How to clean your carpet without a carpet cleaner

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 8 January 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to clean your carpet WITHOUT a carpet cleaner (Simple hack!)
Video: How to clean your carpet WITHOUT a carpet cleaner (Simple hack!)


Keeping carpets clean is not an easy task, especially in public areas. Wondering if you can clean your carpet without wasting money on carpet cleaning? One option is to vacuum your carpet regularly to keep it clean.Alternatively, you can use a household carpet cleaner, which is essentially a cheaper and more natural cleaning method.


Method 1 of 4: Removing stains

  1. 1 Get started removing stains as soon as possible. Don't let the stain stay on the carpet for long. Wipe away stains right away so they don't have time to soak into the carpet fibers. Stains left on the carpet can penetrate the bottom of the carpet and thus lead to the growth of mold and unpleasant odors.
    • If you know that people will eat or drink near the carpet, prepare cleaning materials in advance for spills and stains.
  2. 2 Apply water to stains. If blood gets on the carpet, remove the stain with water. Dampen a clean cloth and blot the stain. Do not scrub or wipe the stain as this can worsen the stain and ruin the carpet.
    • Blot the blood, then pat dry with clean paper towels. Place something hard on paper towels to absorb any remaining liquid.
  3. 3 Blot the stains with soda water. Soda water is also a good stain remover. If a glass of wine or juice is spilled on the carpet, use soda water. Pour some baking soda over the stain and then blot it with a dry cloth until the stain is gone. Do not scrub the stain as this can ruin the fibers of the carpet.
    • Do not use too much soda water at once, or mold will form in the carpet lining.
  4. 4 Apply a paste of milk and cornstarch. If ink gets on the carpet, try applying a small amount of milk and cornstarch to the stain. Combine some milk and cornstarch in a bowl until a paste. Apply the paste to the stain and then scrub it with a dry toothbrush. The paste will absorb the ink stain and remove it.
    • Don't forget to vacuum the paste afterwards. Under it, you should see a completely clean carpet.

Method 2 of 4: Removing odors

  1. 1 Apply a vinegar and water solution. If you are looking to eliminate unpleasant odors from your carpet, then vinegar is just what you need. To avoid accidentally staining your carpet with colored vinegar, prepare a solution of white. Dilute vinegar in water in a 1: 1 ratio. Then apply the solution to the carpet and blot it with a clean rag to remove stains and odors.
    • This solution is also excellent for removing various stains from carpets.
  2. 2 Use baking soda. Baking soda is a household alternative to a branded carpet cleaner. Baking soda is also great for removing bad odors from carpets. This is doubly convenient if the carpet starts to emit an unpleasant odor in areas with heavy traffic in the house. Sprinkle baking soda over the carpet and let it sit for a few hours. Then vacuum the carpet.
    • This method is also suitable for cleaning areas with unpleasant odors. Treat them with baking soda and then vacuum the carpet to neutralize the odor.

    “Try rubbing baking soda into the carpet with a brush before vacuuming it. Thanks to its abrasive properties, the carpet will become cleaner. "

    Chris willatt

    Cleaning Professional Chris Willatt is the owner and founder of Alpine Maids, a Denver, Colorado-based cleaning service. Alpine Maids earned the Denver Best Cleaning Service Award in 2016 and has been rated A on the Angie’s List for more than five consecutive years. Chris received his BA from the University of Colorado in 2012.

    Chris willatt
    Cleaning professional

  3. 3 Use grated potatoes. At first glance, grated potatoes may seem like a strange solution, but despite this, they are quite successful in removing odors from carpets. Leave the grated yellow potatoes on the carpet for a few hours, then vacuum the carpet to enjoy the less noticeable smell.
    • Use only yellow or white potatoes, as colored potatoes can stain the carpet.
    • If you have pets or children, they should stay away from the carpet while grated potatoes remain on the carpet.
    • Use a vacuum cleaner connecting hose when removing potatoes from carpet.

Method 3 of 4: Vacuuming carpet

  1. 1 Buy a high quality vacuum cleaner. Vacuuming your carpet is probably the easiest and most reliable way to keep it clean. Invest in a high quality carpet cleaner. Find yourself a vertical model with a large container and a rotating brush. The motor must be powerful enough to suck dirt, sand and debris out of the carpet.
    • Look for high-end vacuum cleaners online or at hardware stores. If you decide to buy a vacuum cleaner from a store, ask the seller to show you several models and recommend high quality vacuum cleaners in a price range that suits you.
  2. 2 Vacuum carpets weekly. Take one day out of the week to vacuum your carpets. Vacuum your carpets thoroughly at least once a week to remove any accumulated dirt. As a rule, it is the dirt that is the most common cause of unpleasant odors and fading of carpets.
    • For example, vacuum your carpets every Sunday. Inform your household that this is a day to clean up, and thoroughly vacuum the carpet in your home.
  3. 3 Clean high traffic areas daily. Try to vacuum a carpet that many people walk on once a day, preferably at the end of the day. This will keep these rooms clean, especially if people are often walking around there. Places such as the living room, bedroom, and doorways are quite common throughout the day.
    • Keep a small pocket vacuum on hand to quickly clean up these areas before bed.

Method 4 of 4: Keeping your carpet clean

  1. 1 Ask people to take off their shoes before going inside and walking on the carpet. If you have guests, ask them to take off their shoes before walking on the carpet. This will reduce the amount of dirt and debris left on the carpet.
    • Place a shoe rack at the front and back doors to give people a place to leave their shoes.
  2. 2 Put down rugs. To protect your carpet and keep it clean, place rugs in high-traffic areas. Place a welcome rug by the door and lay out a rug in your living room or bedroom. To clean the rugs, throw them in the washing machine or vacuum them. This saves you the hassle of cleaning your carpets thoroughly.
  3. 3 Deep clean the carpet once a year. When it comes to carpet cleanliness, nothing beats a deep cleaning. Try to do it at least once a year. Deep clean yourself or have your carpet cleaned professionally. To deep clean your carpet yourself, buy a steam cleaner.
    • If you decide to use a steam cleaner to clean your carpet, use a solution of vinegar and water. Once the rug is dry and the vinegar smell has faded, you will have a clean rug on your hands.