How to prepare for a colonoscopy

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 18 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
Preparing for a Colonoscopy
Video: Preparing for a Colonoscopy


A colonoscopy is a medical examination in which a probe is gently inserted into the rectum to examine it for polyps and neoplasms. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, under superficial and general anesthesia. Colonoscopy is not a pleasant procedure, but with the right preparation, the study can go smoothly. Read on to learn how to properly prepare for your colonoscopy.


Part 1 of 3: What to expect from your procedure

  1. 1 Know when a colonoscopy is needed. Colonoscopy is the best technique for detecting the presence of cancerous or precancerous growths, called polyps, in the colon, and the presence of symptoms of diverticulitis. Early detection of polyps helps to start treatment on time and prevent the development of the tumor to the next stage.Oncologists recommend that people over 45 have a colonoscopy every 10 years and a virtual colonoscopy every 5 years. If you are at risk for colon cancer, then the screening should be done more often. The risk group includes:
    • people with a history of colon cancer or polyps;
    • people whose relatives have had colon cancer;
    • people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or Crohn's disease;
    • people with familial adenomatous colon polyposis or hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer.
  2. 2 Find out how the survey is conducted. The procedure begins with a rectal examination, during which the doctor examines the anal and rectal areas. A thin, long probe called a colonoscope is then inserted through the anus. At the end of the colonoscope is a camera that transmits an image of the colon to a monitor, allowing polyps and neoplasms to be detected.
    • To get a clearer image of the colon, the patient's bowel needs to be empty during the procedure. This means that you should not eat solid food the day before and on the day of your procedure.
    • In case of hypersensitivity, the patient may be offered to perform the procedure under superficial anesthesia. In this case, the patient is injected with a drug that has a hypnotic effect, and the examination, which lasts about 30 minutes, is painless. After this, slight dizziness is possible, which passes quickly enough, and, as a rule, there are no detailed memories of the procedure.
  3. 3 Be prepared to properly prepare for the procedure. When referring to a colonoscopy, the doctor should tell in detail about the procedure for preparing for the examination. You will need to eliminate solid food from the diet, as well as drink a certain amount of liquid at a certain time - all this should be instructed by your doctor. It is very important that you follow these guidelines to keep your bowels empty on the day of the exam. Otherwise, the camera will not give a clear image, and you will have to re-register for the procedure and go through it on another day.
    • Even a small undershot can lead to a decrease in the clarity of the picture during the examination, which will require you to cancel the procedure. It is likely that it will be difficult to follow a diet before the procedure, but it will pay off in that it will be promptly completed.
    • To make it easier to prepare for your colonoscopy, gradually reduce the amount of food you eat one week before your procedure.
  4. 4 Check with your doctor about certain medications. Some drugs will need to be excluded a day or more before the study. It is necessary to inform the doctor about all drugs that you use daily in order to adjust the course. Food additives should be excluded prior to testing as they may interfere with the test result. Talk to your doctor about excluding the following drugs:
    • anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • blood thinners;
    • acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin);
    • diabetic drugs;
    • drugs to normalize blood pressure;
    • fish fat.
  5. 5 Plan ahead and cancel all cases. Colonoscopy is usually done in the morning. Cancel all cases to be ready for the examination. If your doctor injects you with a drug that has sleeping pills, you will most likely feel dizzy after the procedure on your way home, so you should not drive. Ask someone to accompany you to the hospital or clinic. You should also take a day off from work.
    • The doctor may insist that someone accompany you and that you do not drive after the procedure if superficial anesthesia was used during the procedure.
    • You will be able to return to work a few hours after the procedure, but after a superficial anesthetic, most people prefer to rest.

Part 2 of 3: Prepare the Day Before Your Colonoscopy

  1. 1 Consume only clear liquids and food 24 hours before your procedure. The day before the colonoscopy, no other liquids or products should be consumed, except for transparent ones. Transparent is the liquid through which you can read the newspaper, namely:
    • water;
    • apple juice without pulp;
    • tea, coffee without milk;
    • chicken or vegetable broth;
    • mineral water;
    • clear sports drinks;
    • gelatinous products;
    • fruit ice;
    • caramel;
    • honey.
  2. 2 Do not eat solid foods or cloudy liquids 24 hours before your colonoscopy. Any liquids containing pulp or milk or solids should be avoided. Do not consume:
    • orange, pineapple and other opaque juices;
    • dairy products, including milkshakes, cheese, and so on;
    • smoothies;
    • soups with pieces of vegetables or meat;
    • cereals;
    • meat;
    • vegetables;
    • fruits.
  3. 3 Drink four glasses of clear liquid with every meal. You can drink four glasses (240 ml each) of liquid directly during meals, or you can when you want. This will help prevent dehydration and reduce hunger. It will also help you cleanse your body before the test.
    • For breakfast, you can have a glass of milk-free coffee, a glass of apple juice, and two glasses of water.
    • Later you can have a cup of coffee without milk or a glass of water.
    • You can drink two more glasses of water throughout the day.
    • For lunch, you can have a glass of sports drink, a glass of broth, and two glasses of water.
    • For an afternoon snack, you can eat lollipop, popsicles, or jelly.
    • For dinner, you can drink a glass of tea, a glass of vegetable broth and two glasses of water.
    • In the evening, after dinner, have a cup of hot tea and a glass of water.
  4. 4 Take the laxative prescribed by your doctor in preparation for the test. When referring for examination, the doctor must prescribe the drug, which must be taken at 18:00 on the day before the examination. This medication will help cleanse your bowels before your colonoscopy. You may need a fractional use of the laxative, for example, half on the evening before the study, and the other half on the day of the study. Follow your doctor's directions and instructions on the package. After taking the drug, you will have diarrhea, but this will help empty your bowels completely. The stool should be like urine, since you only consumed liquid.
    • If the stool is still brown, cloudy, or cloudy, the drug has not yet worked.
    • If the stool is faintly colored, then the laxative is starting to work.
    • Preparation for the procedure can be considered complete when the stool becomes clear or yellow like urine.

Part 3 of 3: Preparation on the day of the examination

  1. 1 Drink clear liquid for breakfast. Do not eat anything solid prior to examination. Drink water, apple juice, tea, or black coffee.
  2. 2 Drink a second dose of laxative if needed. If your doctor has prescribed you a fractional course of laxative, drink the second part of the laxative, following the directions or instructions.
  3. 3 Drink two glasses of a sports drink before your test. Drink two 240 ml glasses of sports drink before your colonoscopy.
  4. 4 Eat your usual food after the end of the examination. After the examination, you can eat whatever you want.
    • It is best to eat something light after the colonoscopy that does not burden the digestive system. Later, after this snack, after 1–2 hours, you can eat a normal breakfast or lunch.


  • Your test results should be ready in 3-5 days, so be sure to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss them. If your doctor doesn't like the results, they will likely refer you for a biopsy.
  • After taking a laxative, your stool will be hard at first, but gradually it will become more and more liquid until it finally becomes completely liquid like urine.
  • Be sure to follow all of your doctor's instructions when preparing for your colonoscopy.Some doctors allow patients to drink water and other clear drinks on the morning of the examination. If the doctor did not say anything about this, then be sure to clarify this point before using anything during preparation for the procedure.