How to avoid the temptation to sin

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 16 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Avoid Temptation to Sin? - Mufti Menk
Video: How to Avoid Temptation to Sin? - Mufti Menk


Human beings are naturally inclined to sin. Everyone at some point in their lives, they feel the need to commit a sin, because sins bring us tangible, albeit fleeting, satisfaction at the expense of moral and spiritual principles. The desire to sin is a temptation. We are judged by the degree to which we deal with temptation. In this article, you will find tips on how to avoid temptation and how to deal with it when it hits you.


Part 1 of 3: Make a Plan to Avoid Temptation

  1. 1 Identify your temptations and the personal flaws that create them. Everyone has their own temptations. Identify them and those personal qualities that make you fall into temptation - perhaps you lack confidence or you are always unhappy with yourself. You may have a tendency to prioritize pleasure over responsibilities. No two people are exactly alike. You may feel the same temptations as your family, friends, or acquaintances, but they may also be unique. A priest, psychologist, or other trusted person can help you discover your unique temptations and the flaws from which they developed.
  2. 2 According to Christian teaching, although Christ never sinned, but even he was tempted (Heb. 4:15). Take time to reflect on your personal temptations.
    • If you are having a hard time identifying your temptations, start by identifying the things in your life that make you sad. Then try to understand what thoughts or habits lead to these things. For example, you are in a serious relationship with the woman you love, but you often feel guilty about flirting with other women. Look into your soul. Ask yourself, "What thoughts or actions make me behave this way?" After some thought, for example, you might find out that you are worried about whether you have retained your attractiveness. The source of your temptation in this case is your sense of insecurity.
  3. 3 Set reasonable goals for dealing with temptation. When setting a goal, you must take into account the fact that you are human, which means you cannot be perfect. Don't set unattainable goals such as "I will never sin again." If you do this, you will certainly be disappointed. Understand that you will definitely sin again (and again, and again). Set a realistic goal with this in mind.
    • For example, if you did not go to school concerts where your child played, preferring to stay at home and watch TV, you can make it a goal to never miss his concerts (except in emergency circumstances) and reduce your time in front of the TV to four hours. week. You can really achieve this goal.
    • For a few of the most serious sins necessary establish a clear prohibition - for example, you should never commit murder or adultery. These sins can cause irreparable damage to the lives of others.
  4. 4 Take responsibility for your actions. You were given free will for a reason. Don't miss your opportunity to resolutely fight temptation and resist the temptation of inaction! Take action right now... Make it your goal to move forward to fight temptation. The hardest part is getting started. Do not go astray without even stepping on it: do not tell yourself that you will not be able to cope.
    • According to the Bible, when Christ died, he gave us authority over the forces of evil (Mark 16:17). Never fear the forces of evil in your life or run away from them. Diligence and sincere faith will help you cope with everything.
  5. 5 Turn your back on your past sins. The past is what you cannot change.Don't let yourself be overcome with regret for the sins you have committed in the past. The only correct path is forward towards a righteous life. If your past is marked by sin, admit your mistakes without undue guilt. Learn from your past mistakes and strive to never repeat them. Even if something goes wrong with you again, you can behave differently from the last time.
    • If you haven't already, sincerely ask God for forgiveness. God is infinite in his ability to forgive. In his eyes, if you are forgiven, then it is the same as if you have never committed this sin.
      • In Islam: “If someone commits an evil deed or is unjust towards himself, and then asks Allah for forgiveness, then he will find Allah Forgiving and Merciful” (Quran 4: 110).
      • In Islam: “Abu Qatadah said:“ The Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Verily, you will never lose anything in the name of Allah Almighty, but Allah will send something better in return” ”(Musnad of Imam Ahmad, 22565).
      • In Christianity: “I will remember no more their sins and their iniquities” (Heb. 10:17).

