How to please a teenage girl

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
dear teenage girls.
Video: dear teenage girls.


Are you a teenager and have a liking for a girl? Chances are, you've already figured out what not to do. In this article, you will find some tips to help you behave yourself in order to please a girl!


  1. 1 Listen girl. If you want to win a girl's heart, you must listen to her carefully. If the girl speaks, don't interrupt her. Wait for her to finish her thought, and then ask a question related to her words.
  2. 2 Become her friend. You don't have to try to impress her right away, just talk to her first. This will allow you to get to know her better if you are not yet very familiar. Be kind.
  3. 3 Make a good impression on her. Invite the girl to go with you to a place where you can show your talents. For example, if you skate well enough, you might say, “Have you ever skated? This is great! Maybe someday you can come and watch me ride? " Don't overdo this step. Otherwise, the girl may consider you a braggart. Girls don't like guys who are obsessed with excellence and whose conversations revolve only around their own accomplishments.
  4. 4 Try to overcome the touch barrier. In some cases, girls take the first step by allowing themselves to touch the person they like. However, try to be proactive in this matter, especially if the girl you like is shy. Don't be afraid to take the first step. Offer to help when she puts on her coat, or hold out a hand to support her on rough roads and help her balance. If you have a really close friendship, give her a hug as a token of greeting. In addition, you can hug the girl after learning about her successes and achievements. However, remember that this should be a friendly hug - neither you nor the girl should feel embarrassed.
  5. 5 Smile as often as possible. Of course, be careful not to overdo it (you can scare the girl). However, she will feel special if you give her your radiant smile.
  6. 6 Ask her for help. Do you think that you will stop looking attractive in the eyes of a girl if you show your weakness? This is not true - on the contrary, the girl will feel her worth if she can help you in something. Ask her to help you with your homework. You will not only receive the help you need, but you will also become emotionally and physically closer to it.
  7. 7 Don't let your girlfriend know that you are desperate to win her favor. The girl should not get the impression that you will rush to her at the first call.


  • Never hide your sympathy. Treat her like the most amazing girl in the world. If you are looking for advice on the Internet on how to get her favored, chances are you actually like her and think she's special.
  • Don't laugh at her or say anything that might hurt her feelings. Even if you say that you were just joking, it is unlikely that it will change the situation. If you are rude to a girl, you are unlikely to win her sympathy. Even making fun of her can hurt her feelings, so if you decide to joke, do it in a friendly way so that she knows that you are just joking.
  • Girls love spontaneous expressions of feelings.
  • After a couple of weeks or months (don't wait too long, because the girl might lose interest in you or think that you don't like her), let the girl know that you have a romantic interest in her.Hint that you would like to have more than friendly relations with her. Tell her how you feel and see her reaction. Ask how she feels about you. Be sure to tell the girl that you are not rushing her to answer, and she can think as much as she needs. Tell her that you wanted to talk to her about your feelings, but just didn't know how to do it right. This will make her feel special.
  • Ask for her phone number. However, take your time. When you say goodbye to her, ask for her number.
  • Look for opportunities to connect with a girl you like. If your parents won't let you spend a lot of time with the girls, tell them that you are hanging out with your friends from school. (To avoid suspicion among your parents, enlist the support of a couple of friends who know your parents.) Of course, if you don't want to cheat on your parents, don't do it. Instead, hang out with a girl you like at school, or tell your parents that you want to spend more time with that girl.
  • Of course, you can flirt with a girl, but remember to measure.
  • Call her as often as possible. If possible, do this every day. This will show your interest. However, do not limit all your communication to a confession of feelings. Mention your feelings once or twice when talking to a girl on the phone. Tell her what you like about her. Do not overdo it, or the girl will see that you are desperate to win her favor. You don't want her to think you’re desperate. Girls love strong guys (not just physically). Therefore, do not overdo it with the expression of feelings so that she does not lose interest in you.
  • Develop friendships with other girls. They will see your good qualities and may speak positively about you in the presence of their girlfriends, maybe in the presence of a girl who interests you. Thanks to this, she will understand that you are a good young person with whom you can build relationships.
  • Don't call or text her too often. If she asks you to leave her alone, it could mean she has a headache or wants a break from you.


  • Don't get too attached.
  • Don't mislead her. If you do not have deep feelings for her, do not tell her that you like her.
  • If she has a boyfriend, don't interfere with their relationship.