How to Prepare for the Social Studies Exam

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 24 February 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Prepare for Social Science Exam Class 10 | by CBSE Topper Nandini Garg | eSaral
Video: How to Prepare for Social Science Exam Class 10 | by CBSE Topper Nandini Garg | eSaral


Some people find it easier than others to study, and it is the basic foundation for getting an excellent mark on an exam in any subject.


Method 1 of 5: Prepare your classroom

  1. 1 Practice in a quiet place. Choose a location where you won't be distracted by people, devices, or anything else.
  2. 2 Turn off your phone.
  3. 3 Gather books and notes around you. Remove non-academic items from the table.
  4. 4 Prepare sandwiches and water as needed.

Method 2 of 5: Get Started

  1. 1 Do not hurry. Do not start preparation the night before the exam. It is not in vain that teachers give time to prepare for the exam.
  2. 2 Get your social studies notes, binders, or books. Any materials you use to study.
  3. 3 Use the curriculum of the subject. It will show you what you needed to learn at this point. Make sure you have enough material in its entirety.
    • If you cannot find something, the next day contact the teacher, and he will explain it to you or give you a copy of the material.
  4. 4 If anything is incomplete, complete it. You can ask friends, teachers, or parents for help. The answer can also be found in the tutorial.

Method 3 of 5: Use the Study Guidelines

  1. 1 Follow the recommendations specified in the manual. If your teacher gives them to you, then it will be of great help.
  2. 2 Write the answers to any questions right in the guidelines in a free space. That way, if you study on your own, you can answer the questions without cheating or not knowing if the answers are correct.
  3. 3 Review the binder of materials. Does it have highlighted or underlined questions or answers? If so, then pay attention to them; there is a high probability that these questions will come across on the exam.And yet, go through every page and all the questions in your workbook, whether they are highlighted or not.

Method 4 of 5: Deepen your study

  1. 1 Read the tutorial. Most likely, you will find most of the information in it. Read those chapters and paragraphs that you will be asked.

Method 5 of 5: Use homemade study assistants

  1. 1 Use a traffic light system to highlight your strengths and weaknesses; red for something especially difficult to understand, yellow for something that you understand but difficult, and green for the simplest.
    • Using a "traffic light" system, compose materials starting with the most difficult, read and answer all questions regarding the subject.
  2. 2 Make cards. If you have vocabulary, key terms, important people, and dates you need to know, then write each one on a separate card.
  3. 3 Ask your friend, parent, teacher, or tutor for help. They can ask you about the subject. They can also help you with other study methods.
  4. 4 Use visual and audio cues. Find out if the exam has a map-related assignment. Do you need to remember where a certain area is? If so, try to compose a song or rhyme to memorize the names from north to south or from west to east.
  5. 5 Write essays. This is a great way to help you understand things better and make them easier with your own words. As Einstein said: “If you cannot explain something simply, then you do not fully understand it,” so it is important to understand the material easily, in the way that works best for you.


  • Eat a good dinner the night before your exam, review the subject a bit, and go to bed early.
  • Always strive to understand. This is the foundation of learning and then you will never forget.


  • It is very difficult to prepare for an exam when your head is busy with something else. Try to concentrate enough, and remember that your brain remembers things better in the morning and evening.

What do you need

  • Pencil or pen
  • Marker
  • Abstract
  • Textbook
  • Paper
  • A friend who will help you (but not during the exam!)