How to drink so that no one knows about it

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
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Attention:this article is intended for persons over 18 years of age. There are times when you want to drink alcohol without getting caught.For example, if you are going to a non-alcoholic event, you may need to hide your drink. There are many safe ways to drink without getting caught.


Method 1 of 2: Hide the alcohol

  1. 1 Hide alcohol in another container. If you want to drink discreetly, try storing your drink in a different container. Pour beer into a soda can. Add liquor to a half-filled juice or cola bottle. Pour alcohol into a paper cup from a fast food restaurant. Pour clear liquor into a container of mouthwash.
  2. 2 Buy a disguised flask. Many online stores like ebay and Aliexpress sell flasks specially made to help people hide alcohol. Prices vary depending on the type of flask chosen.
    • Most flasks can be hidden in clothing. They can be attached under a tie, bra, or securely in the sleeve.
    • Other flasks are disguised as bags or wallets. These gadgets can come in handy if you want to drink at an alcohol-free event.
  3. 3 Use a coffee cup to hide the alcohol. The styrofoam, plastic, or paper cups available in coffee shops are great for hiding alcohol. Save the cup the next time you take out coffee.
    • If the coffee cup is made of expanded polystyrene or opaque plastic, you can hide almost any type of alcohol in it, since the liquid will not be visible through the walls.
    • A clear plastic cup can be helpful, too. For example, red wine looks like coffee. Or, you can mix a dark liquid (cola or pomegranate juice) with a spirit of your choice. Or just add it to your coffee.
  4. 4 Stop choosing vodka. Vodka produces less odor than many other types of alcohol. In addition, it is easier to hide, as it will look like water to a casual observer. You can easily drink vodka from a water bottle without getting caught.
  5. 5 Hide the smell by creatively mixing drinks. If you want to add alcohol to your drink, there are many ways to creatively mix everything to hide the smell. Consider the following techniques.
    • Mix alcohol with coffee. Coffee has a strong aroma that overpowers the smell of most spirits. By adding a little alcohol to a glass of coffee, you are unlikely to overpower the coffee aroma.
    • Choose a mint-flavored drink, such as mint hot cocoa or tea. Peppermint gives off a strong aroma that tends to overpower the smell of alcohol.
    • During New Years, soft drinks are flavored with cinnamon, nutmeg and other strong earthy spices so they can be easily added to the drink without getting caught. These smells, like the mint smell, are hard to beat.
  6. 6 Drink carefully to avoid getting caught. Monitor your behavior when drinking. By taking extra precautions, you are less likely to get caught.
    • If you are using a flask to hide alcohol, drink when no other people are around. Sneak away to a secluded spot to sneak a sip. If you're hiding alcohol in something like a coffee glass, drink as usual.
    • Keep containers of alcohol away from other people. If anyone takes a sip or smells alcohol, you will be caught. If anyone wants to try your drink, come up with an excuse to refuse. Tell them that you have a cold or flu and that you don't want to infect anyone.

Method 2 of 2: Hide the Signs

  1. 1 Freshen up your breath. Typically, alcohol causes bad breath. If you don't want to get caught, use mouthwash, fresh breath wafers, and peppermint gum.Always try to chew something with a strong flavor, such as red onions and garlic, to hide the smell.
  2. 2 Use eye drops. Some people get sore eyes after drinking. If this is the case and you are going to drink, try to bring a small bottle of eye drops with you. It can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy. If you feel that your eyes are starting to itch, become inflamed, or become dry, run to the bathroom and use the drops.
  3. 3 Maintain water balance. Drink plenty of water when you are drinking. This will not only prevent hangovers, but it will also help to hide the smell of alcohol.
    • Try to drink one glass of water (250 ml) for each serving of alcoholic beverage. One serving is 250 ml of beer, 100 ml of wine or one glass of spirits.
    • Sports drinks that contain electrolytes can also be helpful when you need to hide your alcohol intake.
  4. 4 Keep your mouth shut. As a rule, the speech of drunk people is slurred. They also tend to lose the ability to monitor the volume of their voices. If you do not want to be caught drinking alcohol, try to be silent and listen.
  5. 5 Know your limits. After a certain point, you won't be able to hide what you've been drinking, no matter how hard you try. Drinking erases inhibitions, and the more you drink, the more your vigilance will dull. If you start to feel drunk, chances are you better stop. You may find that your balance is difficult or that your head is spinning. Many people also feel more socially active and happy when they get drunk. Stop drinking if you notice these symptoms.


  • Never drink alcohol while driving. Drunk driving is illegal and incredibly dangerous. Never get into a car with a drunk driver.
  • If you think you have a drinking problem, get help. Hiding alcohol intake is one of the signs of alcoholism.
  • Be aware that in certain places you can get into trouble if you secretly drink. For example, drinking alcohol in the workplace can lead to dismissal. In addition, you may be kicked out of a concert or event if you are caught drinking alcohol.