How to flatter girls

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Flatter a Girl | Dating Tips
Video: How to Flatter a Girl | Dating Tips


Flattery is a great way to show a girl that you like her, or just to please her. Of course, in this case, you have to be careful not to fall into the category of "strange types". Follow these simple steps to brighten up someone's day as a result.


Part 1 of 2: Flattering Words

  1. 1 Flatter the specific details of her appearance. The best way to compliment a girl is to pay attention to her appearance. You can do it without nasty comments and special attention to her physical characteristics.
    • Be specific with your flattery, for example, “I really love how this green sweater accentuates the green hue in your eyes.” A detailed compliment should be about a specific detail of her appearance, and not just “you are cute” or “you are beautiful”.
    • Another good way to flatter is by looking at her outfit combination. If she wears beautiful earrings, say, “These earrings look very beautiful on you. You have a good taste".
    • Do not do, do not do, do not give vulgar compliments (“cool ass” or “I would hit”), only if you know the girl very well, and she will correctly perceive your comment. Most girls (whom you don't know) will be hostile to this compliment.
  2. 2 Use alternatives to the words “hot” and “sexy”. These compliments are overused and lose their power over time. Even “pretty” may not be the best option. Use other words for this kind of compliment.
    • Several interesting options for using in compliments: "shining," "breathtaking," "elegant" or "dazzling" and others.
    • You can even use the word “incredible”, which can flatter not only her looks, but her personality as well.
  3. 3 Flatter her character. Too often, people only compliment a girl's appearance. Expand the boundaries of flattery and think about its personality traits. Be specific and honest or you will not be taken seriously.
    • Say, for example, "I love spending time with you, any party turns into the best when you are around."
    • Or note how kind and generous the girl is. If she helps friends and family all the time, you might say something like, “It's so great that you are helping people! But, try not to forget about your personal interests. " You will show that you have noticed her qualities and that you care about her.
  4. 4 Flatter one of her accomplishments. Women, like men, want to be noticed not only because of their appearance. Find out about her achievements and flatter her about them.
    • If she plays an instrument or sings, ask her to play for you. Praise her. Make the compliment unique. You might say, "You're so good at holding high notes!"
    • If she has just finished playing a difficult game, praise her. (Don't say “You're good for a girl;” that's not a compliment.)
    • If she just finished her dissertation or master's degree, praise her choice of education and how hard she tried to achieve it.
  5. 5 Let her know how much she means to you. Flattery is a way of communicating how important this person is to you and why.
    • For example, you might say, "It's so easy to get along with you."
    • Another example: "Nobody makes me laugh like you." You pay attention to details that are important to her, unique details that she will appreciate in the future.
  6. 6 Flatter her ideas. Making it clear that her ideas are great is a great way to compliment her. She will feel smart and understand that you are paying attention to her conversations and listening carefully.
    • If she does artistic work (writer, painting, photography, music, etc.) tell her that she has a great creative mind. Even better, give an example of her work. For example: “I really like the green color you used in this painting, and the result is very beautiful.”
  7. 7 Ask for her opinion. This way, you flatter and show that you respect her opinion and that you care about what she thinks.
    • If you know she is interested in politics, talk to her about it. Say that she changed the way you see things.
    • Especially ask the girl for her opinion if she is an expert in a particular field. If she works as a marketer, ask her about advertising or promoting a company's image.

Part 2 of 2: Flattery in Action

  1. 1 Give her something. You don't need to buy a very expensive gift like a diamond necklace, but something small that will show your attention and thoughts about her.
    • If she loves flowers, give her a lovely bouquet of her favorite flowers. By giving her favorite flowers, you show that you have paid attention to her preferences.
    • If she loves gardening, give her the seeds of the rare plants she has long wanted or a pair of new gloves.
    • If she writes often, in a diary or just like that, buy her a notebook or an interesting pen. Try to choose something that suits her interests that she really likes.
  2. 2 Show that you are listening to her. Showing that you listened to her or noticed the deeds that she did, you give a very important compliment, many people forget about it. Naturally, you need to listen to what she is talking about and be attentive to the things she does.
    • If she has problems with a neighbor or family member, ask her about it. This will show your attentiveness and concern.
    • If she is considering a new hairstyle, piercing, or tattoo, compliment it when it does. Say, “This haircut suits you very well” or “A very creative and beautiful tattoo. Did you draw it yourself? "
  3. 3 Take an interest in her accomplishments. Even if it's small, ask her to show you something that she is proud of. It can be anything from baked goods to clothes and so on.
    • Ask her for help with a project on a topic she understands. For example, if a girl works as a furniture designer. Ask her for help with your apartment and choosing new furniture.
    • If she's a good web designer, ask her for help with web page design for your new book, new company, or simple blog.
  4. 4 Trust her movie / restaurant / music choices. When you encourage the idea of ​​making decisions for the two of you, you make it clear that she has good taste and that you trust her. The idea that someone thinks you have good taste is very flattering.
    • Say, "You always choose good food, why don't you choose for both of us."
    • Ask her for help in choosing clothes (if she likes it). Tell her that she has good taste and always notices good clothes and you would really like her to help you. You will spend more time with her and show how important her talents are.
  5. 5 Offer help. If she's going through tough times or organizing an event, help her.This will show that you have noticed her problems and want to take care of her.
    • If she is busy at work, university, or other activities, offer her dinner and do the dishes after you (it will be a bonus if you cook it yourself).
    • If she is organizing an event, offer her your help and try to get her to do it successfully. She will not forget your help in her affairs and will understand that you are interested in her activities.
    • Ask her what she wants. If she is tired and you offered to do a massage, but she said no, do not insist and ask how you can help her.
  6. 6 Show your respect for her. This is a very important part of your adulation to her. Respect her qualities and as a person in general. If you don't show respect, your flattery will seem odd.
    • For example: If you say something nice about her appearance and she doesn't respond, don't insist. Don't feel bad about her if she doesn't respond to your compliment.
    • Remember, just because you said something good or did something good doesn't mean she owes you anything.


  • Notice something new in it and point it out.
  • Specificity, honesty and respect are the main criteria for flattery to girls (in fact, to all people). Be specific in your compliments, be honest with what you say, and respect her response.


  • Don't bother her with your flattery.
  • Don't flatter about the same thing. If you give three of the same compliments over and over again, she may think that you only notice these three things in her (especially if you flatter her appearance).