How to lose belly fat in a week

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Lose Belly Fat in ONE Week at Home with 3 Simple Steps
Video: How to Lose Belly Fat in ONE Week at Home with 3 Simple Steps


Belly fat, or so-called internal fat, envelops the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. Excessive amounts of it increase the risk of cancer, hypertension, dementia, stroke, cardiovascular problems, and diabetes. In one week, it is impossible to greatly lose weight and completely get rid of excess fat, especially from the one located on the stomach. Improving your health and completely shedding dangerous belly fat will require you to diet, exercise, and long-term lifestyle changes. However, in one week, you will be able to lay a solid foundation for healthy lifestyle changes that will help you lose weight.


Method 1 of 3: Introducing foods to reduce belly fat

  1. 1 Don't skip eating healthy fats. Studies have shown that eating the right types of fats, such as monounsaturated fats, may be 20% more effective in reducing belly fat compared to low-fat diets in general.
    • Monounsaturated fats, represented by fatty acids, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, fight the manifestations of diabetes and strengthen blood vessels.
    • Despite their health benefits, monounsaturated fats are very high in calories. They should not be added to an unhealthy diet or combined with unhealthy fats. They should replace unhealthy fats like trans fats or saturated fats.
    • Monounsaturated fats are found in a variety of foods: olive oil, olives, nuts, seeds, nut oil, avocado, and canola oil.
    • You can add healthy fats to your diet, for example, by replacing butter or animal fat with vegetable oil, grape oil, or avocado oil.
  2. 2 Eat lean protein. Lean (low-fat) protein sources will help you stay hungry longer and provide you with the energy you need to lose weight.
    • Be sure to consume lean protein with every meal. To stay within your established calorie limit, limit yourself to 85-115 grams of protein per serving.
    • Replace all fatty protein sources such as high-fat cheeses, red meats and sausages with pure protein sources such as chicken, turkey, fish, beans, lentils, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, and nuts.
  3. 3 Eat fruits and vegetables with every meal. At least half of your serving should always be fresh, plant-based foods. They are low in calories but high in nutrients and can help you lose weight and lose belly fat.
    • Belly fat is lost the fastest when the total number of calories consumed is reduced.When half of your food portion consists of fruits and vegetables, these low calorie foods can lower the total calorie content of the meal.
    • Measure out 1 cup of vegetables, 2 cups of greens, or half a cup of fruit per serving. Consume 1-2 such servings for each meal.
  4. 4 Choose whole grains for yourself. When trying to lose weight and shed dangerous internal fat, you should switch to whole grains for bread, rice and pasta.
    • Whole grains are significantly richer in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals than refined grains. They are healthier food choices.
    • Refined grains are so heavily processed that they lose their beneficial nutrients. Therefore, you should limit your consumption of white bread, white rice, regular pasta or crackers.
    • You should consume 1 to 2 servings of whole grains daily. A serving can be half a cup of rapeseed, brown rice, whole grain pasta, or millet.
  5. 5 Drink plenty of water. Help your body stay hydrated and hydrated by drinking enough water and other healthy fluids every day.
    • It is generally recommended to consume at least 8 glasses of water per day. However, many sources advise drinking up to 13 glasses of water daily.
    • Water is vital to maintain the body's water balance. It plays an important role in regulating body temperature and blood pressure.
    • In addition to maintaining water balance, water helps control appetite. In addition, drinking 1 glass of water before meals can reduce the total amount of food eaten later, which contributes to weight loss.

