How to get rid of a pimple overnight

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Your Acne Disappear Overnight | 4 Home Remedies For Pimples
Video: How To Make Your Acne Disappear Overnight | 4 Home Remedies For Pimples


Everyone knows the feeling when you wake up, look in the mirror and see those red and inflamed pimples that were not there when you went to bed in the evening. You can leave it as it is, or you can take steps to get rid of your acne as quickly as possible. Try the following steps.


Part 1 of 3: Treating Acne

  1. 1 Try sea salt. Mix a teaspoon of sea salt with two tablespoons of warm water. Then use a Q-tip to apply the mixture directly to the pimple. Do not rinse. Sea salt will kill bacteria and dry out the pimple.
  2. 2 Try benzoyl peroxide. It kills bacteria that cause acne. This substance is found in various concentrations, with 2.5% being as effective as 5% or 10%, but causing less irritation. Benzoyl peroxide also exfoliates dead skin layers, revitalizing and improving color.
    • A significant improvement will be noticeable the next day.
  3. 3 Use salicylic acid. Like benzoyl peroxide, it kills acne-causing bacteria. Salicylic acid also renews the skin. Apply a small amount of salicylic acid directly to and around pimples after washing your face.
  4. 4 Try tea tree oil. This essential oil is antibacterial and helps kill germs trapped in your pores. Place the oil on a cotton swab and brush over the pimples. Be careful: use a small amount of oil.
    • Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory properties, so redness and acne will be less noticeable.
  5. 5 Use aspirin paste. Crush an aspirin tablet and add water to make a paste. Apply it directly to the pimples with a cotton swab and let dry. Aspirin also has anti-inflammatory properties, meaning it helps the skin fight inflammation and makes acne less visible. Leave the applied paste overnight.
  6. 6 Use an astringent on the affected area. These are substances that tighten the skin. Some pharmaceutical astringents also contain antimicrobial ingredients to help fight acne even more. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
    • Ready-made astringent lotions. They come in different types. Look for a product containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Ask for a remedy for sensitive skin.
    • As a last resort, try natural astringents:
      • Lemon juice. Its citric acid kills acne-causing bacteria and tightens the skin. Many people consider it to be a miracle cure. Slice a lemon and gently rub the slice over the affected areas. Then use a toner to even out the acid-base balance of the skin. Lemon has a high acidity and can disturb it, so a tonic is essential.
      • Banana peel. This effective insect bite treatment can also help fight acne. Gently rub the banana peel over the affected area.
      • Hamamelis. It is another common astringent. Look for alcohol-free witch hazel. Apply a small amount to the affected area and let dry.
      • Green tea. It has astringent properties and also contains a huge amount of antioxidants that help reduce the signs of aging by scavenging free radicals. Steep a green tea bag in hot water. Take out the bag and, without squeezing, briefly apply it to the affected area.
  7. 7 Use egg oil. Egg oil effectively removes acne and prevents scarring.
    • Wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer before using egg oil.
    • Use your fingertips to rub the egg oil lightly into the affected area. Repeat the procedure twice a day until the scars disappear.
    • Wash off the oil after an hour with a mild cleanser.

Part 2 of 3: Reducing redness

  1. 1 Place ice on the affected skin area. Ice should reduce swelling as it slows down blood flow. You can apply ice directly to the pimple, or wrap it in gauze or a towel.
  2. 2 Use eye drops. Some experts say that eye redness-reducing drops can also reduce redness and irritation of the skin. Put a few drops on a cotton swab and apply on pimples.
    • Since the cold also reduces acne inflammation, place a Q-tip soaked in eye drops in the freezer for an hour before using. The cold stick will relieve inflammation and soothe the skin.
  3. 3 Try natural antihistamines. Antihistamines reduce swelling in skin tissues. Most of these products come in pill form, but some can be found in the form of a tea or ointment. The latter should help relieve inflammation. Natural herbal antihistamines include:
    • Stinging nettle. This sounds odd, as touching the nettles causes a rash. However, some doctors recommend using freeze-dried nettle preparations because it reduces the amount of histamine produced in the body.
    • Coltsfoot. Europeans have used this plant for centuries to treat skin conditions. You can make a paste from the leaves or buy the drug in tablets.
    • Basil can also act as a natural antihistamine. Heat a couple of basil sprigs with steam and gently apply to the affected area. Perhaps this will help "convince" the body that it does not need to fight against the effects that caused the rash.

Part 3 of 3: General Tips

  1. 1 Wash your face twice a day. Try to wash your face twice a day. Do this gently and use a clean towel - acne is caused by bacteria that live on dirty towels.
    • Use a facial scrub once a week to remove dead skin cells. The scrub removes the top layer of skin called the epidermis. It is useful to do this procedure once a week.
    • Moisturize your skin after each wash. The skin is also an organ, and just like, for example, the kidneys, it needs moisture for health. Moisturize it after each wash.
  2. 2 Don't touch your face. Try not to touch your face - neither intentionally nor unconsciously. Your hands are unclean and conducive to the transfer of bacteria. The less you touch your face, the better your skin will feel.
  3. 3 Go in for sports. Exercise is a great way to get rid of acne. During your workout, you get rid of stress. Stress is believed to be a contributing factor to acne formation, although doctors are still not sure exactly how this happens.
    • Relieve stress and anxiety through exercise. Join a sports team, join the gym, or just do your daily workout. All of these will help you clear your skin.
    • Shower immediately after class. When you exercise, you sweat (at least if you exercise properly). After an intense workout, your skin is full of dirt, salt and dead skin cells.
  4. 4 Give up sweets. For beautiful skin, minimize the amount of sugar in your diet. Sugar can increase inflammation and lead to flare-ups and the formation of new acne. Avoid candy, chocolate, and sugary soda.
  5. 5 Don't drink alcohol. Alcohol can make your acne problem worse. It dehydrates the body, causing it to experience a lack of much needed water. It also contains a lot of sugar, which contributes to the formation of acne. Either way, try drinking less alcohol and monitor your body's response. Drink plenty of water while doing this.
  6. 6 Don't pop pimples. Do not squeeze, poke, scratch, scrape, pierce, or otherwise touch them except when applying ointment or other product. Otherwise, the redness and inflammation will only worsen. This is easy to say but difficult to do, but if you don't pop the pimples, scars may not form at all, and the pimples will go away faster.


  • Never pop pimples or blackheads. You can spread germs from them all over your face, and the rashes will get bigger.
  • When you sweat, your pores may clear, but if sweat stays on your skin for too long, it will clog them. Therefore, after playing sports, you need to take a shower for half an hour.
  • If you're not worried about what a pimple looks like, just forget about it! Acne is natural to the skin, and improper handling can cause bleeding or scarring.
  • Dry your face with a towel rather than scrubbing - rubbing will intensify the redness.
  • Products such as aloe vera gel and charcoal soap can help cleanse the affected area and reduce sebum production. Used regularly, they will also prevent acne breakouts.
  • If you have a really serious acne, try exfoliating your skin more than once a week and pick a scrub for a gentle daily exfoliation. Do not use it for more than three weeks, as excess exfoliation can cause new breakouts.
  • You can also try honey. Cover the pimple with honey and leave it overnight. The next morning the pimple should have a white head, which means that it will go away in a day or two.


  • Lemon juice can irritate sensitive skin.
  • Benzoyl peroxide can cause side effects such as redness and mild swelling, so test it before applying it all over your face. This happens most often with sensitive skin.