hygiene can ruin your mood and make the process unpleasant. If brushing your teeth before kissing isn't possible, suck on a peppermint or chew gum. Just remember to spit it out before kissing!
    • If you are unable to brush your teeth between meals and kissing, avoid foods with pungent aromas (such as garlic and onions) to reduce the chances of bad breath.
  3. 3 Moisturize your lips and keep them soft. Dry, flaky lips can be repulsive and unpleasant on your partner's lips. Drink plenty of water and apply lip balm as needed to keep your lips soft and supple. The main thing is to make sure that the product has a pleasant scent and that the balm is not too slimy or sticky.
    • If you have particularly dry lips, exfoliate with a sugar scrub or even a clean toothbrush.
  4. 4 Dim the lights and create a romantic mood. The more relaxed and romantic you feel, the better! Choose a quiet, secluded place where you can spend time alone with your partner. Light candles with a pleasant scent or play beautiful music to create the appropriate mood.
  5. 5 Make sure your partner is comfortable. Whenever you plan to have a physical or intimate relationship with another person, get their clear consent. Ask your partner if they mind kissing you. If you are too shy about discussing personal boundaries with your partner, you may not be ready to have physical contact with them yet.
    • Remember - if at any point you feel that the person is uncomfortable, or if he pushes you away or asks you to stop, you should immediately retreat.
  6. 6 Break down the touch barrier. Before diving into kissing, start with light touches. Take your partner's hand, hug them, or snuggle together under the covers. This will help you transition to a more natural French kiss.
  7. 7 Use your hands while kissing. Don't just stand there with your arms dangling at your sides as you kiss your partner in French. You can wrap your arms around his neck or waist. Alternatively, grab his face lightly or run your fingers through his hair. Do what feels natural and comfortable to you.
  8. 8 Remember to breathe. During a French kiss, you can easily forget about breathing. Breathe through your nose while kissing, or take a break from time to time to take a deeper breath. Try not to puff on your partner - slow down if you feel short of breath or dizzy.
  9. 9 Change your kissing technique from time to time. You don't always have to kiss the same way. In fact, making some changes to kissing is very helpful.Try sucking gently on your partner's lower lip for a few seconds or massaging his tongue with your tongue. You can also shower his lips or neck with light kisses in between.
    • Or you can whisper sweet words to your partner in between kisses to cheer him up. You can say something like, "I love kissing you," or, "You make my heart beat faster."


  • Find a secluded place to practice so that no one bothers you.