How to stop coughing

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Coughing In 3 Minutes-No More Dry Cough
Video: How To Stop Coughing In 3 Minutes-No More Dry Cough


While coughing is a healthy reflex in our bodies to clear the airways, it can also be quite annoying and even quite debilitating. At home, at work, and even before bed, coughing can be painful and even embarrassing. Depending on which cough is bothering you, there are several proven remedies you can try to soften your throat and get rid of your cough. Home remedies are best for short-term coughs, but if your cough persists, you may need to seek medical attention.


Method 1 of 4: Short-term cough

  1. 1 Stay hydrated. When you have a cold, phlegm can travel from your nose to your throat, causing you to cough. Fortunately, drinking plenty of water can help soften your throat and relieve irritation caused by phlegm.
    • Unfortunately, that doesn't mean you can drink eggnog around the clock. As in any case, water is the best choice in this situation. Avoid sodas and juices, as these liquids can negatively affect your throat and lead to a more severe cough.
  2. 2 Maintain the health of your throat. While this may not cure your cough (sore throat is also a symptom of a cold), your chances of falling asleep without coughing will increase severalfold.
    • Try cough drops. They help numb the walls of the throat, soothing coughs.
    • Warm honey tea works in the same way as cough drops, softening the throat and relieving coughs, albeit temporarily. But be careful, the tea shouldn't be too hot!
    • Another popular, although not proven by medicine, method: a mixture of 0.5 tablespoon of ground ginger or apple cider vinegar and 0.5 tablespoon of honey.
  3. 3 Use the air to your advantage. Create an environment around you where you can breathe easier and that doesn't irritate your throat.
    • Take a hot shower. The steam will help get rid of a stuffy nose, making it easier for you to breathe.
    • Buy a humidifier. The humid air will allow you to breathe more easily and will not cause severe irritation to the respiratory tract.
    • Avoid irritants. Perfumes and other strong-smelling substances may seem harmless, but some people react negatively to their presence, even developing severe irritation of the nasal sinuses and respiratory tract.
    • Of course, smoke is the most obvious irritant. If you are near someone who smokes, move to a safe distance so as not to inhale the smoke. If you smoke yourself, your cough is most likely chronic and you should consider it a constant inconvenience.
  4. 4 Take your medications. If home remedies haven't worked, you should switch to medication. Given the vast variety of drugs on the market, check with your doctor before purchasing any medication to find out which drug is best for you.
    • Decongestants. These medicines reduce the amount of phlegm in the sinuses and relieve swelling. They also dry out phlegm in the lungs and widen the airways. Decongestants are sold in every pharmacy in pill, syrup and spray form. Be careful if you have hypertension; these medications can increase your blood pressure. Also, do not take more than the specified dose, as this can lead to dehydration and contribute to the development of a dry cough.
    • Antitussive drugs. If your cough is preventing you from falling asleep, try cough suppressants. Be careful - these drugs should only be taken at night before bed.
    • Expectorants. If you notice thick phlegm when coughing, you should try an expectorant such as Bromhexine, Doctor IOM, or Ambrohexal. These drugs help thin the phlegm and help induce the expectorant reflex.
    • Check with your pediatrician before giving any of these medications to children.
  5. 5 Check with your doctor. If your cough does not go away for a long time, then you should consult your doctor for advice, as such a cough can be a symptom of a serious illness.
    • Regardless of the length of your cough, if you cough up blood, feel chills, or feel tired, seek immediate medical attention. Your doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis by finding out if you have asthma, flu, allergies, or other medical conditions.

