How to wean a dog from lustful behavior

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to NEVER Lose your Dog & What to Do if you Do (This Could SAVE your Dog’s LIFE!)
Video: How to NEVER Lose your Dog & What to Do if you Do (This Could SAVE your Dog’s LIFE!)


A dog that is constantly obsessed with imitation of sexual frictions will regularly embarrass you and even threaten your safety. This behavior of a pet towards you or other people is in itself a serious problem, but if the dog decides to climb on another dog with the same intent, then a fight can start between them. In order to wean a dog from misbehavior once and for all, it is necessary to look at the problem from both a medical and a behavioral point of view.


Method 1 of 3: How to Adjust Pet Behavior

  1. 1 Make a loud sound whenever you attempt any unwanted behavior. Give your pet the command "Fu!" or make another loud sound. During frictions, dogs fall into a state of a kind of trance, but a loud sound will be enough to scare the pet away and bring it out of this state.
    • While your tone should be overbearing, you need to contain your anger, as it can, on the contrary, give the dog more energy instead of stopping it.
    • Try using other sound sources, such as a whistle or horn. Just remember that such objects should be located at a sufficient distance from the dog's ears to prevent hearing impairment.
    • Make a sound at the very beginning or during the undesirable behavior of the pet, but not after.
  2. 2 Ignore the behavior. Sometimes dogs climb on people in order to attract attention to themselves. Push the dog away and turn away from him so that he does not receive the desired attention. You can sit down somewhere or even get away from the dog without giving it a chance to climb up on you again.
    • To push the dog away, gently grab its front legs and place them on the ground.
    • Move yourself. Turning away from your pet or walking a few steps away from it should be enough, but only if you remain completely calm.
  3. 3 Give the dog an "educational break." If your dog does not stop lustful activities, you may need to physically restrict his access to you. When the dog climbs on you, give the command "Fu!" or not!". Then take her to a quiet, closed room for a few minutes. Leave the pet alone in this room until it calms down.
    • When taking the dog into the "educational pause" zone, make sure that there are no toys for the dog's entertainment.
    • Leave the dog alone for 30 seconds to three minutes.
    • Make sure your dog is completely calm before you release it. As you release her, remain calm and act as if nothing happened.
  4. 4 Keep your dog on a leash. When imitation of sexual frictions is a persistent problem, you will most likely have to personally supervise your pet's behavior every time another person or dog comes to your house. Only put your dog on a leash and walk it around the house as it is. If you later need to take your dog a nurturing break, or if you just decide to stay in your company without a dog, you can easily take your pet to a secluded place. The leash will also help you control your dog in case of aggression.
    • You can use either a short or a classic leash. The length of the shortened leash is usually only 10-15 cm. The classic leash is from 1.2 m to 1.8 m long and is often made of nylon cord.
  5. 5 Redirect your dog's energy in a different direction. When you succeed in stopping the dog's initial lustful attempt, redirect its energy to some other acceptable behavior, for example, play fetch or other games with it, or do something else.
    • In addition to using regular toys, you can distract your dog and redirect its attention to interactive toy dispensers with treats, or repeat recently learned commands and tricks with it. You may even be able to train your dog to use a pillow for his frictions instead of jumping on people or other dogs.
  6. 6 Protect your dog from temptation. If you pulled your pet away from another person or dog when he was trying to fake intercourse, keep your dog away from that object again. If your dog tries to get closer to his target again with dominant behavior, step between it and the target to physically prevent it from resuming its actions.
    • Signs of dominant behavior can include growling or aggression, pushing, waving paws, trying to climb onto or take something away from another dog.
    • Stay calm as you stand between the dog and its target. If possible, try hanging your body over her or gently pinning her down with your thigh or knee to show your authority.Remember that your goal is not to offend your pet, but to turn off his obsession and make it clear that you are in charge of the situation here.

