How to wash dishes

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 16 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How To Properly Wash the Dishes
Video: How To Properly Wash the Dishes


Dirty dishes tend to build up quickly, but this problem is easy to deal with. So, almost all dishes can be washed by hand or in the dishwasher, with the exception of cast iron products. Try a little and the dishes will be clean again!


Method 1 of 3: Hand-washing dishes

  1. 1 Drain leftover food from the plates into the trash can. Use cutlery to scrape off any leftover food from the plates into the trash. If a waste shredder is installed in the sink, you can clean the residue down the sink.

    Advice: do not drain grease down the sink, as it can harden and clog the pipes.

  2. 2 Fill the sink halfway with hot water and add a tablespoon (15 ml) of detergent. Use the hottest water you can handle. While water is filling the sink, add a tablespoon (15 ml) of detergent under running water to create a lather. Turn off the water when the sink is half full.
    • The hot water should be drawn into a clean sink.
  3. 3 Start with the least dirty dishes. The first step is to wash the cutlery and glasses. Next, move on to the plates and bowls. Finally, soak and wash pots, pans and other utensils, which will make the water very dirty.
  4. 4 Wash the dishes under water with a sponge or rag. It will be easier for you to remove any dried food debris from the dishes underwater. Wash each item with a clean sponge or rag in a circular motion. Then the dishes must be removed from the water and inspected.
    • If the water becomes too dirty and cloudy, it should be replaced.
    • Wash the knives from the butt side to avoid touching the blade. Never leave sharp knives in the sink, as they can be overlooked in dirty water.

    Advice: If the food is burnt to the surface, first soak the dishes in the sink for 10-15 minutes.

  5. 5 Rinse off the dishwashing liquid with clean hot water. Finish washing the dishes and rinse off any foam under hot running water. Wash the inside of the bowls and cups several times to remove any foam.
    • Do not use cold water to prevent streaks on the dishes.
    • If you have a double sink, rinse the dishes over the empty half to avoid cluttering the sink. Otherwise, you will have to drain the dirty water first.
  6. 6 Place the dishes in the dryer or use a clean towel. Arrange the plates on a rack dryer or in the second half of a double sink. If you do not have a special stand, then fold the dishes upside down on a clean towel to dry. Place the dishes on the shelves after 30-60 minutes.
    • It is best to air dry dishes as there may be germs on the dirty towel.

Method 2 of 3: How to wash dishes in the dishwasher

  1. 1 Wipe off any food debris from the dishes. Use cutlery to remove food debris from plates or utensils in the trash can.Try to remove all residues so as not to clog the dishwasher. Then rinse the dishes in the sink to rinse out any dried small food debris.
    • If you turn on the dishwasher immediately after eating, you do not need to rinse the dishes.
  2. 2 Place cups, fusible plastic utensils, and bowls on top of the dishwasher. Place the cups on the top shelf between the dividers. Tilt all the dishes so that no water remains in the bowls and cups after the end of the wash cycle.
    • Make sure all dishes are dishwasher safe, otherwise they may melt or be damaged.
  3. 3 Place plates, pots, and pans on the lower rack. Place large flat pans at the edge or near the back of the bottom shelf to avoid blocking the detergent drawer. The plates should face the dirty side in the direction of the water supply. Pots and pans should be turned upside down so that no water collects inside during the process.
    • In most dishwashers, the baffles of the bottom shelf are angled to ensure that the dishes are facing in the desired direction.
    • Do not stack the plates on top of each other, otherwise the water will not be able to wash the entire surface of the plates.

    What not to wash in the dishwasher:

    wooden dishes,
    pewter dishes,
    cast iron dishes,
    crystal dishes,
    thin porcelain.

  4. 4 Place your cutlery in the storage compartment on the bottom shelf or door. Instrument handles should face down and the dirty side up. Do not fold the cutlery very tightly so that water can freely penetrate between them.
    • Make sure that long-handled appliances do not hit the water spray in the middle of the dishwasher. Place them on the top shelf if necessary.
    • Separate silver and stainless steel appliances as silver may darken on contact with other metals.
  5. 5 Add a suitable detergent to the dedicated compartment. The amount of detergent can be checked in the instructions for the dishwasher, but usually one tablespoon (15 ml) of detergent is used. You can also use special powder and capsules. Add them inside or pour the liquid into the compartment and close the small door.
    • Do not use regular liquid dish detergent to prevent foam from remaining on the plates.
  6. 6 Turn on the dishwasher. Close the machine door, select the desired mode, then press the start button. Wait until the cycle is complete.
    • If you're just doing the dishes after dinner, the standard mode is fine.
    • Use the delicate mode for lightly soiled dishes or delicate glass items.
    • For pots and pans, use the High setting.

Method 3 of 3: How to wash a cast iron pan

  1. 1 Pour hot water into the pan immediately after use. When there is no food left in the pan, pour half of the hot water. Leave it on the stove and do not put it in the sink.
    • Use a cup of water to keep the pan away from the sink.
  2. 2 Scrape off any food debris with a new sponge or stiff brush. Support the pan with your dominant hand through an oven mitt or hot glove. With the other hand, immediately scrape off any food debris. After cleaning the pan, drain the water into the sink.
    • Do not use detergent or steel wool to avoid damaging the cast iron.
    • If the water is too hot, then use a long-handled brush or hold the sponge with tongs.
    • Do not leave water in the pan or it will rust.
  3. 3 Dry the pan thoroughly with a towel. Use a clean kitchen towel to keep germs out. Dry the entire pan thoroughly so that no water remains in it, otherwise it may rust.
    • You can also leave the skillet on low heat for 10-15 minutes to evaporate the water.
  4. 4 Treat the pan with vegetable oil using a paper towel. The oil will protect the surface of the cast iron pan. Pour one tablespoon (15 milliliters) of vegetable oil into the skillet and spread evenly over the frying surface with a paper towel. Spread the pan in small circular motions and let the oil dry for 20-30 minutes, then remove the pan.

    Advice: if you don't have vegetable oil, replace it with a tablespoon (15 milliliters) of melted fat.


  • Listen to your favorite music or audiobook as you wash the dishes so you don't get bored.
  • Wash the dishes right away so they don't build up.


  • Never leave sharp knives in the sink to avoid cutting yourself.

What do you need

How to wash dishes by hand

  • Dish detergent
  • Sponge or rag
  • Towel
  • Drying rack

How to wash dishes in the dishwasher

  • Dish detergent

How to wash a cast iron pan

  • Sponge or stiff brush
  • Towel
  • Potholder or glove for hot
  • Paper towels
  • Vegetable oil