How to Always Be Happy

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How To ALWAYS Be Happy (Animated)
Video: How To ALWAYS Be Happy (Animated)


Do you feel bored or unhappy about some part of your life? Things are getting worse and you want your life to be more optimistic? Making yourself happy is about being happy and satisfied with your life. Optimistic emotions are also beneficial for health and longevity. You can learn to make yourself happy in life by: loving and accepting yourself, thinking realistic, participating in positive activities, and working hard to achieve your personal goals.


Method 1 of 4: Love and Accept Yourself

  1. Maintain a positive attitude about yourself. Accepting yourself is an important part of being able to love and making yourself happy.
    • Accept who you are now instead of focusing too much on changing yourself.
    • Think and talk to yourself in a positive way: “I love who I am. I accept everything about myself now - even the things I want to change. The person I am right now is completely fine. "

  2. Determine your own good qualities. Being aware of the great things about yourself can help you promote happiness about who you are. Reminding yourself of those qualities every time you have a hard time can help you maintain a sense of happiness for yourself. You are special and unique.
    • Think in your mind or write a list of the things you like about yourself. Read this list or remind yourself whenever you feel down on yourself. You can list traits you like about yourself such as personality, hair, passion, eyes, fashion sense, compassion, and adventurous attitude.
    • Kindness is a great quality. Count how many times you treated someone nice to someone in the past week. You can take notes in a journal or document in Word. Paying attention to how many times you show kindness can increase your happiness.

  3. Accept development needs. Everyone has traits that need improvement, which is perfectly normal. However, do not just stop at personal mistakes, consider this as an opportunity to grow yourself.
    • Be open to a new experience that will help you focus on your personal growth. Try new things like a different art (painting, sculpture), travel to a new land, try to do things that you fear (eg public speaking).
    • Notice and reward achievements and changes. This helps you focus on positive changes and encourages yourself to go further in personal development.

  4. Focus on achievements instead of past failures. Sometimes people feel dissatisfied with things that happened in the past. Instead of thinking too much on the negative side, focus on the positive aspects of your past.
    • Make a list of your accomplishments.For example, graduate, pass a test, complete a project, or complete a work of art.
    • Forgive yourself for your past mistakes. Think of them as your way to learn and grow. Mistakes do not define who you are. Now you can decide to grow up and do better.

Method 2 of 4: Realistic and Optimistic Thinking

  1. Believe in your own happiness. Your own beliefs about happiness affect how you truly feel. Unfortunately, many people think that happiness is something they cannot reach or achieve. If you think that way, you will face a hard time filling the gaps. Happy people are simply because they believe they are happy, they don't seek material or experiences that make them happy; they only care what they have and that's great. Therefore, if you believe that you are happy, then you are truly happy.
    • Instead of looking at the situation in a pessimistic direction, think in a positive way.
    • Pay high attention to the positive aspects of your life. What makes happiness? For example, people with a positive and cheerful attitude are often those who have good relationships with others, take care of family life, and have a career-oriented (or are working to achieve it). . Think about these things and how they make you feel happier.
    • If you have thoughts that you are not happy or "I'm not as satisfied as I want to be", you need to identify all the evidence against this thought. Tell yourself, "Right now I have everything I want. I'm happy with everything even though they're not perfect. But they're good enough for myself."
  2. Always nurture hope. Hope has a strong connection to happiness and life satisfaction. Hoping to combine with the thinking that everything will be fine and hope for the best (don't expect the bad to happen). Focus on what you hope will happen in the future.
    • Believe that everything will be fine, or go in the right direction, although not exactly according to your plan.
    • The way to cultivate hope is to capture the negative thought: "Nothing will change. I can't fix this." These hopeless thoughts will depress your mood. If you recognize thoughts like these, you can immediately tell yourself, "This is a hopeless thought. I am a hopeful person. I may not be able to completely fix the problem, but I can change something in this situation. At least I can change my mind about this. " Focus on changing your thinking and you can be a person of hope.
  3. Think about the positives of each situation. Many people only look in the negative direction of the situation. Try to persistently overcome the obstacles in your life and focus on the things that help you learn and grow in adversity. Negatives and positives always exist in parallel, thinking about them will help you choose the right path to move closer to happiness.
    • If you or a loved one has problems with your work or personal situation, look at the positive rather than the negative aspects of the situation. For example, identify how this bad situation makes you stronger: build your character, teach you situations, and develop emotional stamina.
    • If you lose your job, think about the prospect of finding a better job, with higher pay and shorter hours, which will make your daily life more comfortable and comfortable.
  4. Train gratitude every day. Gratitude can be considered one of the best indicators of happiness and well-being.
    • You have health then you got everything. Be grateful that you are healthy so you can focus on developing happiness.
    • Make a list (in mind, on paper, in a journal or on a computer) of everything you are grateful for. Includes: family, friends, work, pets, lover, entertainment, music, government, safety, food, money and housing. When you feel in need, remind yourself of the things you are grateful for. You already have a lot of things.
  5. Control your emotions. The happiest people sometimes feel sad as well. Acknowledge that sometimes you also feel distress: anger, fear, anxiety, stress, and grief.
    • Express your feelings when needed. Doing so can make you feel better. When repressing emotions for too long, they can flare out in negative directions (such as anger and violence). However, releasing a little in healthy ways like boxing when you're feeling angry can help balance your emotions over the long term.