Method 2 of 4: Lingering Cough

  1. 1 Get medical attention. If you have been coughing for more than a month, your cough may become chronic.
    • You may have sinusitis, asthma, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). To cure a cough, you first need to know the causes of the cough.
    • If you have sinusitis, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics and nasal drops.
    • If you are coughing due to allergies, you will need to avoid the allergens to get rid of your cough.
    • If you have asthma, you should avoid contact with any environment or substance that could trigger an attack. Take your asthma medications regularly and avoid irritants and allergens.
    • When stomach acid seeps up your throat, it's called gastroesophageal reflux disease. Your doctor may prescribe medications for you to fight GERD. You should also eat at least 3 to 4 hours before bed and sleep in a position that allows you to keep your head elevated.
  2. 2 Stop smoking. There are many programs and resources available to help you quit this bad habit. Your doctor can advise which method is right for you.
    • If you are often around people who smoke, this may also be the cause of your cough.Separate yourself from this environment as often as possible.
  3. 3 Take your medications. A cough is a symptom of a medical condition, so taking cough medicine is only worth taking if you don't know the cause of your cough. If you have a chronic cough, there are several types of medicines that can help you. Remember that any of these medications should only be taken on the advice of your doctor.
    • Prescription-only antitussives. These medicines are usually prescribed when all other remedies have been tried and nothing seems to work. Keep in mind that over-the-counter antitussives are not scientifically proven to work.
    • Expectorants thin the phlegm and allow you to cough it up.
    • Bronchodilators relax your airways.
  4. 4 Drink plenty of fluids. Even if it doesn't cure your cough, you will feel much better.
    • Drink water. Carbonated and sugary drinks can only add irritation to your throat.
    • Warm soups and broths can be extremely effective in relieving coughs for a while by softening and relaxing your throat.

Method 3 of 4: Coughing in Children

  1. 1 Avoid certain medications. Keep in mind that most over-the-counter medicines are not suitable for children under 4 years of age.
    • Do not give cough drops to children under 2 years of age, as children of this age can choke on them.
  2. 2 Maintain a healthy throat. If your child speaks less and in a quieter voice, your child will be more likely to cope with the symptoms of a cold or flu. The following methods will also help relieve symptoms:
    • Consuming a lot of liquids. Water, teas and juices, and breast milk for babies will work in any amount, but do not allow your baby to drink citrus fruits and sodas. ...
    • Steaming in a hot bath for 20 minutes and using a humidifier in your baby's room will help clear the airways and soften coughs, and help you sleep more easily.
  3. 3 See a doctor. If your child has difficulty breathing and their cough persists within 3 weeks, seek immediate medical attention.
    • Medical attention is especially important if your baby is less than three months old and if the cough is accompanied by chills and other symptoms.
    • If your child has a cough at the same time of year and / or when approaching certain substances, they may be allergic.

Method 4 of 4: Folk remedy: honey with cream

  1. 1 Heat about 200 ml full milk or cream in a large saucepan.
    • Add one tablespoon (15 g) honey and one teaspoon (5 g) butter or margarine. Stir once.
  2. 2 Bring the mixture to a boil slowly until the butter has melted. A thin yellow surface layer forms on the surface of the mixture when the oil has completely melted.
    • Don't be confused by the yellow layer - you don't need to stir the mixture again.
  3. 3 Pour the mixture into a mug. If you made this drink for a child, cool it down a little.
  4. 4 Drink the arrogance slowly in small sips, including the yellow oily portion.
  5. 5 The cough will go away or significantly soften within an hour after consuming the mixture.
    • This mixture will soften your throat. It is worth remembering that this is not a cure for the flu or colds (causes of cough), but just a way to alleviate their symptoms, especially a cough.
  6. 6 Keep your body warm. Cold makes the body more prone to disease.
    • If you have a dry cough, drink plenty of water.


  • Putting a towel soaked in cold water on your throat while lying down can help you fall asleep faster without coughing.
  • Drink warm mixtures of tea, honey, and lemon.
  • There are hundreds of folk recipes for soothing sore throat, including aloe vera, onions, and garlic. If your cough is mild, experiment with different folk remedies.


  • A cough can be a symptom of a serious and dangerous illness.If you have a cough in conjunction with other symptoms (such as chills), seek immediate medical attention.