How to stay awake when tired

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Stay Awake Without Caffeine
Video: How to Stay Awake Without Caffeine


When you wake up every morning, when the alarm goes off after a long night, it's hard to resist pressing the enchanting snooze button to keep covering your covers and sleeping! However, there are a few simple strategies you can use to stay awake in the morning and throughout the day when you feel tired.


Part 1 of 3: Get energized in the morning

  1. Get excited about your plan for the day. Remember when you were a kid, you used to jump up every morning to wake up? At that moment you wake up with carefree and joyful feelings, and then you begin to enjoy the exciting activities that await you during the day. It's hard to get out of bed when you don't want to go to work or school at all, but if you think about the good things that will happen that day, you can get up in no time. So keep hoping for a bright day. Tomorrow, as soon as you wake up, think about the best part of the day and gleefully greet the expectations.
    • This is usually easy to do for birthdays and fun vacations, but you'll have to wind yourself up to wake up brightly during the gray rainy first days of the week. Even if there isn't a big event to look forward to, think about the little things that make you happy every day, such as: walking your dog, drinking your first cup of coffee. You can replace coffee with chocolate, (which is rich in flavonoids) especially one that contains 70% cocoa and is more concentrated, but if taken too late, it will cause insomnia. Talk to your best friends over the phone after a hard day's work. On the way home, you can buy your favorite food. As soon as you wake up, the first thing to think about is whatever makes you happy.

  2. Let the sun shine in. Does your room capture natural light in the morning? If not, then you are missing out on the opportunity to be awakened from nature. When the sun shines through the doorway in the morning, your brain realizes it's time to start moving. However, if you have curtains and cannot get the natural light of the morning, you will still feel groggy until you go out.
    • If you use thick curtains to block street lights, try a neutral shade to help block out most of the artificial light, but still make sure the room is illuminated when the side is lit. sunrise.
    • Try waking up early and watching the sunrise. You will have some quiet space to yourself in the morning before facing the pressures of the day. You can watch the sun rise from the window, or head outside early to relax your mind.

  3. Drink a full glass of water. Your body loses a little water during about 8 hours of dehydration (when you do a deep sleep), which can put you into a sleepy state. Wake up with a glass of cool water to start the day. You should feel more alert within a few minutes.
    • If you want to drink water while still in bed, fill a small thermos bottle with ice water the night before and place it on the bedside table. The next morning, the ice will melt and you'll have a cup of cool water to drink.
    • Drink water before sip a cup of coffee or tea.
    • Wash your face with cool water. This will help you lower your body temperature and get rid of the warm, sleepy state.

  4. Dental hygiene with a mint-flavored toothpaste.The smell of peppermint stimulates the trigeminal nerve (V cranial nerve) of the body, helping you to increase energy. Dental hygiene with a mint-flavored toothpaste is a great way to kick-start your day with excitement. Brush your teeth before eating, because brushing your teeth right after eating is not good for your teeth.
    • If you don't like a mint-flavored toothpaste, hold a jar of peppermint essential oil or some peppermint in your hand and take a deep breath. This works the same way you would with a mint-flavored toothpaste.
  5. Read an article or two. Concentration is seen as another powerful way to kick-start the day. Read some interesting stories or watch some videos. Focusing on new things will keep you busy and distract you from falling asleep.
    • Reading an email or a book of interesting content is just as effective. If you choose to read, make it a morning book. Keep reading this book every morning.
    • You can also listen to the radio or watch TV.
  6. Be physically active. You will wake up quickly when you switch from lying down to an active position. Did you know the cartoon characters always stretch out before getting out of bed? This method is really helpful in assisting with blood circulation and keeping you awake. If you don't feel like stretching, try a few other moves:
    • Go out for a walk.
    • Wash last night's dishes.
    • Make beds and rearrange rooms.
    • Do a few jumping jacks (jumping hands and feet up).
    • Walk around the neighborhood.
    • Better yet, spend 30 minutes on cardio exercises, like running, swimming or cycling.
  7. Have breakfast. Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day; Your morning intake of nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates and fat will keep your body healthy and ready for a good day. On days when you don't want to wake up, indulge yourself a little. Relax with a cup of coffee, grapefruit, and an omelet instead of trying to cram a piece of toast and rush out the door. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: More alert at noon

