How to cook salmon fillets

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 23 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Food Lab: How to Make Pan-Fried Salmon Fillets With Crispy Skin
Video: The Food Lab: How to Make Pan-Fried Salmon Fillets With Crispy Skin


1 Combine the garlic salt, lemon juice and olive oil. Whisk the whole thing together in a small bowl and transfer to a 4 liter ziplock plastic bag.
  • You can also use glassware lined with aluminum foil instead of a plastic bag.
  • 2 Cover the salmon. Place the fish in the marinade and close the bag tightly. Turn the bag over several times to coat the salmon on all sides.
    • If using glassware, turn the salmon several times in the marinade to coat the fish on all sides and cover the dish with aluminum foil.
  • 3 Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Place the marinade bag and salmon fillets in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
    • Salmon, like the rest of the fish, is not as dense as meat and poultry. Therefore, there is no need to marinate it for a long time.
    • Remove the salmon from the refrigerator at least 10 minutes before cooking. The temperature of the fish will rise and it will cook more evenly.
  • Method 2 of 6: Method One: Bake

    1. 1 Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Prepare a shallow baking sheet by lining it with non-stick aluminum foil.
      • Grease a baking sheet with cooking fat if you don't have aluminum foil on hand.
    2. 2 Place the salmon on the prepared baking sheet. If the salmon fillets are skinned, place the fish skin side down.
      • Arrange the fillets in one layer, evenly spaced between the pieces.
    3. 3 Bake for 15 minutes. Place the baking sheet in the oven on the middle rack and bake until tender.
      • Once the salmon is done, you can easily separate the pieces with a fork. The middle should be opaque.
    4. 4 Serve at the desired temperature. Salmon fillets can be served warm, straight out of the oven, or cooled to room temperature.

    Method 3 of 6: Method Two: Grill Oven

    1. 1 Preheat the grill element in the oven for 5-10 minutes.
      • Most grill elements do not have temperature control, but if you can, set the temperature to high.
    2. 2 Transfer the fillets to a grill pan. Place the fish skin side down on the inner rack.
      • Arrange the fillets in one layer, evenly spaced between the pieces.
      • If desired, coat the rack with cooking fat before placing the fish. It is not recommended to do this in the case of fatty meats, but salmon does not produce much fat. This will greatly reduce the risk of fish sticking to the rack while cooking.
    3. 3 Cook for 10-12 minutes. Place a grill pot 14 centimeters from the top heating element and saute the salmon until tender.
      • The salmon is ready if you can split it easily with a fork. The middle should be opaque.
      • You can turn the salmon over once during cooking to ensure an even browning, but this is not necessary. In addition, it is not easy to turn the fish over, and it can fall apart prematurely in the oven.
    4. 4 Serve. Salmon can be served hot, straight out of the oven, or cooled to room temperature.

    Method 4 of 6: Method Three: Grill

    1. 1 Preheat your grill. You can use a gas grill or charcoal grill to cook salmon fillets.
      • If you have a gas grill, preheat it to 230 degrees Celsius.
      • If you are using a grill, place a layer of charcoal on the bottom of the grill and light it. Let the coals burn for 30 minutes.
    2. 2 Wrap the salmon fillets in aluminum foil. Place each fillet in the center of a piece of aluminum foil. Fold and secure the edges of the foil tightly.
      • If using non-stick aluminum foil, place the salmon fillets on the non-stick side.
    3. 3 Place the packaged salmon on the grill and cook for 14-16 minutes. Turn the fish once for 7 or 8 minutes with tongs or a heat-resistant spatula.
      • It can be difficult to check if the fillets are done, as the foil will be hot to the touch. You may need to wait until you remove the fish from the grill. If the fillets don't come off easily with a fork, or the center is translucent, wrap the foil over and put the fish back on the grill.
    4. 4 Allow fish to cool slightly before serving. Leave the salmon in the foil for 5 minutes at room temperature before serving.

    Method 5 of 6: Method Four: Frying in a Pan

    1. 1 Preheat a skillet or stewpan over high heat. The pan should be hot, but not smoke.
      • If desired, you can spray a thin layer of cooking fat into the pan or cover it with 1 tablespoon before heating. (15 ml) olive oil. However, this is not necessary if you are cooking marinated salmon fillets or greased with olive oil beforehand.
    2. 2 Place the fish in a preheated skillet. Cook for 3 minutes, then turn each piece over and cook for another 3-4 minutes.
      • Use the fish spatula to turn the fillets over. Do not turn it over with tongs, as the salmon can fall apart.
      • The salmon is done if you can split it up easily with a fork and the whole fillet is not translucent.
    3. 3 Allow the salmon to cool slightly before serving. Leave the fish at room temperature for 5 minutes before serving.

    Method 6 of 6: Method 5: scalding

    1. 1 Bring the water to a gentle boil. Pour water into a deep saucepan. Heat over medium heat until the water starts to boil slightly.
      • If desired, you can add salt to the water as soon as it warms up. You can also add 1 chopped shallots or green onions and a few sprigs of fresh rosemary or other herbs to the water for flavor. This is a common way to improve the palatability of cooked salmon, and is used even more often than pickling.
    2. 2 Place the salmon fillets in a saucepan. If it is skin-on, lay the fish skin-side down. Cover and cook for 5-10 minutes.
      • If the salmon separates easily with a fork and is no longer translucent, it is ready.
    3. 3 Serve warm. Remove salmon fillets from heat and let cool for 3-5 minutes before serving.


    • If you like, you can make another batch of the marinade and use it as a sauce or icing. To use it as a frosting, cover the salmon with a cooking brush halfway through the grilling, pan, or oven cooking process. To use it as a sauce, thicken the marinade on the stovetop over medium-high heat.
    • When baking or frying in a pan, you do not need to marinate the fish, but simply cover it with a layer of fresh herbs, such as parsley, basil, or dill.
    • You can experiment with marinade by adding different combinations of oils, acids, and seasonings. Acids usually include vinegar and citrus juices, and seasonings can be dry or wet. For example, you can create a marinade with soy sauce, rice vinegar, olive oil, and brown sugar. You can also use a vinaigrette sauce that already includes vinegar, oil, and seasonings.

    What do you need

    • 4 liter resealable plastic bag or glassware
    • Non-stick aluminum foil
    • Cooking fat
    • Baking tray
    • Grill pot
    • Grill
    • Fish spatula
    • Pan
    • Fork