How to change the color of a hydrangea

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to change the color of hydrangea flowers.
Video: How to change the color of hydrangea flowers.


Hydrangeas are considered a beautiful addition to the garden. And you can change their color simply by adding different nutrients.


  1. 1 For pink flowers, spray lime around the hydrangea. 2 or 3 sprays will be enough.
  2. 2 While watering the hydrangea, add aluminum sulfate tablets to the water, eventually you get blue flowers. The pH of the water should be no more than 5.6, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result.
  3. 3 Dig a steel wire scrubber under the hydrangea bushes. This will allow you to do blue the flowers are more vivid. Make sure you don't harm any insects or animals who might try to chew on a washcloth. Place it near the roots.


  • Lime or aluminum sulfate tablets should be sold at your local garden center.
  • It is easier to control the color of inflorescences in indoor hydrangeas than in plants planted in the ground. In particular, growing pink hydrangeas is easier in flower pots.
  • It is easier to make a blue hydrangea from a pink hydrangea than a pink one from a blue one.
  • Don't try experimenting with white hydrangeas; you cannot change them. Such colors show a slight natural pinkish tint even without external influence, but you cannot force them to change their natural color to another.


  • Make sure that lime, tablet and steel wool will not harm any living creature.

What do you need

  • Hydrangeas
  • Dolomite lime or aluminum sulfate tablets