  1. Change the atmosphere. Even within a short 10-minute walk around an office building, the brain will become more flexible and active when exposed to completely different environments. When you feel sleepy, you will be much more productive if you continue to take breaks this way.
    • Be strict about rest time. Even when you are on a deadline or on a big project, overwork will make your body weak. Take a break every two or three hours and you can be more productive.
    • If you can go outside, take advantage of this - whether it's raining or snowing outside. The process of changing temperature will help the body get rid of the sleep in the middle of the afternoon.
    • Wake up and walk around regularly. When you sit still for too long, circulation gets hampered - and seriously affects the state of your brain.
  2. Eat an orange or a grapefruit. The aroma of citrus fruits increases serotonin levels - a hormone capable of promoting positive moods. Eating a few citrus or grapefruit - or any citrus fruit - is a great way to get through a bleak afternoon. You can also squeeze a lemon into a glass of water to achieve the same effect.
  3. Drink ginseng tea. Ginseng is a natural stimulant that improves brain function. Drinking a cup of ginseng tea or taking 100 mg of ginseng extract will increase concentration, and at the same time, help the brain more alert.
    • Consult your doctor before taking any supplements. You should avoid taking ginseng if you have high blood pressure.
  4. Avoid caffeine and sugar too late in the day. You may crave a cup of coffee latte and a cookie at 4 p.m., but the caffeine and sugar only provide temporary energy, after which you will get more tired. To maintain energy and alertness, drink water or tea instead of coffee and eat protein-rich snacks like almonds.
  5. Listen to music with playful tunes. You may not be interested, but give it a try! Play the music you usually dance when you have free time. You will be hard to resist and will quickly beat your feet nodding to the music. A rapid increase in heart rate will help you "wake up" in a moment.
    • You can also take the time to continue reading an article, listen to interesting topics from podcasts (iphone app), learn a foreign language, or do whatever interests you and focus. again.
  6. Sleep back to strength. Instead of coping with sleepiness, compromise it! A 15 to 20 minute nap will make you feel a lot more alert. You may need a nap to fight off the rest of the day, especially if you couldn't get to sleep the night before. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Lifestyle changes

  1. Exercise care. Getting tired throughout the day is the best way to ensure a good night's sleep and full of energy every day. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, this process of change will make a big difference.Start with a 30-minute walk a day, before or after going to work or school. If you enjoy exercising, try jogging, cycling or swimming to improve gradually. You can also step-by-step train your body using the following habits:
    • Use the stairs instead of taking the elevator up to your floor.
    • Get off at the bus stop a few stops nearby, and the rest of the way you can walk home.
    • Try the 7-minute method to train all of your muscle groups in the morning.
  2. Note what to eat after 8pm. Eating or drinking too late can affect sleep quality. Your body will not be fully rested because it has to work hard to digest food. You should try to have dinner earlier as well as avoid snacking after 6 p.m. for better sleep.
    • Drinking alcohol can also interfere with your sleep. Alcohol will make you sleepy at first, but it may prevent your brain from falling into deep sleep later. That's why you often feel tired the next morning even after sleeping for more than 8 hours.
  3. Eliminate electronics from the bedroom. Will you check your email and read the news until you turn off the lights? You seem to be mindful of tomorrow's to-do list and controversial political topics when you should have mental and emotional relaxation for the evening. Turn off electronics before going to bed to relax and rest your body.
    • Put the laptop in another room, or at least turn off the power instead of leaving it active and easily accessible.
    • If you have to leave the room because of the alarm, set the clock across the room to still hear it.
    • The peaceful and inviting bedroom decor with soft pillows, candles, quiet colors and a mild aroma and ensures no beeping or stringed beep sounds.
  4. There is a schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day can help your body rest better. If you stay up until 2am and sleep on the weekends, then waking up at 6am on the first Monday of the week will keep you on the hook all day. Try to stick to a healthy schedule so you don't mess with your body's internal clock.
    • Try to avoid setting alarms, if possible. Instead let your body's biological clock wake you up. Waking up naturally will keep you awake throughout the day, as your body doesn't fall into the "unexpected" state.


  • Place your finger just below your eyes and then use your finger in a circular motion, this will wake your eyes.
  • Wet a washcloth, then put in the freezer for about 15 minutes and then apply on your face.
  • Try to get enough sleep for 7-9 hours.
  • Get your pillows off your bed so you won't be able to relax and sleep again. Setting your alarm away from your bed will force you to wake up!
  • Open a window and let in fresh air (especially if cold air is present).
  • Make sure to get enough sleep the next night and the next so you don't get tired of waking up!
  • As soon as you wake up and get out of bed and move the blanket to another room, it will be difficult to fall asleep, especially in the cold!
  • Drink tea and run around.
  • Chew mint-flavored gum!
  • Take a shower as soon as you wake up.
  • Set your favorite song as an alarm, this will cheer you up and even dance to the music!
  • Brushing your teeth also has a similar effect.
  • Splash water on your face as soon as you wake up.
  • Splash the water over your face, and rub the nape evenly. Try doing a few stretches before getting out of bed.
  • Make sure to have a healthy and nutritious breakfast (It's hard to resist 5 slices of bacon in the morning, but do your best!)
  • Electronic devices will make it difficult for you to sleep, so store your iPad before bed.
  • Move your warm blankets away and force your body to cope with the cold.
  • If you own an alarm clock, put it in the next room. This will force you to wake up to delay the alarm. Chances are, then you will no longer feel sleepy and will quickly awake!
  • Walk around, soak in the cold ice water or take a shower and make sure to wash your face well and never go back to bed or lie down.
  • Do a few yoga moves to stretch your body.
  • Listen to some playful music that you memorize.
  • Open your eyes wide and catch the sunlight entering the room through the window.
  • Let someone wake you up if possible. Have them turn on the lights, then you will continue to look directly at the light to adjust your vision from night to day.
  • Turn on the light. This is how to help you kick off the day, and the first thing that people do often.
  • Splashing cold water on your face will make you feel more alert.
  • Never press the "snooze" button!
  • Drinking a full glass of lemon juice will help you feel more refreshing.


  • Do not listen to rock music with too loud volume. Especially if you use headphones as this can damage your hearing.