How to communicate with a girl on the phone

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 10 March 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Talk To A Girl On The Phone - 3 Tips I Learned From Doing Voice Overs!
Video: How To Talk To A Girl On The Phone - 3 Tips I Learned From Doing Voice Overs!


Talking to a girl on the phone can be very exciting, especially if you like her. Don't worry so much - this communication is no different from normal communication with a friend. You may want to do a little prep work to determine the purpose of the conversation and call at the appropriate time. It doesn't matter if you want to ask the girl out on a date or just want to get to know her better - peace of mind will be the key to a successful phone call.


Method 1 of 4: Be Courageous to Call

  1. 1 Find a reason to call. Before picking up the phone, make sure you understand why you are doing it. If you're calling a girl you know, you might want to ask her out on a date. If this is a girl you hope to get to know better, you can continue the conversation you already had. It's important to have a specific reason so that you don't end up muttering something unintelligible.
    • If you're not ready to ask her out on a date yet, you can call her to invite her to a meeting with friends.
    • If you're not ready to ask her out and just want to get to know her better, think back to your last private conversation and find a topic to revisit. For example, if she has recommended a book to you, you can call her to share your impressions. If you are in the same class, you can learn homework.
  2. 2 Choose the right time to call. When talking to a girl, you must be sure that she is not in a hurry to hang up. Try calling when she has free time, such as after school / work or during lunchtime.
    • If you have just met, do not postpone the call. You need to be sure that she still remembers you well, so try calling a day or two after you got her phone number.
  3. 3 Please send a message first. If you are not sure if now is the right time to call, you can send a preliminary message. Ask if she is free in the evening, or tell her to call in a few minutes to get her ready.
    • If you received a message from a girl and the phone is in your hands, take this opportunity. Send back a message that you are going to call her in a couple of minutes.
  4. 4 Take a deep breath. If you really like a girl and want the conversation to go well, then it's only natural that you get nervous before calling. To keep your tongue from getting tangled during a call, try breathing exercises. This will help you calm down and make a great impression.

Method 2 of 4: Start a conversation

  1. 1 Greet the girl warmly. You need to make a good first impression when she answers the call, so it's important to prepare a confident greeting. If you know each other well enough, just say hello and introduce yourself. If you just met, say hello, give your name and remind where you met.
    • For example, if you know the girl well, you might say, “Hi Christina, this is Ivan. How are you?"
    • * If you have just met, you can say: “Hi Christina, this is Ivan. We met yesterday in the library. "
  2. 2 Talk about topics that interest her. Chatting about general topics such as the weather is unlikely to impress a girl. Tailor the conversation to her interests or hobbies to make sure she engages in the conversation. This will help her understand that you are really listening to what she has to say.
    • For example, say, “You said you were a soccer fan. What do you think about yesterday's match? "
    • You can also ask about the things that happen in her life. For example: “You had your test yesterday, didn't you? How did everything go?"
  3. 3 Ask questions that require a more detailed answer than "yes" or "no". It is necessary to keep the conversation as smooth as possible, so it is best to avoid questions with monosyllabic answers. As a rule, they slow down the development of the conversation, while open-ended questions help it not fade away.
    • For example, do not ask: "Did you like the movie?" - rather ask: "What did you like the most about the movie?"
  4. 4 Listen to her. You might be tempted to impress her by chatting incessantly, but that might be a mistake. Give her the opportunity to speak and listen carefully to her words. This will help her understand that her thoughts and opinions are really important to you.
    • If she is telling a story, be sure to let her know that you are listening carefully. When she pauses, say, "Really?" To show that you are following the thread of the conversation.
    • Don't be afraid to ask questions when she speaks. This is another way to show that you are paying attention to her words.
  5. 5 Get down to business. Sure, it's nice to chat with a girl about her interests and what's going on in her life, but you probably don't want to chat about trifles aimlessly. After the initial courtesies, explain the reason for your call. Most likely, she will appreciate your straightforwardness.
    • For example, you might say, “I’m calling to see if you would like to spend time with me tomorrow night.”
    • Or, "I'm calling to ask for the pasta sauce recipe we talked about."

Method 3 of 4: Flirt on the phone

  1. 1 Lower your voice. If you are trying to flirt with a girl, you need to sound confident. Lowering your voice slightly so that it doesn't sound squeaky or timid will definitely play into your hands. However, speak loudly so that the girl can hear everything you say.
  2. 2 Speak clearly and slowly. You may have a habit of speaking quickly when you are nervous. However, if you want your voice to sound playful, try slowing down your speech and speak clearly. This will help you speak more confidently (which is important when flirting).
  3. 3 Give compliments. If you're trying to win a girl's heart, make her feel good about herself, as this will definitely play into your hands. Compliment what you like about her, but be sincere and try to avoid being vulgar.
    • For example, you might say, "The other day I wanted to tell you ... you looked very pretty in that blue dress."
    • When complimenting, don't just focus on her physicality. If you are impressed with her sense of humor, intelligence, kindness, or other qualities, be sure to tell her about it.
  4. 4 Maintain a casual conversation. If you're trying to flirt, it's best to avoid tough topics like a friend's illness or downsizing at work. Instead, talk about fun and funny things, like your new cat or a recent trip to an amusement park.

Method 4 of 4: Hang up the call

  1. 1 Tell her you enjoyed talking to her. When you're ready to end the call, be sure to express your gratitude for the time she spent talking to you. Let her know that you enjoyed chatting and that you would like to chat with her again in the future.
    • For example, you might say, “You are a lot of fun talking to. Let's repeat it somehow. ”
    • Or: “It was a great conversation. Maybe we can continue for lunch tomorrow? "
  2. 2 Finalize any plans. If you called her for a specific reason, be sure to discuss the details before ending the conversation. For example, if you asked her out on a date and she agreed, be sure to specify when it will take place and where you will meet.
    • Even if you haven't made a date or made plans, it might be a good idea to ask when you will see each other again and then hang up. For example, you might say, “Maybe we'll see you this weekend at Anton's birthday. Let's chat there a little longer.
  3. 3 Say goodbye sincerely. At the end of the conversation, you will need to say goodbye. Depending on the time of day, you can end the call with the words "Good night" or "Have a nice day." Or use the more informal phrases "See you soon" or "Goodbye." The main thing is to be sincere - then the girl will understand that these are not empty words.


  • Of course, you want to believe that she will answer the call, but still be prepared to leave a voice message (if you use this function). Think ahead of yourself before picking up the phone so you don't mumble something.
  • During her speech, it would be nice to ask questions - this will show that you are interested in her. However, do not overwhelm her with questions so that she does not feel like she is in an interview or questioning.
  • Always call back if you have promised to do so later. Otherwise, she may think that you are a frivolous person.
  • If you've met a girl you would like to get to know better, schedule a call when she gives you her phone number.For example, you might say, "I'll call you Sunday afternoon."