How to please girls

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 12 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Video: 5 THINGS GUYS DO GIRLS LOVE! (Yes Please)


It can seem like being a girl's favorite is a difficult and daunting task. It can be hard to just get their attention in a positive way. If you say or do something wrong, the girl may turn her back on you and lose interest. If you want to be liked by women, it is important to learn to behave at ease, be charming and treat them correctly.


Method 1 of 3: Treat girls the right way

  1. 1 Be yourself. It will be better if the girl likes you the way you really are. If you pretend to be someone you are not, the relationship will end quickly - you cannot endlessly pretend to be another person ..
    • Forget all the advice from men's magazines and movies you've seen. Act as you feel comfortable.
    • Try not to think about the answers for a long time during the conversation. Of course, it is important to take into account the personality of the interlocutor when formulating your remarks. You do not want your words to sound rude or offensive to the girl. For example, it is better not to tell ambiguous jokes - they are more appropriate in a male company.
  2. 2 Speak the truth. If a person lies, makes up stories, or exaggerates, it quickly becomes apparent to those around them. If a girl finds you cheating, you will lose her trust. Also, be honest about your feelings. Don't tell her you want to get to know her parents or travel together unless you're really going to take the relationship to the next level.
    • Research shows that honesty creates trust that leads to better relationships.
  3. 3 Be polite and considerate. Chivalry is prized at all times, and respect never goes out of style. Girls want to feel special. There are many simple ways to show that you really care about the girl.
    • Hold the door for her, offer to carry a heavy bag, or help with small and unexpected things.
    • Fix something if the girl doesn't know how to do it, or she just doesn't get her hands on it.
  4. 4 Show interest in her personality. Ask questions about her life and the things that matter to her. Don't talk too much and let the girl talk about herself. You need her to see what is interesting to you as a person.
  5. 5 Give her your full attention. When the girl speaks, look into her eyes to show that you are listening to her. Ask questions about what she said, or respond in a way that demonstrates your active participation in the conversation.
    • Pay attention to her physical and verbal cues as well as your own. If you are texting, reading the newspaper, watching TV, or looking around during a conversation, it is rude and looks like you are not interested in her or what she has to say. If you notice that she does this, then you are losing her interest.
  6. 6 Be patient. Do not try to initiate physical contact if it is not completely clear whether she is ready for it. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. First, find subtle ways to show her your interest. Compliment her appearance and character.

Method 2 of 3: Look Fit

  1. 1 Exude the vibes of a winner. Nobody wants to spend time with a negative person. Being nice, positive, and friendly will help you become more attractive. Everyone looks better when they smile. The stronger your smile, the more sympathy you get from others. She can even compensate for not entirely pleasant features.
  2. 2 Exude confidence. Using the right body language will make you more confident in the eyes of others. Stand up straight with your shoulders back and your head raised. Make eye contact to show your admiration.Making eye contact too short can make you seem nervous or insecure.
  3. 3 Look neat and well-groomed. Well-groomed and suitable clothing lend more attractiveness than just good looks. Don't be lazy to shower, brush your teeth, and shave. Style and cut your hair. Wear clothes that flatter your figure. Girls will definitely pay attention to your fashion sense and style.

Method 3 of 3: Avoid Interesting Things

  1. 1 Be original. Don't say the cheap pickup jokes and phrases you see on TV or on the internet. Avoid these clichés if you want to get her attention. Think hard to find the right compliments. Saying that she has a great laugh and a great sense of humor will show that you are interested in her more than just physically.
  2. 2 Give her space. Show that you are not overbearing by letting her hang out with her friends. It is good for both of you to have a life outside of your relationship. Don't be jealous of her for having male friends. Jealousy strongly discourages a person's interest.
  3. 3 Respect her decisions. Don't push. Each of you should be free to make decisions that the other person will accept with respect.
    • If she rejects your attempts to make friends, accept it with dignity. Don't be angry if she refuses you. If you respect her decision, she may change it in the future. If you act aggressively or speak badly about her, it will come back to you. Other girls may find out about your dishonest behavior, and this will ruin your chances of building a relationship with one of them.
  4. 4 Don't be too unapproachable. Playing cat and mouse can be fun, but it can get boring quickly. You can act bored or keep your distance if you want to show the girl that you are not going to desperately seek her favor. However, there is a danger that the girl will regard this behavior as a lack of interest in her.


  • All girls are different, as are the guys. Try to find an individual approach to each girl.
  • Don't try too hard. You don't have to be the most attractive guy on the planet. Just work to be the most attractive guy in the room.