Part 2 of 3: Resist Temptation with Positive Behavior

  1. 1 Avoid situations and people that lead you into sin. Certain people, places, or situations make it easier to sin. Certain sins impossible without these or those things, circumstances or people. Stay away from things that induce you to sin. If you use drugs, avoid the places in the city where they are sold. If someone from your friends often persuades you to commit acts of vandalism, do not communicate with them. Distance yourself from people and things that are associated with sin, and this will eliminate the possibility of sinning and increase your chances of success in battling temptation.
    • Basically, helping people fight their sins is a good idea. However, if you are struggling with your own temptations, then sinful people can hinder you. Wait until you take control of your temptations before helping other people overcome their own sins.
    • Get rid of sources of temptation in your home. For example, throw your pornography collection away.
    • In some cases, a person may be the source of temptation in the home. For example, you may have to break up with your flatmate if he often convinces you to neglect your duties or get drunk together.
  2. 2 Get help. You don't have to fight your temptations alone. There is no shame in asking God or another person for help. If you are having difficulty overcoming temptation, talk to a priest (pastor, imam, rabbi, other worshiper), a psychologist, or a close friend. Accepting help is a strong and sensible act, and the purpose of these people is also to help you in difficult times.
    • Some temptations (such as the desire to watch pornography) are not necessarily considered sinful in modern secular society, although they are. If you need help overcoming this temptation, it may make more sense to seek advice from a priest, rabbi, or imam than from a secular interlocutor.
  3. 3 Keep busy. The old adage is right: "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." If you consistently engage in good, decent work or a variety of hobbies, then you will have less time for yourself, and, accordingly, you will less often feel the temptation to sin out of boredom. Commit yourself to work or school, working overtime or taking extra classes. Learn to play a musical instrument or learn a new language. If you have a lot of free time, do your bestto fill it with activities that will bring you closer to God or help improve your health, wealth, or moral character.
    • If you can't figure out what to do with your free time, try volunteering. Visit a homeless shelter, a crisis center, a retirement home - perhaps your talents and skills will come in handy to help those who are less fortunate in life.
  4. 4 Be persistent. Unfortunately, temptation doesn't just go away once you've made the decision to resist it. It remains. Sometimes a conscious decision to fight a temptation will temporarily make it even stronger. If, for example, you decide to resist the temptation to overeat chocolate, then after a day or two without chocolate, your craving for it will increase. It will take time for the temptation to disappear - and some temptations are so never and do not pass. This doesn't mean you better give up! Fight your temptations with all your might. Don't give up even if you fail and succumb to temptation again. The more persistently you fight, the more chances you have of defeating temptation.
    • Never reward yourself with sinful "indulgences" or "breaks." Beware of treading the slippery slope of instant gratification. This satisfaction is deceiving: you can tell yourself that you are not doing anything wrong, but before God you are sinning.
    • Treat temptations as bad habits that you must break. Work on forming new good replacing old habits by practicing good, virtuous behavior over and over again.

Part 3 of 3: Remaining a believer in the face of temptation

  1. 1 Recognize that temptation is inevitable. Know that no matter how hard you struggle, it is impossible to live life without temptation. At certain times, we will always feel tempted to sin - whether in small things, such as lying about the reason for being late for a meeting, or in more serious things, such as hitting someone who insulted you. Sometimes we will inevitably succumb to these temptations. butby making an effort, you can weaken the temptation's hold on you. Fighting temptation is like a lifelong war - be prepared to celebrate victories and learn from your failures.
  2. 2 Don't give up on your own flaws. Never fall prey to self-loathing. You don't deserve hate or disgust for feeling tempted. God always forgives. Don't get hung up on reprimanding and punishing yourself, even if you succumb to temptation over and over again. Use your time wisely: sincerely ask God for forgiveness and work to overcome your sins.
    • “Tell My slaves, who have overpowered themselves to the detriment of themselves:“ Do not despair at the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives sins completely, for He is Forgiving and Merciful ”” (Quran 39:53).
  3. 3 Study the word of God. There are many stories, parables, and proverbs in Scripture that can help us when we try to avoid our sinful temptations. The nature of sin and temptation is a topic that the Bible teaches a lot about. For example, turn to Romans 7:18 and read about how hard it is to resist temptation: “For I know that the good does not live in me, that is, in my flesh; because the desire for good is in me, but in order to do it, I do not find it. "
    • Many important figures in the Bible have fought (and often failed) temptation. Adam and Eve committed the first sin by succumbing to the temptation to eat the forbidden fruit. King David, one of the most important figures in biblical history, sent one of his soldiers to death in order to succumb to temptation to get his wife. Reading the Bible will help us understand how such great men and women have fought - and overcame temptations.