Method 2 of 3: Eliminate Belly Fat Foods

  1. 1 Eliminate sugar and flour products from premium wheat flour from the diet. Studies have shown that the main reason for the formation of internal fat is the consumption of sugary drinks, sweets and baked goods made from wheat flour. To help you get rid of belly fat as soon as possible, eliminate them from your diet in whole or in part.
    • Sweetened drinks such as soda, fruit juices, and energy drinks are combined with sweets, desserts, and baked goods to create internal fat. In addition, premium flour products and highly processed carbohydrates such as chips, crackers, white bread, regular pasta and white rice also contribute to belly fat.
    • If you crave sweets very much, try replacing your usual treat with a healthier meal. For example, eat Greek yogurt or some kind of fruit.
  2. 2 Stop drinking alcoholic beverages. Many studies have shown that alcohol abuse is linked to excess body fat. To get rid of excess belly fat, try to partially or completely limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
    • Many alcoholic cocktails are prepared with sugar and other sweetened drinks. Combining alcohol with sugar further increases the risk of internal fat formation.
    • In general, a woman should not consume more than one serving of alcoholic beverage per day and a man should not consume more than two.
  3. 3 Limit your intake of fatty foods. In addition to eating healthy fats, you should try to limit or completely avoid certain types of fat that contribute to belly fat and associated chronic health problems.
    • Avoid consuming trans fats. These man-made fats have been shown to reduce vascular elasticity, raise LDL (bad) cholesterol and lower HDL (good) cholesterol.Avoid all products that contain partially and fully hydrogenated oils. They are found in fried and highly processed foods, including meat products.
    • Eat saturated fat in moderation. There has been a lot of conflicting research on whether saturated fat is beneficial or not. In any case, try to limit your intake of this type of fat, since all fats are very high in calories, and you need to lose weight. Saturated fats are found in animal products such as butter, whole cheese, red meat, and lard.
    • Be sure to limit your intake of fatty meats, junk food, fried and processed meats, as these are the most important sources of unhealthy fats.

Method 3 of 3: Increasing physical activity and activity

  1. 1 Do yourself an interval training session 2-3 times a week. Intense interval training has become very popular lately. They burn calories efficiently and at the same time fight excess fat better than traditional cardio workouts.
    • According to a study by the University of Virginia, people who did 3 out of 5 cardio workouts per week and combined them with interval training burned more belly fat, despite the fact that the number of calories burned was the same as at 5 routine cardio workouts per week.
    • Most gym machines have interval training programs built in. Interval training can be done on a treadmill, stationary bike, and ellipsoid.
    • You can develop your own interval training program, alternating between short periods of very intense exercise and slightly longer periods of time with moderate intensity. For example, you can alternate between 1 minute of very fast sprint running and 5 minutes of light jogging.
  2. 2 Do a 30-minute cardio workout five days a week. Studies show that to effectively reduce belly fat, in addition to interval training, it is important to pay attention to cardio training, which should last at least 30 minutes, five days a week.
    • Some experts recommend up to 60 minutes of daily aerobic activity to improve the efficiency of eliminating excess internal fat and achieve more impressive weight loss results.
    • Try walking, cycling, swimming, cross-country walking, running, ellipsoid, or rowing.
    • This type of workout should be moderately challenging. Usually, with such a load, you do not lose the opportunity to talk, but maintaining a conversation with someone during it is difficult.
  3. 3 Increase your overall activity. An active lifestyle allows you to provide the body with additional physical activity. An increase in normal daily activity has the same effect as 150 minutes of weekly cardio routine.
    • Add physical activity to the time you usually spend sitting, such as watching TV, eating lunch in the office, or commuting. Think about when you could move more or walk more.
    • For example, do squats, push-ups, and planks during TV commercial breaks. Stretch your muscles while on transport and try to walk around the office at lunchtime.
    • You can also think about purchasing a pedometer or installing a program with this function on your smartphone. This will help you track your daily activity and will also be useful for monitoring the dynamics of your activity growth.
  4. 4 Do strength training 1-3 times a week. Lifting weights builds muscle mass, which helps improve metabolism and burn calories faster.
    • In addition, strength training helps increase bone strength, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
    • Take advantage of weight-lifting exercises such as push-ups, planks, squats, and lunges. They perfectly tone muscles and also speed up the heartbeat.
    • Learn to use free weights or strength machines. Start with well-known exercises such as bicep curls, incline press, calf raises, and core training machines.
    • If you have never done strength training before, then you might consider hiring a personal trainer. He will be able to demonstrate to you how to properly lift weights, as well as recommend an exercise program that suits you.


  • Always check with your doctor before starting to lose weight. He will be able to determine if you can lose weight and how safe it is for your health condition.
  • Despite the fact that you have set yourself the goal of reducing belly fat, remember that it is impossible to lose weight in the selected areas of your body. You will need to lose weight in general to get rid of excess body fat.
  • Instead of weighing at the very beginning and subsequent weekly weighings, it is better to measure your waist. This is the best way to ensure that you are losing belly fat. If your waist is more than 80 cm, then you should continue to work on losing weight to reduce your risk of diabetes, heart problems, and cancer.