Method 3 of 4: Do What Makes You Happy

  1. Continue spending time with positive people. Love is a powerful predictor of happiness. Joint relationships are essential to feeling happy. We need friendship that satisfies both sides and relationships with family to make us happy, this is what makes us human.
    • Happy people tend to socialize more than unhappy people. So go out and socialize.
    • If you feel uncomfortable or anxious about meeting new people, you can spend time with old acquaintances and feel safe. From here you can build confidence and gradually get used to how to communicate with strangers. Tell yourself, "Every friend has been a stranger."
    • Remember that having a close relationship with someone is more important than connecting with lots of people but not knowing them well. Quality is more important than quantity. So, you should nurture and take care of your current friendship.
    • Understand that relationships are giving and taking, or reciprocity. Sometimes you need to compromise. Be agreeable, flexible, and willing to change if needed. However, you should avoid compromising your values ​​at all costs or engage in dangerous situations.
    • Build positive affection and intimacy with others. Share your thoughts and feelings with friends you trust. Don't isolate yourself when you're sad or depressed. There are times when you want to be alone, this is normal, but don't forget to accept support from everyone afterwards.
  2. Avoid negative influences. Negative people and their pessimistic thoughts can bind you mentally and make life pessimistic. Stay away from their way of life and bond with people who know how to live and enjoy life, who are willing to share their happiness with others.
    • Set boundaries with the person who grieves you. Say "No" when necessary.
    • Take some time to think about quitting a relationship or friendship that affects your happiness.
  3. Regularly participate in activities that make you happy. Pleasure is an important part of happiness and contentment in life.
    • Participate in activities and meet the right people who provide a chance for happiness in life.
    • Proactively correlates with happiness level. You can try the following: hiking, kayaking, canoeing, fishing, gardening, dancing, boxing, or yoga.
    • Join in interesting entertainment. Some examples are: watching movies, writing, drawing, listening to music, sewing, knitting and reading.
    • Appreciating experience over matter can make you happier. Instead of buying a new car, you can travel to another country. Matter will fade and disappear while memories are with us for a long time and experience is what makes you who you are.
  4. Helping others. Caring for the well-being of others and showing kindness can make you happier. Therefore, you need to be optimistic in both your thoughts and actions by sharing and helping others. There are many ways to help others, so choose one that both benefits their lives and makes you feel good while helping improve the lives of others.
    • Spending money on others makes you happier. Buy homeless people a meal.
    • Be sympathetic and put yourself in the shoes of others. Sometimes listening and understanding are all you need.
    • Help others by volunteering at your local organization or hospital. For example, you can serve in the kitchen, helping to build houses for disaster survivors.

Method 4 of 4: Ambition Towards the Goal

  1. Become independent. Independence is important for developing and maintaining a feeling of happiness and well-being. Set goals for yourself; don't depend on others, only you can understand what you want.
    • Coping with social pressure to believe and fulfill your goals. Always keep faith.
    • Adjust your own behavior. To be happy, you need to take control of your actions. Control of impulses, or the ability to stop and think before acting, is an integral part of adjustment.
    • Evaluate yourself for your own standards instead of what society wants you to do and be.
  2. Motivating. Values ​​and navigational power benefits of motivation. Curiosity and enthusiasm are also closely linked with life satisfaction and happiness.
    • Interested in something new. Try a new hobby, activity, or exercise. Discover ideas you've never thought of.
  3. Make life meaningful. Meaning and purpose are closely linked with happiness. This is about having goals and ambitions.
    • Remember that money alone cannot sustain happiness.
    • Set short-term goals for every aspect of your life. Instead of setting big goals for yourself, you should set goals that are short-term and easier to accomplish. For example, if you want to lose weight, do not give too much weight. You should only aim to lose 5kg as it is easier to accomplish than lose 25kg in one go. Continue to aim to lose 5kg at a time until you realize you've lost 25kg.
    • Think about the educational or training accomplishments that you are likely to achieve within your reach, rather than into the fantasies. Find the right course to initiate the goal-oriented process.
  4. Maintain a positive work environment. If you are working, happiness at work is also important factor. After all, you spend 40 hours a week working. Research shows that negative work environments can lead to stress, exhaustion, and low productivity.
    • Find a job: well-paid, guaranteed, supported by supervisors, equal and fair. It is important that you feel valued.