Method 2 of 3: How to prevent unwanted behavior

  1. 1 Provide your dog with sufficient physical activity. When a dog has too much excess energy, it can channel it into unwanted behaviors, including mimicking sexual frictions. If you can deplete your pet's energy reserves every day through well-thought-out physical activity, it will prevent wasting energy on bad behavior.
    • Walking your dog is critical. Allowing your dog to run on their own in your backyard is already wasting a lot of energy. However, it is better to purposefully walk your pet so that he gets tired both mentally and physically.
  2. 2 Do not in any way encourage unwanted behavior. Some dog owners believe that it is okay for their pet to mimic intercourse with a soft toy. But if you really want your dog to stop jumping on other people and dogs with bad thoughts, you need to stop this behavior in any way. By encouraging and allowing unwanted behavior in specific situations, the dog's behavior correction will be inconsistent and less effective.
    • It is even possible that you will not want to reward the dog yourself. For example, if you laugh or show other signs of pleasure when your dog shows frictions on his favorite stuffed animal, then indirectly compliment that behavior.
  3. 3 Learn to distract your dog before any unwanted behavior begins. Observe the dog and notice how it behaves just before climbing someone. In the future, noticing such actions, immediately distract the dog with a toy or some kind of game, before he has time to move on to undesirable behavior.
    • Common signs that your dog is ready to mimic intercourse include puffing, licking, whining, paw scraping, and rubbing against something.
  4. 4 Train your dog ignore other dogs. If your pet regularly jumps on other dogs, you can try to train him to obey your commands in the presence of stranger dogs. For example, you can train your dog to stay in place when ordered, approach you on command, or obediently stop.
    • If you notice that your pet is about to jump on another dog, you can use one of the commands you learned with him to interrupt his intentions. And do not forget to treat the dog with a treat afterwards for proper behavior.
  5. 5 Train your dog to behave appropriately. Some dogs begin to imitate sexual frictions in order to attract the attention of your guests. If you suspect this may be the problem, train your dog in an acceptable trick to perform in front of a group of people, for example, train him to sit quietly or beg on his hind legs, and be sure to reward such tricks with enough attention.
    • If the execution of commands and tricks is rewarded with positive attention, and the frictions - negative, the dog will be more willing to perform tricks.
    • To reinforce good behavior, consider rewarding your dog with a treat or toy after performing tricks or commands.
  6. 6 Protect your dog from overly stressful situations. The urge to mimic intercourse can also be the result of a stress response. If you notice that your dog tends to exhibit this behavior when in contact with any source of anxiety, try to protect the pet from such stressful situations. If the situation is unavoidable, find a way to make it less stressful for the dog.
    • For example, for some dogs, grooming procedures or prolonged stroking may be a provoking factor, in which case you should limit the time of such procedures to an acceptable range for the dog.
    • If the dog is provoked by guests, keep it in a separate room until the initial energy and excitement from the visit runs out. Let your dog out when she and your guests are completely calm.
  7. 7 Complete a general training course with your dog. If your dog regularly climbs on top of you to simulate intercourse, then it is trying to demonstrate its dominance. In this case, to stop undesirable behavior, it is necessary to clearly explain to the pet who is in charge here. And general training is a healthy and effective way to do this.
    • Training also helps dogs learn to focus their attention and spend energy on more productive and rewarding activities instead of frictions.
    • The standard general training course includes the study of such basic commands as "beside", "sit", "lie down" and "place". The main goal of the general training course is to train the dog to always obey you, no matter what commands you give.

Method 3 of 3: Medical Assistance

  1. 1 Neuter or neuter your pet. At its core, imitation of sexual frictions is a demonstration of its dominant position. However, neutering or neutering a dog can be effective against this behavior. But for the greatest efficiency, this operation should be done to the pet as early as possible.
    • Surgery can reduce the problem of imitation frictions, especially in males.
    • However, the problem may not go away completely. In older dogs, unwanted behavior becomes a persistent habit. That is why it is important to neuter or neuter your pet even as a puppy.
  2. 2 Check your dog's health. The tendency to imitate frictions may be related to medical problems that cause the dog to behave this way. Some diseases can be quite dangerous if left untreated, so your pet needs proper veterinary attention. If you think your dog has any health problems, take it to your veterinarian right away.
    • Potential medical problems that can affect your pet's behavior include urinary tract infections, incontinence, priapism, and skin allergies.
  3. 3 See a dog behavior specialist. If your dog is showing aggression when trying to stop his frictions or trying to climb onto someone to simulate intercourse, you probably need the help of a dog behavior specialist or behavioral veterinarian. The dog's aggressive behavior should be corrected.
    • If you are unable to find a behaviorist, try consulting an experienced dog training instructor. Just make sure that he has experience in dealing with problems with aggression and lustful behavior.
    • If your dog digs its claws into the skin of the person it climbed, or if it growls when you try to pull it away, then the problems are more serious and should only be solved by a professional behaviorist.
  4. 4 Ask your veterinarian to prescribe appropriate medication. When mimicking genital frictions are clearly associated with stress, sedation may be sufficient to stop the unwanted behavior and improve your dog's mental and physical health.
    • Medicines should be used as a last resort and only in emergencies. For example, if a dog exhibits other signs of increased anxiety, including excessive grooming or destructive behavior, its anxiety problems may be severe enough to require medication.