    Zachary rainey

    Ordinary Priest The Rev. Zachary B. Rainey is an ordained priest with over 40 years of pastoral service, including over 10 years as a hospice chaplain. He graduated from Northpoint Bible College and is a member of the General Council of the Assemblies of God.

    Zachary rainey
    Ordained priest

    By studying the word of God, you can check what the Bible really teaches. Zachary Rainey, an ordained priest, says: “Some people are turned away from the faith by untruth. Someone is giving them false ideas about Jesus, the Church, or the Bible. You should always check suspicious statements before taking them on faith. "

  4. 4 Remember to trust in God even when you are tempted. Fighting a particularly persistent temptation is hard work. It is easy to lose hope and even start thinking that God has left you. But this is infinitely far from the truth. Thoughts such as “my life is hard, so God must hate me” are not just wrong, but harmful. When you are struggling, God is especially worried about you. God wants you to be successful. Most of all, He wants you to overcome your temptation. Therefore, if God tests you, do not lose faith in him. Instead, face the challenge with honor.
  5. 5 Follow the example set by Christ and the prophets. They lived in purity and righteousness. Christ dedicated his life to people. He preached non-violence and was willing to suffer the cruelty of others. He was tempted, but he never gave in to them. Strive for the same - the common man cannot be compared to Christ, but you can become better by trying to imitate him.
    • The Qur'an praises Muhammad: “Indeed, your disposition is excellent” (Qur'an 68: 4).
    • Christians believe that through his sacrifice Christ cleansed us from sins: “they believe that by sacrificing himself, he delivered us from sins:“ If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, then we have fellowship with one another, and Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin ”(1 John 1: 7). If you are interested in salvation through Christ, talk to a priest, pastor, or other church representative.


  • Read the prayer. Follow God and avoid people in your life who cause you problems and negatively affect you.
  • You can do everything through Christ, who gives you strength. They call him extremely strong. When you want to get rid of any emotion, any doubt, any disease or illness, speak the words of faith with a heart filled with faith. Scripture is what you should have, also use "In the name of Jesus" or "Blood of Jesus Christ." Speak these words with conviction!
  • Let your thoughts be with God.
  • Forgive and believe firmly in God our father. For the one who sins will not go unpunished, but the one who asks for forgiveness will be forgiven.
  • Remember, “Therefore, now there is no condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ, who go not at the call of the flesh, but at the call of the Soul. ! ”(Romans 8: 1)
  • Always have faith, always be in love and forgive people.
  • When you fail and succumb to temptation, pray. Pray for forgiveness, get back on your feet and get on with your life with Jesus. When God forgives you, he completely forgets that you have ever sinned.
  • Pray before making a decision.
  • Talk to God, Jesus, and other saints in heaven on your own mind. It doesn't have to be full prayer, nor does it have to fold your hands in a particular way. Speak simply as if you were a friend. For example: "Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful weather."
  • Ask God for forgiveness, even if it seems to you that you are not sinning. There is always the possibility of sinning unintentionally.


  • We must believe the word of the Lord. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says that God does not tempt you more than you can overcome. While you may fail, remember that victory is always possible.
  • Don't dwell on past mistakes. Dwelling on old sins that God has forgiven will only make Satan's influence on you stronger. Be forgiven and move on. And remember, the second chapter of Proverbs says that whoever confesses his sins before God will receive forgiveness, and whoever does not will see death.

What do you need

  • Holy Bible
  • faith
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Discipline
  • Quotes of the Holy Fathers