How to apply charcoal mask

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to use the Charcoal Mask THE RIGHT WAY
Video: How to use the Charcoal Mask THE RIGHT WAY


If you've tried everything to heal oily or problem skin, try a charcoal mask! While more research is needed to determine how charcoal improves skin, charcoal masks can effectively remove blackheads and fine hairs. Once you test for skin reaction, apply the mask to the problem area and let it dry. Peel off the mask slowly, then wash and use a moisturizer.


Method 1 of 2: Prepare your face for applying the charcoal mask

  1. 1 Choose a high quality charcoal mask. Buy an option from a reputable beauty brand or skincare company. Look for charcoal masks that contain activated charcoal, soothing agents (such as aloe vera), and essential oils that can also soothe your skin.
    • If you decide to make your own mask at home, do not use glue. It contains ingredients that can cause the mask to harden and damage the skin when removed.
  2. 2 Check for skin reaction. Whether you're mixing your own charcoal mask or using a store-bought blend, test your skin for allergies or irritations before applying the product to your face. Apply a small amount to the cheek or back of your wrist. Wait 10 minutes and look for signs of irritation.
    • Signs of allergy or irritation include redness, swelling, rash, or itching.
  3. 3 Pull your hair back if necessary. If you are worried that your hair will fall on your face while you are wearing the mask, pull it up in a ponytail. This will prevent hair from sticking to the product.
  4. 4 Cleanse your face and get rid of dead skin cells before applying the mask. Wash your face with your favorite mild cleanser. This will wash away dirt and grease from your face and prepare it for the mask. To open up your pores, you should also use a mild scrub and rinse it off before applying the mask.

Method 2 of 2: Apply a charcoal mask to your face

  1. 1 Spread the mask over your face. Squeeze out a small amount of the product (about the size of a five-ruble coin) into a small bowl. Dip a clean brush into the mixture and spread evenly over the skin. You can apply the mask all over the face or only on acne-prone areas. If you have acne or blackheads, consider paying attention to the T-zone (between your nose and forehead).
    • You can use a wide, flat foundation brush or a special brush designed for applying masks. If you don't have a brush, clean fingertips will do.
    • Try to spread the charcoal mask as gently as possible over acne-prone areas to avoid irritation.
  2. 2 Do not apply the mask to the area around the eyes and lips. Since the skin around the eyes and lips is very sensitive, avoid getting the mixture in these areas. Apply the mask while standing in front of a mirror to see exactly where it goes.
  3. 3 Wait 7-10 minutes. The mask should dry completely; when this happens, you will most likely feel tightness or itching on your skin. If the mask begins to cause discomfort or pain, it is worth rinsing it off without waiting until 10 minutes have elapsed.
  4. 4 Peel off the mask. Start at the bottom and shoot slowly, working your way up to the top of your face. If you applied the mixture only to the T-zone, start at the wings of the nose, heading towards the forehead.
  5. 5 Wash and moisturize your face after using the mask. Some of the mixture may remain on the skin. Wash your face with a mild cleanser and rinse with cold water. Apply a mild moisturizer that won't clog pores (non-comedogenic) and let your skin dry naturally.
  6. 6 Use a charcoal mask every two weeks or less. To limit skin irritation, consider only applying the product when you have acne or a rash. Since the charcoal mask removes the top layer of skin and hair from the face, it is worth waiting at least two weeks before repeating the procedure.
    • If you have eczema or sensitive skin, do not apply charcoal mask as it can damage your skin.

You need

  • Small bowl
  • Makeup brush
  • Charcoal mask
  • Mild cleanser
  • Facial moisturizer
  • Mild scrub
  • Scrunchy